Mission: Impact the world by equipping believers to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Vision: To bring about an effective change within the two-mile radius of the church.
Mt. Zion Quarterly Newsletter
October  2012 - Volume I, Issue 1
  Mt. Zion Progressive Missionary Baptist Church
Reverend Louis M. Murphy, Sr., Senior Pastor
955 20th Street South, St. Petersburg, FL  33712

(727) 894-4311

One of the 2012 goals for Mt. Zion is to develop different ways to communicate with our church family.  We are happy to present our first electronic newsletter as an introduction to great things on the horizon.  Enjoy this inaugural edition, and feel free to share it with your family and friends, so they too, can learn more about the wonderful ministries taking place at Mt. Zion Progressive Missionary Baptist Church. Sharing is easy; simply click on the "Forward this Email" link at the bottom of the newsletter.   


Let us know what you think by emailing your comments to mznewsletter@mzprogressive.org


Blessings in Jesus Name,


Mt. Zion's Journalism Team


P.S. The layout of the newsletter may be altered by your browser settings causing distortions to fonts and pictures.  When forwarding please use the link at the bottom of the newsletter.  If you distribute using the forward feature of your email provider, and the recipient clicks unsubscribe, your email address will be unsubscribed.

Service Times

Sunday Service:
7:45 AM and 10:00 AM

Sunday Youth Service
10:00 AM** 
**(2nd, 3rd, & 4th Sundays)

Sunday School:
 9:00 AM

Prayer Service:
Wednesday - 6:00 PM

Wednesday Bible Study:
Mid-Day Bible Study - Noon
Youth Bible Study - 6:30 PM
Adult Bible Study - 6:30 PM
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In This Issue
Quick Links
Calendar Events
October 24th (Wed)
Voter Forum
Mt. Zion  @ 6:30 - 7:30 PM

October 27th (Sat)
Church Business Meeting
Mt. Zion, 2nd Floor @ 7:45 AM

October 28th (Sun)
Family & Friends Connection Sunday
84th Church Anniversary

October 28th (Sun)
Souls to the Polls Rally
Williams Park @ 1:00 PM

October 30th (Tue)
College Prep 101 "Be Prepared" Youth Chapel @ 6:30 PM

October 31st (Wed)
Oktoberfest @ 6:00 PM
Wildwood Recreation Center. 
**No Bible Study**

November 4th (Sun)
Mt. Zion @ Abundant Life Ministries
4:00 PM

November 6th (Tues) 
The Presidential Election Day is on TuesdayNovember 6, 2012

November 9th (Fri)
Prayer Vigil 
Main Sanctuary @ 6:00 PM

November 10th (Sat) 
New Members All-in-One Christian Basics Classes 
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM

November 11th (Sun)
Girl Scouts presents:
"Showcase Your Talent" 
Youth Chapel @ 5:30 PM

November 14th (Wed)
@ Friendship M.B.C.
7:00 PM
***No Bible Study***

November 17th (Sat)
MPAC Vision Walk
"Be My Guest"

November 18th (Sun)
Thanksgiving Service and 
Basket Distribution
Min. Eric Ford

So Long, Not Goodbye


Mt. Zion Youth Minister and One80 Teen Ministry Leader Eric Ford, stepped down   on August 31st to pursue other opportunities.  Minister Ford is a great asset to Mt Zion and he will be missed in his leadership role.  We wish Eric much success in his future endeavors. 


Minister Andre Dotson has been named Interim Youth Minister.

Sistahs Surviving 
Breast Cancer


Mt. Zion Human Services, Sistahs Surviving Breast Cancer (SSBC), is a community support organization formed to assist African American and other minority women through their fight against breast cancer and all cancers.


With approximately 45 members, the group was founded by the late Jackie Brown in an effort to increase breast health, early detection awareness and education of methods available.



SSBC has been in existence for more than six years offering continuous support and encouragement for survivors and caregivers through personal testimonials, awareness education, and referrals. Through awareness education, SSBC goals are to decrease the death rate and survival gap in the African American community.


Monthly Meeting:

When: 2nd Tuesday @ 6:00 PM 

Location:  Mt. Zion Progressive MBC -Youth Chapel


Upcoming Events:

DJ Cutty Entertainment/ Promotions in association with Intrigue Hair Designs 1st Annual "All About Pink" 10 mile Bicycle Ride/Walk  along the Pinellas Trail.

