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Transportation News
Quality of Place
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Emergency Preparedness
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10/15, 6:00pm: CCRPC Commission Meeting

10/15, 6:15pm: Public Hearing - CCRPC Public Engagement Plan draft

10/16, 10:00am: RSEP Meeting


11/4, 9:00am: CCRPC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting

11/4: Election Day

11/5, 5:45pm: Joint CCRPC Executive Committee & Finance Committee Meeting

11/12, 2:30pm: CCRPC Planning Advisory Committee Meeting

11/19, 6:00pm: CCRPC Commission Meeting

11/27 & 11/28: CCRPC Office Closed
Phones Down, Heads Up

Effective October 1, using a handheld portable electronic device while driving is illegal in Vermont. Make sure to know the full details of the law.

Chittenden County Traffic Alert

Stay in the know by signing up for our weekly Traffic Alert emails -- your source for roadway and construction work in Chittenden

Sign up today:
Community Transportation Opportunities
1 out of every 5 seniors aged 65 and older no longer drives, yet over 80% of suburban and rural Chittenden County elders have limited transit access. Would you like to help them with their transportation needs? Volunteer drivers use their personal vehicles to take seniors and people with disabilities to medical appointments, grocery stores and life-enriching activities throughout Chittenden County.

Front Porch Forum
Have You Joined Front Porch Forum?
Front Porch Forum's mission is to help neighbors connect and build community. It does that by hosting regional networks of online neighborhood forums. Common sense and a growing body of research tell us that well-connected neighborhoods are friendlier places to live, with less crime, healthier residents, higher property values, and better service from local government and public utilities.

United Way of Chittenden County
Fall into Volunteering with United Way
Looking for ways to volunteer this fall? Check out United Way of Chittenden County's Fall 2014 Ways of Caring Newsletter for a variety of different volunteer options.

New & Improved Vermont Information Planning Center Website
The Vermont Planning Information Center is a clearing house of information for planning commissions, zoning boards, development review boards, their staff, and all others involved in land planning and regulation in Vermont.
American Red Cross
Giving BloodHours: Monday-Friday, 9am-6pm; Saturday, 7:30am-1pm
Call or go online to schedule an appointment today.

CCRPC logo small
Charlie Baker, Executive Director

Michele Boomhower, Assistant/MPO Director

Dan Albrecht, Senior Planner

Pam Brangan, Senior Planner

Jason Charest, Senior Transportation Planning Engineer

Eleni Churchill, Senior Transportation Planning Engineer

Forest Cohen, Business Manager

Bryan Davis, Senior Transportation Planner

Chris Dubin, Transportation Planner

Bernie Ferenc, Transportation Business Manager

Christine Forde, Senior Transportation Planner

Peter Keating, Senior Transportation Planner

Lee Krohn, Senior Planner

Emma Long, Communications Manager

Regina Mahony, Senior Planner

Melanie Needle, Senior Planner

Sai Sarepalli, Transportation Planning Engineer


In light of the recent spike in pedestrian, bicycle and motorist crashes in Chittenden County, we'd like to take a moment to remind everyone to be alert when utilizing our transportation system.

On October 1, Vermont became the 15th state to ban the use of handheld portable electronic devices while driving -- an effort to combat distracted driving, which accounts for more than 9 deaths and 1,600 injuries in the US per day. If you have not already done so, please take a moment to review the details of this law.

Also on October 1, the Chittenden County RPC hosted the Chittenden County Regional Highway Safety Forum, presented by the Vermont Highway Safety Alliance. This forum provided an opportunity to learn about the resources and partners available to individuals and communities as they strive toward safety for all users.

The Chittenden County RPC and its municipalities are working hard toward an improved transportation infrastructure that both increases the safety of its users and encourages alternative methods of transportation such as walking, biking, public transportation, carpooling, and vanpooling. For more information about projects underway in Chittenden County, please visit the Transportation News section below, or visit our website.

As we transition into cooler temperatures, whatever your transportation mode, please remember to slow down, be alert, and be mindful that everyone navigating our roads deserves to feel safe as they work to reach their destination.


