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Regional Notes from the RPC 
 May 2013
In This Issue
Of Note
The ECOS Plan in Action
Energy & Natural Resources
Emergency Preparedness
Save the Date
Other Resources

Investing in Walkability

What makes a city walkable? Urban planner Jeff Speck describes what works in this 5 minute piece from Marketplace Radio.  

Got Seating?
For Thriving Public Spaces, Just Add Seating
Could it be as simple as that? Author Jonathan Rowe thought so, and tried it out in his own hometown. Read the article from Yes! Magazine

Buddy the Bus Driver

CCTA Bus Driver Featured in Stuck in Vermont Video
The Seven Days video series Stuck in Vermont features a ride on the Montpelier Link with beloved driver  Buddy Longworth. It even features VTrans staff Chris Cole and Erik Filkhorn (regular bus customers!)
See the video at:

Got Public Health?
Check out why Public Health Makes Business Sense in this article from Planetizen. In the increasing competition between cities, regions, and states for the highly desirable jobs and industries driving economic growth in these difficult times, community health has become a key ingredient in attracting employers.

Got Blood?

If you are eligible please consider giving blood at the Red Cross Donor Center in Burlington. All presenting donors will receive a free Movie pass to Essex Cinemas and a FREE coupon for a quart of Stonyfield Yogurt. We're open Monday - Friday, 9 am to 6 pm and Saturday, 7:30 am to 1 pm. Walk in or for appointment call 1-800 RED CROSS or


Blossoming tree

After almost two years of planning and research, we are close to adopting the ECOS Plan, and looking forward to increasing our attention on implementation activities.  For example, we are making bigger investments in walkable community design and zoning.


We are providing funding and assistance to a number of our communities (including Jericho, South Burlington, Shelburne, Westford, and Winooski) establish Form Based Codes, which is a different way to consider zoning than just by type of usage.  We are also thinking about putting together a self-study primer on Form Based Codes (perhaps as a PPT presentation)...if this is something you would find helpful for your Committees or communicating with residents, please let us know by contacting Communication Manager Andrea Grayson or Senior Planner Regina  Mahony   


We were also very pleased to see the legislature's support for TIF legislation to make it easier for our communities to make investments in public infrastructure. These public investments are a critical component to achieve our collective smart growth objectives.


We're also looking forward to watching the projects of the ECOS grantees unfold, including the Let It Rain project which is bringing together critical stormwater education and the arts. Have you seen the rain barrels on Church Street? A full schedule of activities can be found at




Charlie Baker
Executive Director
Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission

Of Note

On May 16, 2013, the City of Burlington, the Burlington Walk-Bike Council,
Mayor Weinberger puts his bike on a bus
and Local Motion publicly released the "Go for Gold" Walk-Bike Blueprint for Burlington.  This collaborative document offers a vision for making our community a national leader in active transportation and recreation, and aligns with the goals of the ECOS Plan and PlanBTV. Link to a summary and the full plan at the Local Motion website.

2-sided info-map



The City of Winooski recently installed this double-sided informational kiosk in front of the Champlain Mill in downtown Winooski. The kiosk, in both French and English, describes the City's local history and provides a detailed map to local historical and recreational assets. Funding for the design and construction of the kiosk was shared between a Lake Champlain Byway grant administered by the CCRPC and the City.

UVM Sustainable Transportation class


Richard Watts' UVM Sustainable Transportation Planning class visited the CCRPC on April 17th for a briefing on ECOS and other transportation proje


Peter Keating received the "Excellence in Regional Transportation Award" on behalf of the CCRPC at the annual National Rural Transportation Conference in Greenville SC, in April for a presentation titled, "Transportation Surveys: Attitudinal Changes and Trends in Chittenden County, VT, 2000 - 2012."  Peter was given the award by Amy Kessler, the Chair of RPO America, and the Community Development and Planning Director for North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission (NCPRPDC). 



Michele Boomhower hosted a delegation of mayors and planners from Albania last month, and described our goal to concentrate development, which is the opposite of their approach.The visit was coordinated by the Vermont Council on World Affairs. 



Transportation News


For the latest news with several of our projects, please click on a link below:

Of course, there's lots more going on all over the County, and we plan to have web pages for almost all our projects by summer.

* * *   
New Drive Electric Vermont website now live at
There are lots of ways for EV lovers to engage: sign our "Next Car" pledge, share your EV story, join our email list, or comment on our blog!
  • Comprehensive Vermont-specific information on electric vehicle (EV) benefits, cost of ownership, performance, and more
  • An interactive public charging station map 
  • Policy information and tools 
  • Resources for businesses and current EV owners 
  • A blog we'll be populating with insights, updates, reports, testimonials, and all things EV happening in Vermont 
* * *  
Roads and Rivers Training Program

The VTrans Training Center (VTTC) in partnership with the Agency of Natural Resources, is proud to present the new "Roads and Rivers" training program, jointly sponsored by VTrans and the Agency of Natural Resources.  Tropical Storm Irene's damage to the state's infrastructure and river stability created an awareness of the need for this training.  