Date:  October 28th 2:30 PM until 4:30/5:00 pm

Address: 514 49th Street South (Intrigue Hair Design)


**Proceeds from event will benefit Sistahs Surviving Breast Cancer.**


For additional information:


Voter Forum to be held at Mt. Zion

Wed., Oct 24th 6:30 - 7:30 PM


Curious about the upcoming election and want to become better informed? 


Mt. Zion will host a Voter Forum that will highlight detailed insights on the following:

  • Controversial Ballot Amendments,
  • Merit retention election battle & more

There will be plenty of time for Q &A from attendees. Attendees are encouraged to bring their Mail Ballots with them. 


Note: Computers will be available for voters to check their registration and locate their precincts.

Pastor Louis M. Murphy
Rev. Louis M. Murphy, Sr.

What a joy it is to serve in the house of the Lord!  As a servant leader, my goal is to live out God's "Great Commission:"


Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you . . . 

(Matthew 28:19-20)


As a step toward building God's kingdom, I am so excited to share my experience regarding the September 2012 two-day "Leadership" Conference.  Attendance peaked with ministry leaders geared toward taking action to move Mt. Zion's ministries forward.  These leaders came with their game faces on while dressed in their favorite team jerseys. 


On Friday evening, September 14th, the kick-off was a puzzling event led by Dr. Tonjua Williams.  She presented different teams with puzzle pieces. The catch? Well, each team was missing pieces of the puzzle. So, the trick was to get all teams working together to complete the puzzle even though we each had our own unique personalities and leadership styles. The resolve, well, we learned that each piece of the puzzle -- each of us -- plays a significant role in the lives of others. 


Next, Sharon Snow presented us with the topic, "Who am I?" She used Dr. Gregorc's researched-based, self-assessment instrument that propelled us to look deeper inside ourselves. Bursts of laughter permeated the air when each of us began investigating and analyzing our individual leadership styles. Yes, we shared some great "Aha!" moments when we learned more about our leadership and learning styles. It didn't seem to matter whether or not we were Concrete Sequential, Concrete Random, Abstract Sequential, or Abstract Random. From this experience, active engagement began unfolding. Camaraderie was generated. Diversity was appreciated. Most importantly, collaboration was created.


On the next day, Saturday, Brenda Williams directed us in cluster assignments stimulated by the topic, "Where Do I Fit In?" These assignments were comprised of two breakout sessions led by facilitators: Min. Kevin Parrott, Kathie Lewis, Dr. Sharon Williams, and herself (Brenda Williams). The breakout sessions strengthened ministry relationships while encouraging leaders to think outside of the box. Ministry leaders engaged in active dialogue while they brainstormed and participated in effective ways to work together and merge ministry commonalities.


In conclusion, this 2012 "Leadership" Conference team building approach left us mesmerized, challenged, and fired-up about building and edifying God's kingdom. Yet, it is not complete without your help. You are a significant piece of Mt. Zion's puzzle. Each of us as members of Mt. Zion plays a significant role in reaching the lost and bringing about an effective change within a two-mile radius of this church and beyond.  So, I challenge each of us to carry out the mission and vision of Mt. Zion with the spirit of excellence and compassionate camaraderie. 


Rev. Louis M. Murphy, Sr.
Power in Being Set Free
Women Conference Slide-Show

Women's Conference 2012  

From L-R: Sister Shenikwa Cager (Keynote Speaker), 

Min. Sonya Williams, Pastor Ayakao Watkins, Min. Diane Hunt, 

Min. Brenda Dennis


The Women's Ministry, under the leadership of Deaconess Lucy Williams, held its 2012 Women's Conference at Mt. Zion on August 16th - 18th. The title of this Conference:



Fearless. Restored. Encouraged. Enlightened. 


The purpose and mission of this Conference were for girls and women of all ages to be set F.R.E.E. from the devastating and destructive lies of the enemy. Some of the topics included: "Being F.R.E.E," "Running on Empty," "Seeing Yourself as God Sees You," "Living in the Now," and "Break F.R.E.E from Debt."


On Thursday, August 16th, the conference kicked-off with a powerhouse message from our own Mt. Zionite, Min. Diane Hunt who spoke from the book of Jeremiah 18:1-6 about the story of The Potter's House. Hunt said "God, our potter, sees that you're worthwhile, so let him mold and shape you in order to start the process of being set free. When you're free, he'll give you perfect peace in the middle of a storm."


