Brought to you by Poison Control Centers
December 2012 Edition
No one invites poison to a holiday gathering - at least not on purpose. Check out our round-up of tips for poison-free holidays before your holidays get crazy. You might want to share these with other family members. And, while you're at it, be sure you have Poison Control's number. Learn more...
Rubbing alcohol looks like water. Only small amounts are poisonous to children. It is also poisonous to adults, who sometimes substitute rubbing alcohol for drinking alcohol. Rubbing alcohol can also be toxic when inhaled. It should be used in a well-ventilated area. Learn more...
There are nearly 1500 documented interactions between drugs, herbal medicines, and dietary supplements. These interactions can cause a wide variety of harmful effects. Taking an herb or supplement could change the way a prescription medicine works in the body. Learn more...
Medication errors can be dangerous for humans and for pets. An overdose of the pet's own medicine can be harmful, even fatal. Some human medicines are very dangerous for pets. Drug interactions can occur in pets, just as they can in humans. Be careful when medicating pets. Learn more...
More and more household cleaning products are found in spray bottles. More and more children are being poisoned by those products. Cleaning products in spray bottles are now the leading source of cleaning products that poison children. Most injuries are to the eyes and head. Learn more...
Are you getting ready for holiday parties? Setting out mixers? Choosing wine? Primping? Getting dressed up? A few things have changed over the years. See if you can answer these toxic twists about soda, herbs, makeup and wine! Learn more...
Two ways to get help for a poison emergency:
Both are free and confidential. Both provide expert guidance based on age, weight, and amount.
�NCPC 2014
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