Collaborative Newsletter
Winter 2016

Happy New Year!

Thank you for staying connected with the Community Development Collaborative of Greater Columbus(Collaborative). 

This year, the Collaborative is supporting the work of four Community Development Corporations (CDCs): Community Development for All People, Franklinton Development Association, Gertrude Wood Community Foundation, and Homes on the Hill. Upcoming projects will include the development of workforce housing on the South Side; rehabbing homes for rental in Franklinton; constructing and rehabbing homes in the Hilltop area; and constructing new homes in the Driving Park neighborhood. 

We have included a new feature in the Collaborative Newsletter called Neighborhood Champions, where we will highlight people, organizations and projects that are instrumental in improving our community. 

The Collaborative is excited about the new year and looks forward to supporting the great work of our CDC grantees in strengthening Columbus neighborhoods. 

A Conversation with Theresa Saelim, Board Chair

Theresa Saelim

PNC Bank
The start of this new year brings a change in leadership for the Collaborative Board of Trustees. We are pleased to announce Theresa Saelim as the new Board Chair. 

We recently sat down for a brief conversation with Ms. Saelim, where she shared her insights on the Collaborative.

Neighborhood Champions

The Collaborative recently spoke with Lisa Patt-McDaniel, one of the coordinators of Parcels to Places; the new initiative to source innovative ideas to redevelop vacant lots in Columbus and Franklin County. 

This initiative is being led by Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing and the City of Columbus Land Redevelopment Office, with additional funding from the Columbus Foundation.

Upcoming Events 

February 2, 2016
Pitch to Ditch Poverty
Join the United Way of Central Ohio at this great event to vote and choose the best project aimed at reducing poverty in our community. The winner will receive a United Way of Central Ohio grant of up to $2,500. The event will be held at Strongwater Food and Spirits from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

February 9, 2016
Parcels to Places: Competition Launch 
Parcels to Places is a pilot project, which will showcase creative ideas and strategies for transforming Columbus' vacant land into an asset that contributes to community needs. 
This kickoff meeting will be held at the King Arts Complex at 6:00 p.m.

March 16-19, 2016

2016 NCRC Annual Conference

Join the National Community Reinvestment Coalition and leaders from business, government, community non-profits, media and academia in Washington, D.C. for cutting edge dialogue, hands-on trainings, workshops, plenaries, and topical sessions on issues affecting America's communities.

Collaborative Partners

Stay Connected

The Community Development Collaborative of Greater Columbus

110 N 17th Street

Columbus, Ohio 43203

Phone: (614) 228-6488 

Fax: (614) 228-6439


Community Development Collaborative of Greater Columbus | 110 North 17th Street | Columbus | OH | 43203