Best regards,


Michele Boomhower

Assistant/MPO Director

Chittenden County RPC

Transportation News
Implementing ECOS Strategy 2

VT Transportation Board to Visit Eight College Campuses
Throughout October and November, the Vermont Transportation Board will hold eight public hearings at campuses throughout the state to gather public opinion from young adults about transportation-related decisions that factor into choices they make when deciding where to live/work after graduation. The Board wants to discuss with young adults, aged 18-34, the issues that determine the future of transportation policy. November 6: University of Vermont, 6 p.m., Memorial Lounge, Waterman Building, 85 South Prospect Street, Burlington, VT. [Learn More]

UVM to Host New Regional Transportation Workforce Center
The University of Vermont Transportation Research Center (TRC) has been selected to host the Northeast Regional Surface Transportation Workforce Center under a four-year grant from the Federal Highway Administration. The new Center will be based at the TRC on the UVM Trinity Campus in Burlington. The new Center will focus on developing programs with partner groups throughout the region to train transportation workers for future needs and to promote participation by underrepresented groups in the transportation industry. It will work closely with private industry and public sector transportation agencies as well as a rich network of education, labor and workforce offices across 11 states and the District of Columbia. [Learn More]

Intersection of Transportation, Locational Efficiency, and Inclusive Communities
A community's transportation infrastructure has a profound effect on how affordable and feasible it is to live there. To learn more about this relationship, check out the recent Channel 17 Live at 5:25 telecast featuring Ted Wimpey, Director of CVOEO's Fair Housing Project, and Michele Boomhower, Assistant/MPO Director at the Chittenden County RPC. [Learn More]

Chittenden County Regional Highway Safety Forum a Success
The Chittenden County RPC hosted a Regional Highway Safety Forum on Wednesday, October 1, presented by the Vermont Highway Safety Alliance. Attendees from a variety of sectors gathered to learn about the safety resources and partners available to individuals and communities. For more information about this event, contact Sai Sarepalli at the CCRPC.

North Avenue Corridor Study Resolution Passes
The Burlington City Council met on Monday, October 6th; a presentation was given on the North Avenue Corridor Study recommendations, followed by an extensive discussion. At the end, the Council unanimously voted on a resolution that includes short- and long-term multimodal transportation improvements for the corridor. [Learn More]

First Public Meeting Held for Milton US 7 Corridor Study
The first of three public meetings was held on Monday, October 6th for the Milton US 7 Corridor Study. Milton residents and interested parties in attendance received an introduction to the study and learned more about the decision-making process, schedule, participation opportunities, existing conditions and corridor issues. The next public meeting will take place this winter. [Learn More]


Transportation Project News:

Recent Completed Scoping Studies - Final Reports Available:
New Transportation Projects Underway
The following new projects are getting underway, and websites for each will be available within the coming months:
  • Charlotte Village Area Projects, including: 1.) Intersection of US7/Ferry Road/Church Hill; 2.) Park & Ride Scoping Study; 3.) Sidewalk Scoping Study, Ferry Road from US7 to Greenbush Road
  • Underhill Sidewalk Implementation Project
  • Milton Sidewalk Scoping Studies
  • Hinesburg Sidewalk Scoping Studies
  • Burlington Parking Management Plan
  • Burlington Residential Parking Study
If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact Emma Long:

 Implementing ECOS Strategy 1


Vermont Community Development Association Conference

The Vermont Community Development Association will host its Fall Conference on Thursday, October 23, 2014, in the City of Barre. The theme is Economic Gardening - growing the local economy from within. The registration deadline is October 17. [Learn More]


Leadership Champlain Accepting Applications for Spring Projects

Leadership Champlain, a community leadership program managed by the Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce, is now accepting applications for spring projects. This class of 37 professionals will be looking for projects from local organizations and municipalities that are in need of help with marketing plans, strategic plans, social media marketing and more. Contact Cari Kelly with questions. [Learn More]


Vermont Small Business Development Center Offers Workshops

The Vermont Small Business Development Center as part of its many business services is offering several workshops for those thinking about starting their own business - taking their idea and turning it into a full venture. The workshops are held throughout the fall at various locations around the state. [Learn More]

Quality of Place

 Implementing ECOS Strategy 2


Housing & Health: The Importance of Place

In the second of a series of papers on how affordable housing impacts other pieces of our lives, the connection between health and housing is becoming better understood. In Housing and Health: The Importance of Place, the Champlain Housing Trust delves into some of these impacts. [Learn More]


