Brought to you by Poison Control Centers
October 2010 Edition
Autism is a life-long condition that begins in childhood, typically by age 2. Many people believe that there is a link between autism and childhood vaccination. There is no scientific controversy over whether vaccines cause autism: the answer is "no". Learn more...
More and more children are being injured, or even dying, from swallowing button or disk batteries. This tragedy can be prevented. Batteries stuck in the esophagus must be removed as quickly as possible as severe damage can occur in just 2 hours. Learn more...
More than ever, adults are poisoning themselves by mistake with prescription opioid pain relievers. Many of these people die and others require days of hospital treatment to recover. Learn more...
Capsaicin, the active ingredient in hot peppers, can be intensely irritating on the skin, in the eyes, to the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, and if inhaled. Learn more...
Reed diffusers are liquid air fresheners in a narrow-necked bottle with long "sticks" inserted in to the liquid. Ingredients vary, but two common ingredients can be dangerous to a child who swallows them. Learn more...
Two ways to get help for a poison emergency:
Both are free and confidential. Both provide expert guidance based on age, weight, and amount.
�NCPC 2014
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