This first part of this training (Tier One) is an online course intended to increase overall awareness of how river systems work. The Tier One training module can be accessed through the following link:  The class is expected to take approximately 1.5 to 2 hours to complete, and it is free of charge.


This training is recommended for engineers, technicians, equipment operators, highway foreman and others.   Please feel free to share it with anybody who might be interested in learning more about how river systems work. 

* * * 

VTrans Project Information Resources
Want to know where all the construction and paving is happening around the State this month? Check out VTrans Infrastructure Projects web page, where you can find maps and comprehensive lists for bridge, paving, rail, and an interactive construction map too.  


The ECOS Plan in Action

[In this section of the newsletter, we will highlight the work of your town or organization that is contributing to the ECOS mission of a healthy, inclusive and prosperous community. To be included, please send your news to]  

Rain barrel by Jerome Foster


One of the ECOS Project grantees is Let it Rain,  a stormwater program managed by the Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District (WNRCD). Their goal is to improve water quality in Vermont's Lake Champlain Basin by reducing the volume and pollutant load of stormwater entering our rivers, lakes and streams.


This summer they are teaming up with some great local organizations and talented artists to use rain barrels, a symbol of water conservation, to bring Burlington, VT Connecting the Drops - an exhibit to celebrate water, educate the community about stormwater and have fun.


Look for the decorated rain barrels From May 13 to Sept 1 Church and College Streets, with each barrel displaying a single page of a "water story" that tells the tale of stormwater in Burlington and what you can do to combat it.   


And, to celebrate the lake, on Wednesdays from June 26 to July 31, 5-8 PM, there will be a block party on the top block of Church Street .with music, games, prizes and giveaways, food and activities hosted by ArtsRiot.  

Energy & Natural Resources


Westford leading the Home Energy Challenge  

With almost 9% of the target goal reached, the Town of Westford is in the lead to win a $10,000 cash prize from Efficiency Vermont.  If this doesn't entice you to weatherize your home. Efficiency Vermont is offering an additional $500 bonus for home weatherization jobs completed by August 31, 2013.  This brings the total maximum Home Performance with Energy Star incentive for air sealing, heating equipment upgrades,  and insulation to $2,500.  Now is a good time to take action on making your home more efficient for the heating and cooling season.  For more information contact Melanie Needle,


Home Energy Tip of the Month 
Determine if you are eligible for a FREE audit if you are a Vermont G
as customer. Click  here to see if your home qualifies for a free energy audit, and learn how you can save LOTS of money on energy costs.   

Biofinder - Revised interactive map service from ANR
A revised interactive map service has just been released by the Agency of Natural Resources (ANR). BioFinder is a map and data-base identifying Vermont's lands and waters supporting high priority ecosystems, natural communities, habitats, and species. The new data and priority ranking of habitat will start appearing in town plan maps soon. The RPC is also going to be organizing a regional workshop on BioFinder. Until that time, you can explore Biofinder and the new data more online at It is similar to ANR's Natural Resource Atlas, but Biofinder offers more tools and data for analyzing biodiversity.

Emergency Preparedness

Hazard Mitigation Grant Funding: 5th and Final Round

FEMA is looking for pilot projects in Vermont for the final round of funding. This means that a project that may have not been eligible in the past might be worth thinking about and potentially applying. Some examples include: at-risk culverts that do not have enough prior losses; elevation and/or flood-proofing projects for mobile homes, other residences or businesses.


If you wish to apply for an HMGP grant, please submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to DEMHS by June 7. The LOI should include a brief description of your proposal and the total estimated cost of your project.  Please indicate if you'll need assistance in completing the application or benefit cost analysis. 


Please submit LOIs and completed applications to:
Ray Doherty, State Hazard Mitigation Officer

VT Division of Emergency Management & Homeland Security
103 South Main Street, Waterbury, VT  05671

Tel (802) 241-5258 (office), Email:

FEMA  announces the availability of three new mitigation planning publications.


The Local Mitigation Planning Handbook is the official guide for local governments to develop, update and implement local mitigation plans. While the requirements have not changed, the Handbook provides guidance to local governments on developing or updating hazard mitigation plans to meet the requirements under the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 44 - Emergency Management and Assistance ยง201.6,  


Integrating Hazard Mitigation Into Local Planning is a publication that highlights case studies and tools for community officials providing practical guidance on how to incorporate risk reduction strategies into existing local plans, policies, codes, and programs that guide community development or redevelopment patterns.  


