St. John's at the Crossroads
June 3, 2016
Thanks for a Wonderful Year!
By Nancy Derr, Church School Director

The whole upstairs hall ended up out on the playground by the end of the church school hour last Sunday, and there was a great sense of community out there.  We had four newcomers among the classes of three year olds through seven year olds, and they were happily swept along.  The prior week we welcomed sisters, in the fourth and seventh grades, who were eager to return.  For the open arms of our classrooms, I want to thank our teachers, who model and teach how to greet and include and connect.

At the 9 am service on June 5, the last day of church school for this season, we will acknowledge and honor the teachers who have devoted themselves since mid-September to the children and teens of St. John's, preparing lessons, directing performances, creating ties to other classes, and reaching out to families.  It's a great job I have, both getting to know the children and teens every week and working alongside the volunteers, with their creativity, patience, and enthusiasm.

Please look for our latest church school photos in two places: the annual collage of the seniors over the years is now all around the parish hall walls.  The church school bulletin board is a few steps down from the West Avenue lobby, on the external wall of the elevator.  Currently on display is a photo of Susan Little and Pam Kempf, our long-time pre-school teachers, who are both "taking sabbaticals," which will be an adjustment for all of us.  For well over ten years, three-year-olds have contentedly passed through their loving care.  They have been a steady lynchpin of our program.

Also take a look at photos of our J2A class, who have chosen Banff as a pilgrimage destination.  They are anticipating Youth Sunday, the auction, and confirmation next year, before their June 2017 departure.  And you'll enjoy the pictures of the kindergarten acting out scary things (like barking dogs) and then holding hands to help each other and thinking of Jesus' love to calm their fears.

You are welcome to visit any of our twelve classrooms, which are in every available room both upstairs and on the lower level, during the church school hour, though June 5 is your last chance until mid-September.  Our classes are inspiring, and the teachers make them so.  I'll end with a list of this year's group of volunteers, from the teachers of the oldest to the youngest. 

Brent Fewell, Lee Walsh, Tim Kennedy, Kathy Kemper Dean, Greg Baer, Shirley Sagawa, Elly Sullivan, Walter Carr, Cassie Carr, Wendy Vicente, Cynthia Greer, Emily Hedin, Amy Jackson, Ted Dean, Tess Hess, Jared Hess, Deb Borkowski, Mike Borkowski, Dawn Harris, Leslie Kass, Charlie McNamara, Jan McNamara, Nicole Christensen, Fritz Kass, Bonnie Duffy, Jessica Flugge, Mark Flugge, Judy Pendergrass, Becky Berman, Mindy Power, Rich Power, Susan Little, Pam Kempf, Doug Jones, and Nike Refshauge.  I know you join me in thanking them.

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Thank You
A Meaningful and Moving Children's Chapel
The Prayer Loom has become a meaningful and colorful illustration of the power of prayer
During the 9am service on May 22nd, Saint John's welcomed its Children's Chapel kids upstairs to share in a special inter-generational worship service. Adults and children alike have shared that our time together was meaningful and moving. I'm tremendously grateful to all those who made the service a success, especially Mark Vicente who has become a regular volunteer in our Children's Chapel ministry. 

Children's Chapel Day offered us all a time to reflect on the gift of the Prayer Loom, the worship project that has been created by Saint John's parishioners over the past several weeks. This week, the Loom will make its way its permanent home on the stage of Hines Hall, where our Children's Chapel meets. Our hope is that it will be a reminder for our youngest parishioners of the power of prayer and of their important place in our church family. Starting next year, the Prayer Loom will become a regular part of our Lenten observances at Saint John's, offering a place for us all to pray and reflect on our life together as a church. 

As a reminder, Children's Chapel will continue to meet all summer during the combined 10am service and welcomes all kids ages 3 through 2nd grade. Thank you so much for the honor and privilege of serving as Saint John's Children's Chapel minister. We hope to continue to foster a connection between our youngest generation of parishioners and all those who call Saint John's home. 

