Brought to you by Poison Control Centers
December 2010 Edition
Lots of alcohol plus lots of caffeine equals danger, with possible results ranging from sexual assault to automobile crashes to alcohol-induced coma or even death. Learn more...
Question: What belongs in a soft drink bottle? Answer: Soft drinks. ONLY. He thought he was drinking diet green tea. Two hours later, he was dead. Even emergency surgery couldn't save his life. Transferring a chemical into a soft drink bottle is a recipe for disaster...or death. Learn more...
Mercury is a naturally occurring substance, found in air, water, and soil. It also is found in dental amalgam fillings. In sufficient quantity, mercury is known to be toxic to humans. Even so, most research finds no relationship between fillings and symptoms of mercury poisoning. Learn more...
Misuse of denture creams containing zinc was the cause of zinc poisoning in some denture wearers. Problems with dental creams are uncommon; anyone with symptoms needs a complete evaluation to determine the cause. Learn more...
Ice-melting chemicals commonly contain sodium chloride or rock salt, calcium chloride, potassium chloride, magnesium chloride, and/or urea, also known as carbonyl diamide. If swallowed, they can be irritating and cause stomach distress. Learn more...
It is possible for heavy smokers to develop carbon monoxide poisoning. This can be severe enough to require treatment in an emergency room. Learn more...
Tea tree oil has been used as a "natural" remedy for a long time, especially for skin afflictions. There is some scientific evidence that tea tree oil can be effective for certain skin conditions. It is poisonous if swallowed and so should not be used in or around the mouth at all. Learn more...
Two ways to get help for a poison emergency:
Both are free and confidential. Both provide expert guidance based on age, weight, and amount.
�NCPC 2014
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