On Friday and Saturday, women sat on the edge of their seats as they engaged in the ministry of the keynote speaker, Sis. Shenikwa Cager, from Concord Church of  Dallas, Texas. She spoke from the book of Ruth which encourages sisterly love and trusting in God's provision during difficult times. 


"At times we feel as if God is staying away as if he doesn't hear us and sometimes that's where he wants us to be. Just as a cluttered handbag filled with junk that needs to be dumped out, we need to allow God to take us by the ankles, turn us upside down and shake us of all the clutter to become full of God's blessings," said Cager. 


"The main guest speaker, Shenikwa Cager, was hilarious," said Jowancia Matthews, First Lady of St. Mark MBC, in Tampa, Florida. "I've traveled to many conferences around the world and I've never had a speaker make me cry and laugh in the name of the Lord." 


The conference was a huge blessing with powerful Saturday morning and afternoon breakout sessions from Pastor Ayakao Watkins, Min. Brenda Dennis,  and our own Mt. Zionites, Deaconess Annie Ray and Sis. Barbara Clark Williams.


Showering women with heartfelt presentations, scrumptious food, and selections from vendors, this Conference had something for everyone. From powerhouse sermons and liturgical dance featuring Mt. Zion's Pure Expressions Dance Ministry to captivating breakout sessions and prayer to uplifting songs  presented by Mt. Zion's Praise Team and Min. Sonya Williams, Elizabeth Baptist Church (Atlanta). and poetry by Mt. Zionite Timeka Walker. Yes, this conference left no stone unturned in setting women free from the clutter and bondage in their lives.  

MZCA Srorytime
Above, students and staff are joined by Storyteller, Dee Ham

A School You Can Have Faith In:  

Mt. Zion Christian Academy 


Building Leaders

Strengthening Character

Growing Believers


Mt. Zion Christian Academy, a K-5 private Christian school, opened in August 2012 with a commitment to carry on the legacy of excellence initiated by Yvonne C. Reed-Clayton who is a retired educator. Sis. Reed-Clayton retired from Pinellas County School District with 50 years of service. 


Over 16 years ago, Sis. Reed-Clayton wanted to continue making a difference in the African American community, thus, she founded Yvonne C. Reed Christian Academy. In June 2012, Sis. Reed-Clayton retired for the second time. This time, she retired from Yvonne C. Reed Christian Academy. Yet, she wanted to pass on her legacy of excellence in educating African American students to Mt. Zion Progressive Missionary Baptist Church.


"I left the school in good hands with Mt. Zion because I know that Mt. Zion really cares about the lives and future of our children," said Yvonne C. Reed-Clayton.


Mt. Zion School Board members led by Constance Coleman, Chairperson, conducted extensive research to help transition Yvonne C. Reed Christian Academy to Mt. Zion Christian Academy (MZCA). "We are building a foundation in this inaugural year that will encourage our students and families to grow in mind, body, and spirit," said Debra Woodard, the director of MZCA. 


One hundred sets of little feet pitter-patter throughout the corridors of MZCA as the K-5th grade students find their way to their respective classrooms. This year is filled with exciting life-long learning activities such as "Enrichment Wednesdays," which consists of Biblical lessons, story-time sessions, sign language, wellness activities, journalism classes, African American and cultural studies, and much, much more.


"Giving students the opportunities to dream and accomplish the impossible are our goals as we build on Biblical foundations of developing the whole student while partnering with parents, family, and the community," said Constance Coleman.

Children's Center Welcomes New Director
Ms. Shakeyba Greene.

Shakeyba Greene was recently named Center Director at the Mt Zion Children's Center.  Ms. Greene received her Bachelor's of Human & Environmental Services from the University of Alabama, and she is currently pursing a Masters in Quality Administration.   She brings with her a passion for education and empowering parents to be active participants in their child's education.
With a background as a Head Start teacher  and center director, Greene is sure to be a great asset.

Her interest includes reading, cooking and traveling.  She is the proud mom of four beautiful daughters.  Welcome!

Men's Ministry Movie Night - Courageous
Men's Ministry Movie Night - Courageous
Men Gather to View "Courageous"

Friday, October 19th, proved to be a Courageous Event for the Mt. Zionite Men's Ministry. Several men bonded as they watched the movie, Courageous.