- Pamela Terry, Children's Chapel Minister
Summer Schedule
Crossroads, Parish Office and Sunday Services 
Crossroads will be published bi-weekly during the summer, beginning with the June 10th issue. Summer publication dates will be: June 10th, June 24th, July 8th, July 22nd, August 5th, and August 19th. Deadline for submission will be one week prior to the edition date.

Additionally, from Memorial Day through Labor Day Parish Office hours will be:  Tuesday through Friday, 9am to 4pm.

And finally, beginning on Sunday, June 12th the Sunday service schedule will be: 8am - Simple Spoken Holy Eucharist; 
10am - Combined Holy Eucharist (no Church School); 
5pm - "Come As You Are" Holy Eucharist.

- Karen Berry, Parish Administrator 

Sunday Forums
Development for Community Committee Update
Please join the Development for Community Committee (DCC) this Sunday, June 5, at the Adult Forum.  The neighboring landowner's architect, Federico Olivera Sala, will present preliminary drawings of the proposed project.  We will also discuss recent and upcoming developments regarding the Bethesda Downtown Plan, the zoning of St. John's property and the adjacent property at 6801 Wisconsin Ave.
At the beginning of April, the Montgomery County Planning Board approved St. John's zoning requests for its property: uniform zoning of its property, density and designation as a priority sending site.  The Planning Board also approved the neighboring landowner's, 6801 LLC, request for a 145-foot tall building along the front of its property facing Wisconsin Ave.:  twenty-five feet higher than the 120 feet recommended by the Planning Staff.  St. John's supports the additional height - for the front portion of the building -- to the extent that it will provide greater separation between the building and St. John's property, the sanctuary and the columbarium memorial garden. 
Over the last month the Planning Board has decided to reduce the overall amount of density, or development rights, allocated to property owners covered by the Bethesda Downtown Plan.  It remains to be seen whether or not this change in course will affect St. John's.
In July, the Planning Board will forward its recommendations on the Bethesda Downtown Plan to the Montgomery County Council.  The County Council will then hold hearings on the plan in the fall.  The Council expects to finalize the plan by the end of the year.
At this time, St. John's is initiating discussions with the neighboring landowner to establish legally binding obligations for, and limitations on, developing and operating the building next door.  These will include building design requirements (eg. building setback), green space requirements, density transfer, purchase of parking, operations during construction, and much more.  St. John's expects to reach an agreement before the County Council approves the Bethesda Downtown Plan.
Finally, St. John's continues to engage with the Planning Board, the Planning Staff, the County Council and the newly elected Town of Chevy Council to advocate for St. John's interests and to cooperate on matters of common interest.

- Alex Schmandt, DCC Co-Chair

Spring 2016 Schedule

 5 - DCC Committee Update 
12 - Summer Schedule Begins (8am, 10am, 5pm) Adult Forums resume in the fall
Make a Difference
Benefit Concert for Bethesda Cares, June 4th
We are invited to join Westmoreland Congregational UCC in Bethesda for a Benefit Concert to support local charity Bethesda Cares, and to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of its Executive Director, Sue Kirk.

"With an increasingly turbulent social and political atmosphere, we as musicians seek to do our part by creating beauty in the world, and by celebrating civility, peace, and the common good - all while raising money for an incredible organization that actively makes the world a better place. A freewill offering will be taken for their benefit, and there will be a reception to follow!

This performance will feature a full performance of Ralph Vaughan Williams' "Dona Nobis Pacem" along with other choral, vocal, and orchestral works. Join Richard Giarusso (baritone), Maureen Kelly (Soprano), Chris Betts (organist), and Alec Davis (music director), for this call to civility and beauty for our society."

