Brought to you by Poison Control Centers
June 2015 Edition
Salvia is an hallucinogen that is legal to buy in some states. Teenagers access Salvia more easily than other drugs of abuse. It has no accepted medical uses, so purchase or possession should be assumed to be for abuse. Learn more...
The majority of mosquito bites only cause minor skin irritation. However, mosquitoes can spread serious viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections. The most effective way to prevent infections spread by mosquitoes is to prevent mosquito bites. Learn more...
Warm temperatures, sunlight, and added nutrients can cause an overgrowth or "bloom" of algae in bodies of water. Some algae produce toxins that can poison people or animals when they swallow, swim in, or inhale the water. Learn more...
Propylhexedrine (Benzedrex) inhalers can be bought without a prescription for use as a nasal decongestant but can be abused to stay alert or get high. They should not be used for those purposes. Learn more...
Two ways to get help for a poison emergency:
Both are free and confidential. Both provide expert guidance based on age, weight, and amount.
�NCPC 2015
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