VLCT Fall Planning & Zoning Forum to be Held October 29

The Vermont League of Cities and Towns Fall Planning and Zoning Forum offers participants a chance to discuss pressing issues in municipal planning and zoning with knowledgeable officials from across the state. The workshop provides a dynamic mix of legal information, practical solutions, and policy discussions, as well as many opportunities to ask questions and share experiences. Registration deadline: October 22[Learn More]


Smart Growth America Offering Free Technical Assistance Workshops

Is your community interested in creating vibrant, walkable neighborhoods, but not sure where to start? Smart Growth America's free technical assistance workshops can help. Each year Smart Growth America offers a limited number of these workshops at no charge, and applications are now open for its 2015 technical assistance workshops. Now in its fourth year, this technical assistance program has helped over 50 communities grow in ways that benefit residents and businesses while protecting the environment and preserving a sense of place. Application deadline: October 23[Learn More]


ArtPlace Accepting Applications for its 2015 National Grants Program

The National Grants Program is one of several ArtPlace programs designed to invest in creative placemaking projects that involve cross-sector partners committed to strengthening the social, physical, and economic fabric of their communities. Application deadline: October 31[Learn More]


Barn Preservation Grants Available

The State-funded Barn Preservation Grant program helps individuals, municipalities, and non-profit organizations to rehabilitate and keep in active use the historic agricultural buildings that are a symbol of Vermont's rural landscape. Since inception, the program has granted almost $2.4 million toward the preservation of over 300 historic agricultural buildings around the state. Preservation of our historic agricultural buildings not only protects Vermont's architectural legacy, it also generates jobs, supports independent businesses, increases civic participation and bolsters a community's sense of place while enhancing the experience of visitors. Application deadline: November 3. [Learn More]


3D Concept for South Burlington's City Center Released

On October 6th, the South Burlington City Council hosted the world premiere of a new, digital, 3D model of what the heart of City Center could become. At the City's request, Weimann-Lamphere Architects and Lincoln Brown Illustrations prepared this independent vision for how the area could be developed based on the draft Form Based Codes. [Learn More]

Energy & Natural Resources

 Implementing ECOS Strategies 3 & 4


Stormwater Master Planning Webinar Series

The Vermont DEC's Ecosystem Restoration Program has been offering a series of five free webinars on stormwater management master planning. Each webinar will discuss general and specific methods to use, what type of community should consider using each template, and funding sources that each template's proposed projects will qualify for under State of Vermont funding guidelines. Three webinars remain in the series, which ends November 14. [Learn More]


Button Up Vermont Video Contest

Be part of the Button Up Video Contest! Capstone Community Action is looking for very short videos that inspire viewers to take action to lower their heating costs and do something positive for the planet. There is no entry fee and prizes will be awarded in several categories. Contest details and other background information are available at The contest ends 10/19.


Association of VT Conservation Commissions Conference: November 1

This energizing event is a great opportunity for conservation commission members and anyone else interested in conservation in Vermont to network, be inspired, and become even more effective voices for natural resource conservation at the local level. [Learn More & Register]


Community Forest Program Grant Opportunity

The U.S. Forest Service is seeking applications for the Community Forest Program. This grant program provides local and tribal governments as well as qualified non-profit organizations an opportunity to create and maintain community forests. In order to apply, eligible applicants must outline the community benefits that will be derived by community forests, which may extend to areas of land conservation, stormwater management, improved energy efficiency in the built environment, drought resilience, or other areas. Application deadline: January 16, 2015. [Learn More]


Working Lands Grant Opportunities

The Working Lands Enterprise Board has recently announced that that $1 million in grant funding will be made available for investments into farm, food systems, forestry, and agricultural products enterprises. Funding will be available in the form of three grant opportunities: Working Lands Enterprise Investments, Service Provider Grants, and Capital and Infrastructure Investments. For further information on grant stipulations and funding rules and limits: [Learn More]

Recreational Trails Program Grant Opportunities
The federally-funded Recreational Trails Program provides grant funding to help develop and maintain recreational trails and trail-related facilities. The ANR Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation administers this program in Vermont, and anticipates approximately $500,000 being available to municipalities and non-profit organizations for projects to be completed between July 1, 2015 and December 31, 2016. Applications are due February 1, 2015. [Learn More]