A free-will offering will be collected to benefit Bethesda Cares

- Anne Derse, Community Life Coordinator
Volunteers Needed for Bishop Walker School Field Day
On Wednesday, June 15th from 9 am to 1 pm, come help launch St. John's effort to engage with the students of the Bishop John T. Walker School for Boys and their parents by helping with the annual end-of-year field day. The field day is the last day of school, so the boys are in full "fun mode". In other words, it's a great setting to meet some of them and their parents.  Volunteers will station sack, spoon, and three-legged races, a tug of war, bouncy house and climbing wall as well as serve lunch.  If you cannot participate in the full event, don't hesitate to volunteer the time you are available.  We can organize car pools as needed.  

Location: BWS Primary School campus at 3640 Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave. SE 
Remember, the goal of the day is to simply have fun, food and fellowship - a great way to begin what we hope will be lasting relationships.  If you are interested, please contact Langdon Healy at langdon.healy[A] or 301-841-7200.

- Langdon Healy, Outreach Committee
Community Life
Join Us for First Sunday Lunch on June 5th
Please join us in the Parish Hall on June 5  after the 11:15 service for our first First Sunday Fellowship Lunch.  We'll be offering casual fare (soup, salad, sandwiches) with good conversation and the chance to meet old friends and new over a meal after worship as the main attraction.   

If there's interest in this event, we will look into launching it on a monthly basis this fall.  There is no charge for the lunch, but donations are welcome! If you'd like to help host the lunch, please contact Event Coordinator Anna Danielson at 301-215-7170 or annalowndessmith[A]

- Anne Derse, Community Life Coordinator
Women's Book Group on June 6th
The next meeting of the Women's Book Group will be held on Monday, June 6, 2016, at the home of Pat Cascio. She can be reached at 301-469-8148 or pat.cascio[A] for directions or any other questions you may have.

We will be discussing "Sisters in Law" by Linda Hirshman, a book about the relationship of Justices Sandra Day O'Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsberg.  It describes their individual histories and the struggles to achieve the status of First Woman Supreme Court Justice of the Supreme Court and the Second Woman Justice of the Supreme Court.  

Join us and bring your own suggestions for future readings. For anyone who wants to read ahead, we will be reading in July "The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend" by Katarina Bivald and will discuss it at our meeting July 11th.

We invite you to attend and add to our list of upcoming readings.

- Mary Chyun
Norwood Parish Library: Immigration, Inclusion, The Holy Spirit - Check It Out!
You'll find library materials related to topics raised in recent Adult Forums and other special educational offerings.  LOOK on the rolling cart outside the library door for the following:
  • Welcoming the Stranger:  Justice, Compassion & Truth in the Immigration Debate by Matthew Soerens & Jenny Hwang.  A quote from the book jacket:  "...evocative stories of real people and the complexities of their lives with lucid explanations of immigration policy...a balanced yet impassioned analysis that is so rare but so essential to help Christians bring their faith to bear on this vexing policy issue."
  • A Generous Orthodoxy by Brian McLaren (area pastor, preacher and writer) makes a case for inclusion and curiosity.  Rather than establishing what is and is not "orthodox," McLaren walks a middle path through many faith traditions, bringing to light a way of life that draws us closer to Christ and to each other.
  • Leading Lives That Matter:  What We Should Do and Who We Should Be, edited by Mark R. Schwehn and Dorothy C. Bass.  This anthology includes poetry and essays from writers past and present.  Aren't you intrigued to know what Aristotle, Yeats, C.S. Lewis, Bonhoeffer, Jane Adams, Annie Dillard, Malcolm X, Thomas Merton, Abraham Joshua Heschel and many others have to say about living a life of meaning and purpose?
  • How to Be a Perfect Stranger:  The Essential Religious Etiquette Handbook is the 'perfect source-a Miss Manners guide-- for understanding the sacred ideas and practices of many traditions. 
  • Who Is the Holy Spirit?  A Walk With the Apostles by Amos Yong. Many are calling this age in the Christian church, "the Age of the Holy Spirit."  Don't get left behind in exploring this important idea emerging right now.
And there's more...On the "Timely Topics" & "What's New" shelf you'll find a selection of materials on Israel/Palestine alongside popular authors Marcus Borg and Rob Bell.
For more info or to ask for help researching a topic, contact Toni Hartman, Librarian at: library[A]

- Toni Hartman
PBS Documentary Features Pamela Terry

Check out the PBS documentary, "Pershing's Own" featuring St. John's staff member Pamela Terry, who performed recently in the National Memorial Day Concert from the U.S. Capitol.

