Brought to you by Poison Control Centers
October 2011 Edition
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children be fed only with breast milk or formula until at least four to six months of age. Children have developed seizures and infections from herbal teas and remedies, lead poisoning, from traditional remedies, and liver damage. Learn more...
Mold 101: Effects on Human Health
Mold is a non-scientific term for many types of unwanted fungi found both indoors and outdoors. Active mold growth requires moisture. Actively-growing mold damages the material it lives on, thereby impairing structural integrity. Learn more...
Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) contain small amounts of mercury. A small percentage of this mercury can be released into the air if the bulbs are broken. Careful clean-up of broken bulbs can minimize the risk of mercury exposure. Learn more...
Acetaminophen is a very safe medicine when used in recommended doses to treat pain and fever. But too much acetaminophen can cause liver damage and even death. This has happened when parents didn't understand the concentration or measurements. Learn more...
The most frequent calls from offices to Poison Control are about drinking coffee pot cleaner instead of coffee, eating left-over food from an office party or the office refrigerator, and breathing in fumes from the photocopier. Learn more...
Two ways to get help for a poison emergency:
Both are free and confidential. Both provide expert guidance based on age, weight, and amount.
�NCPC 2014
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