Mitigation Ideas provides a range of potential mitigation actions for reducing risk to natural hazards and disasters. Ideas for mitigation actions are presented for the following natural hazards: drought, earthquake, erosion, extreme temperatures, flood, hail, landslide, lightning, sea level rise, severe wind, severe winter weather, storm surge, subsidence, tornado, tsunami, and wildfire.


For more information of FEMA's Mitigation Planning Program, please visit


For more information about FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Assistance grants, please visit


* * *  

Summer Course Opportunity:

UVM School and Workplace Emergency Planning and Response

1 Credit Hour


The course foundation is built upon the use of FEMA incident command and communication system protocols.   School, business, and organization leaders and  emergency responders will receive practical, activity-based information and resources, all designed to prevent, prepare for,and respond effectively to all types of school and community emergencies.  Secret Service analysis of student shooters in U.S.schools will set the stage for the importance of implementing harassment and bullying prevention policies,integral to comprehensive school and organization crisis prevention.


Who Should Enroll: School administrators, business and organization leaders, facility/operations managers,law enforcement, and fire,hazmat, rescue and related emergency responders.


Meeting Dates June 18 July 11 - 5:00 to 7:30 PM

Location:University of Vermont, Lafayette L408



For further information please contact: Winton Goodrich 802-652-7256 (office) /

* * * 


For questions regarding Emergency Preparedness, including LEPC 1 or 5, please contact Paul Luciano in the CCRPC office at


Save the Date


Better Buildings Summit for State and Local Communities
May 29-31, 2013, Washington, DC


The transition to a clean energy economy - saving energy in our buildings, generating clean and reliable electricity, and promoting sustainable transportation - will lead to a range of benefits most of us are familiar with by now: reduced waste and savings to taxpayers, job and economic growth, a cleaner environment, and a more secure energy future.  


Join us at the second annual Better Buildings Summit for State and Local Communities, May 30-31, in Washington, DC, to engage with fellow state and local government, and K-12 education leaders on effective actions and policies to build a clean energy economy in your states and local communities. Information and Registration



2013 3SquaresVT Outreach Conference

Strengthening our first line of defense against hunger!  

Thursday, May 30, 2013, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM 

Vermont Technical College, Randolph, VT
3SquaresVT is the largest federal nutrition progr
am and currently provides benefits to over 100,000 Vermonters.  This conference will offer an opportunity to learn more about the program from seasoned advocates and the DCF food and nutrition team, hear about recent and upcoming federal and state policy changes, network with colleagues from across the state, and participate in focused workshop discussions.       
There is a $10 fee to attend, which includes a light breakfast and lunch.The deadline to register is Thursday, May 16. Click here to register. If you have any difficulties registering or the fee is a hardship, contact Hunger Free Vermont at 802-865-0255. Information at the website:

8th Annual Downtown and Preservation Conference

Friday, June 7th. downtown Barre, Vermont

Celebrating 15 years of community planning and revitalization in Vermont.  This year's conference will feature workshops in cultural tourism, small business development, flood resiliency, historic preservation and designing for a sense of place in your community. The keynote speaker is Dave Feehan, past president and CEO of The International Downtown Association.  


Graduate-level Housing Policy Course  

Onlinefrom August 26th to October 18thTaught by Maura Collins, Policy and Planning Manager at Vermont Housing Finance Agency. Learn more about housing policy and finance in a highly interactive format. No text book is required and course work will draw from national and local case studies including an in-depth review of a local municipality's housing market.


Save your spot and register online today!

Non-UVM students:

UVM students:

The course is listed as PA395, CRN 94785


Email Maura at with questions


Other Resources & News


Update on State Designation Program Reform
The Downtown Reform Bill H. 377 

 passed the House and is now working its way through the Senate. The bill makes a number of process improvements to the Downtown and Village Center programs and creates a new framework to help communities identify opportunities to build new housing in and around Vermont's downtowns and villages. The bill also directs the Department to examine ways to promote and support compact settlements over the summer and fall. As part of this review, the department will involve a diverse group of stakeholders to help identify program improvements, additional incentives, and consider the potential integration of industrial parks, rural development and the protection of natural resources. The Department will forward its recommendations to the General Assembly by December 15, 2013.    


Does your municipality have regulations that protect shoreland areas? Is this accomplished through a bylaw or ordinance?

There has been a lot of conversation this session about which cities, towns or villages have shoreland zoning regulations or ordinances, as a result of the bill H. 526.  The most recent list of regulations in municipalities from the Agency of Natural Resources is dated 2010.  You may find those lists here: 


H. 526 as it passed the House may be found here.  


In the CCRPC office, Dan Albrecht works with communities on water quality issues. If you would like information or to connect with the people working on this in your town, contact