Click here to view this short film about "the lives of Army musicians and vocalists in this elite unit, who perform standards ranging from "God Bless America" to Broadway show tunes."
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12  

Please join us in prayers of thanksgiving for Eliza Mae Stewart, born to John and Katie Stewart on May 29th. Eliza is John Stewart and Sharon Stollaroff's first grandchild.

Please contact the Office if you have a prayer request or thanksgiving to share with the Parish.  Send us an email request
Upcoming Events
Sunday, June 5th
First Sunday Lunch  Following the 11:15am service in the Parish Hall. All are invited, donations are appreciated.

Monday, June 6th
Women's Book Group  7:00 pm at the home of Pat Cascio. She can be reached at 301-469-8148 or pat.cascio[A] for directions or any other questions you may have. 

Knorwood Knitters  7:00 pm in the Parish Office.

Saturday, June 11th
Pride Parade  4:00 pm at 22nd & P Streets in Washington, DC. Contact Kurt Ellison at: kurt.ellison[AT]  for more information.

Sunday, June 12th
Summer Combined Services Begin  Service schedule will be: 8am - Simple Spoken Holy Eucharist; 10am - Combined Holy Eucharist (no Church School); 5pm - "Come As You Are" Holy Eucharist.

This Week
Sunday, June 5, 2016
8:00 am
Holy Eucharist with sermon - St. Mary's Chapel
8 am-1 pm
Parish Library Open
9:00 amHoly Eucharist and sermon with music led by the Alleluia Choir
9:30-10 am
Children's Chapel - Hines Hall
10-11:00 amChurch School - Classrooms
10-11:00 amAdult Forum: DCC Update
10-11:00 am
Bible Study - Library
11:15 amHoly Eucharist and sermon with music led by the St. John's Choir
12:15-1:15 pmFirst Sunday Lunch - Parish Hall
4:45-6:30 pm
Parish Library Open
5:00-6:00 pm
'Come As You Are' Holy Eucharist
5:45-7:30 pm
Youth Group - Youth Room

Monday, June 6, 2016
Parish Office Closed for Summer Hours
7-8:00 pmKnorwood Knitters - Parish Office
7-9:30 pmWomen's Book Group - Offsite

Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Parish Office Summer Hours: T-F, 9am-4pm
7:30-9:30 pmPersonnel Committee Meeting - Lounge

Wednesday, June 8, 2016
10:30-11:30 am
Bible Study - Library
12:00 pm
Holy Eucharist and Healing - St. Mary's Chapel
6:30-10 pm
EfM - Lounge

Thursday, June 9, 2016
7-9:00 pmStephen Ministers - Library & Lounge

Saturday, June 11, 2016
4:30-7:30 pmPride Parade - St. John's Participating

Sunday, June 12, 2016
8:00 am
Holy Eucharist with sermon - St. Mary's Chapel
10:00 amCombined Service: Holy Eucharist and sermon - Nave
10-10:30 amChildren's Chapel - Hines Hall
11 am - Noon
Lemonade on the Lawn
11 am - Noon
Bible Study - Library
4:45-6:30 pm
Parish Library Open
5:00-6:00 pm
'Come As You Are' Holy Eucharist
5:45-7:30 pm
Youth Group - Youth Room

Final article drafts must be submitted to the Parish Office by the Sunday prior to publication. One may email articles to  kberry[AT] Sending text in the body of the email is preferred.

Note: The church staff reserves the right to determine the content of Crossroads and edit for grammar or length requirements.