This thought provoking movie had men searching their hearts and ready to make courageous steps to impact their family lifestyles.
 Seven x 7 
Consecration Ceremony Commences at Mt. Zion
Seven x 7 Pastors' Procession March Initiates the Consecration Service


" Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, 

and of the Holy Ghost:"

The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19)


To fulfill the Great Commission, the pastors of varying denominations throughout St. Petersburg/Tampa areas assembled in unity with their congregations in a single location on Sunday, September 16th, 2012, at Mt. Zion Progressive Missionary Baptist Church. These pastors are called the "Seven x 7" leaders. Even though they come from various denominations, they came armored with the Word of God ready to spread the Gospel in seven strategic locations throughout St. Petersburg. Thus, the kick-off for the citywide revival commenced at Mt. Zion with unified prayer and worship during the Consecration Ceremony.


From Monday, September 17th through Saturday, September 22nd, 2012, the Seven x 7 Pastors and their congregations took to the streets. They formed collaborative teams among their congregations to come together in prayer, worship, and unified love to reach the lost. The churches transcended denominations and racial barriers as they worked collaboratively to set up Tents in seven strategic locations targeted throughout the city of St. Petersburg for seven consecutive days and nights to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Crystal Daughtry, a Mt. Zionite member since 1993, replied that the revival was much needed and very uplifting. "It helps to renew your walk," she said.  


Pastor Roger Stroman, Jr., of Abundant Life Ministries brought a powerful message to the Perkins area revival on Saturday evening, September 22nd. His message was "Don't Throw in the Towel." He reminded the audience that God sees you and don't give up. When asked about his thoughts regarding this movement, Stroman said, "The revival was powerful. People were saved and delivered, and God's vision was fulfilled."


This week long, citywide revival concluded with a mass baptism held on Sunday evening, September 23rd, for the souls saved during the revival.


"It is my desire, hope, and prayer that all churches throughout the community, state, and nation come together to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost," said Pastor Louis Murphy, Sr., the visionary of Seven x 7. "If the people won't come to the church, then we should take the  church to the people."


Tent Revival Attendees were Uplifted by the Gospel.
Mass Baptism at North Shore Park, St. Petersburg


For additional information, click here

Congratulations Min. Parrott and the
Mt. Zion Sanctuary Choir
2012 Best Church Choir
2012 Ford Hoodie Awards
2012 Ford Hoodie Awards Presentation
"Best Church Choir" 


In August, Steve Harvey (comedian, best-selling author, actor, radio & TV host) presented our own Mt. Zionites, Minister of Music K. Bernard Parrott and the Mt. Zion Sanctuary Choir with the "Best Church Choir" award. Minister Parrott received this award in Las Vegas at the 10th Annual Hoodie Awards sponsored by Ford. This was the final year for the Hoodie Awards; in 2013 the awards show will become the "Neighborhood Awards." Congratulations, Mt. Zionites!  
Family Touch Team Ministry

The Family Touch Team Ministry is one of the most important ministries at Mt. Zion. It's primary purpose is to serve and maintain the body of Christ. 


Our aim is to ensure that every member (active and inactive) and every visitor feel a spiritual connection to the Body of Christ through several touches of spiritual engagement and personal communications, e.g., personal phone calls, post cards, emails, and visitation.


Our goals . . .

  • To nurture members through spiritual growth and discipleship
  • To re-engage inactive members through heartfelt communications
  • To encourage visitors/potential members through personal outreach
Ministry Leader, Edna Matt
Zone 1: Bro. Chester & Sis. Nicole Johnson 813-920-0133
Zone 2: Dea. Leonard & Cecelia Coley 727-0447
Zone 3: Bro. Leo & Sis. Annie Godbee 727-327-6289
Zone 4: Bro. Cornelius & Apollo Williams 727-266-4180
Zone 5: Dea. Danny & Avis Carter 727-328-2944
Click Here to locate your zone
Need Media?

Do you need to complete a Media Request for your ministry's next event that you are planning? 


Would you like to video your event, have photos taken, or need sound setup with a microphone and podium?  


Or, will you need to use the 2nd floor's Theatre Room and  large dual-screen projectors? 


Now, you can submit a Media Request by clicking on the above Media graphic.

Mt Zion Progressive Baptist Church | 727-894-4311 | mznewsletter@mzprogressive.org|
955 20th Street South
St. Petersburg, FL 33712

Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.