Green Mountain Power Offers Solar Development Grants for Non-Profits
Green Mountain Power (GMP) is looking to help eight non-profit groups lower their energy costs and generate more clean, renewable energy for Vermont. The Vermont Public Service Board approved a GMP proposal to award eight matching grants of up to $20,000 each to non-profit groups all across Vermont, and GMP is encouraging organizations to apply. For an application or more information about applying, non-profits should email David Dunn at the GMP Energy Innovation Center or call 353-1456. [Learn More]

VEIC Receives National Recognition for Transportation Efficiency Efforts
The Vermont Energy Investment Corporation (VEIC) has won funding to help businesses reduce their transportation costs. VEIC was one of just eight entities selected for funding by the 11th Hour Project, out of a nationally competitive pool of more than 100 applicants. VEIC will use the awarded funds to expand the use of electric vehicles (EVs) in Vermont, and create a new model for stabilizing, and reducing transportation costs for businesses. With the help of local partners, VEIC will develop a Transportation Energy Services Company, which will offer businesses guidance and access to sustainable financing options, and technical assistance for EV fleet acquisition and the installation of workplace charging infrastructure. [Learn More]

BED/BTV Partnership Puts Solar Panels on Parking Garage
Burlington Electric Department and the Burlington International Airport announced plans to install a 500 kW solar array atop the airport parking garage. This project is part of the City's ongoing commitment to add community solar to its portfolio and, with an anticipated "go-live" date for later this year, will bring Burlington's installed solar photovoltaic to 69 projects generating 1.92 megawatts of power for the City. [Learn More]



For questions about energy planning, contact Melanie Needle in the CCRPC office.

Emergency Preparedness
Implementing ECOS Strategy 5

New Website: Flood Ready Vermont

Flood damage has become more common and more costly. All over the state, selectboard members, planning commission members, town officials, planners, and residents are working to address known flood risks and to avoid increasing their exposure to flood damage. Check out Flood Ready Vermont, a new website with online tools, maps and useful information to help communities become flood resilient. [Learn More]

E9-1-1 Viewer Released
The Vermont Enhanced 9-1-1 Board announced the release of E9-1-1 Viewer - an interactive web map that can also be accessed on tablets and smart phones. It's targeted for dispatchers, responders and town officers, but is also available for the general public. [Learn More]

Reminder: Important Changes Regarding Vermont's Emergency Relief & Assistance Fund (ERAF)
Following the recovery from Tropical Storm Irene, the State of Vermont modified its standard for managing the State's ERAF. The new standard, which will be effective for any disaster after October 23, 2014, is structured to encourage municipalities to take four basic steps to prepare their their communities before the next disaster. [Letter from Jeb Spaulding]

>> NOTE: The CCRPC is tracking progress within Chittenden County in regards to towns meeting these eligibility requirements. Please contact Dan Albrecht at the CCRPC with any questions.

For questions regarding Emergency Preparedness, including LEPC 1 or 5, please contact Lee Krohn in the CCRPC office.
Save the Date

Regional Events


Doug Crowell Lecture Series - Searching for True: October 30

The Vermont Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects [VTASLA] is excited to announce the upcoming 2014 Doug Crowell Lecture Series presentation, titled Searching for True by James Cutler, FAIA from Cutler Anderson Architects, Bainbridge Island, WA. James Cutler, founding partner of Cutler Anderson Architects (1977 to present) has been known for his environmental and emotional sensitivity to place, institution, program, climate and cultural circumstance. [Learn More]


State Government Municipal Day 2014: November 13

Our inaugural Municipal Day in March 2014 proved so popular that we were unable to accommodate all who wished to attend. For that reason, the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, in cooperation with the Vermont Agency of Transportation, and the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development, invites you to participate in a second all-day event that will include poster presentations, workshops, and the opportunity to engage with Agency staff members and municipal colleagues from across the state. [Learn More]


Milton Community Youth Coalition 3rd Annual Calcutta and Silent Auction Benefit: December 6

Join the Milton Community Youth Coalition (MCYC) for its 3rd Annual Calcutta and Silent Auction Benefit. The evening will include a stand-up comedy show, silent auction, dinner and the chance to win $1,000 in the Calcutta - all for a great cause. [Learn More]

If you have questions, feedback, or suggested content for upcoming issues, we'd love to hear from you! Please contact us.