Brought to you by Poison Control Centers
March 2011 Edition
Vitamin D along with calcium, is essential for developing and maintaining strong bones and muscles. Some researchers have associated low vitamin D levels with chronic illnesses, but research findings about the health consequences of low vitamin D are not consistent. Learn more...
The bottom line for parents of infants and young children: products to prevent and treat diaper rash usually will not harm a child who swallows a small amount. The exception is talcum powder, which can be fatal if inhaled. Learn more...
Kombucha tea is a slightly effervescent, slightly alcoholic liquid for which many health claims are made. Home-brewed kombucha tea has been associated with several adverse health events. There are no scientific studies to support the many health claims made for kombucha tea. Learn more...
Spring can be a tough season for lawns. Homeowners sometimes use chemicals to repair winter damage and prepare the lawn for summer's rain, drought, or heat. If you decide to use chemicals to treat your lawn, choose only those which will treat your specific problem. Learn more...
Chelation therapy is a treatment for heavy metal poisoning: iron, mercury, arsenic, and lead. Some people give chelation "therapy" for other conditions such as cardiovascular disease, autism, and Alzheimer's. This exposes patients to risks without benefit. Learn more...
Two ways to get help for a poison emergency:
Both are free and confidential. Both provide expert guidance based on age, weight, and amount.
�NCPC 2014
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