Brought to you by Poison Control Centers
December 2011 Edition
Christmas tree preservatives aren't necessary. Commercial preservatives may cause stomach upset and vomiting in children and pets who swallow them. Home-made preservatives may contain ingredients that are harmful to children and pets. Learn more...
More young children now visit U.S. emergency rooms for drug poisonings than for car crashes. The most dangerous prescription medicines for children to get into include those for diabetes, anxiety, muscle spasms, sleep problems, heart disease, and more. Learn more...
Bedbugs are becoming more common. They are alarming and can cause uncomfortable bites. They do not cause human illness. Eliminating an infestation may require the assistance of a professional pest control operator. Learn more...
To date, there are no definite answers about how well melatonin works for a number of conditions or how safe it is when taken for long periods. Hundreds of melatonin studies have been published; many of them involved only small numbers of people. Learn more...
Fireplace flame color enhancers may contain heavy metals and/or caustic agents. Fire gel starter may contain methanol or hydrocarbons; both are toxic in small quantities. Fires can release poisonous carbon monoxide into the air. Learn more...
At one time, the usual sources of lead poisoning were lead paint and leaded gasoline. Now, more unusual sources of lead poisoning include jewelry, cosmetics, imported herbal and traditional medicines, and even hobby supplies. Learn more...
Bubble lights may contain methylene chloride. If swallowed or absorbed through the skin, methylene chloride becomes carbon monoxide inside the body. Learn more...
"ADHD" stands for "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder". Symptoms include hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and inability to pay attention, manage frustration, stay organized, or focus on tasks. Treatment is based on behavior therapy and/or drug therapy. Learn more...
Some herbal medicines and dietary supplements can affect blood clotting. This can complicate surgery and recovery if patients and doctors don't discuss ALL the medicines a patient is taking. Learn more...
Benzocaine is a local anesthetic (medicine that numbs skin and gums). Teething gels are among the over-the-counter preparations that contain benzocaine. However, even small amounts of benzocaine are dangerous for infants. Learn more...
A number of holiday decorations and treats can be hazards to a pet's health. Batteries can cause internal burns, water from tree stands and left-over food can contain bacteria, and decorations and plants can be choking hazards. Learn more...
Two ways to get help for a poison emergency:
Both are free and confidential. Both provide expert guidance based on age, weight, and amount.
�NCPC 2014
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