Collaborative Newsletter
Fall 2015

2016 Operating Support and Housing Production Grant

The Collaborative recently released the 2016 Operating Support and Housing Development Grant application. Grants will be awarded to increase the programmatic and organizational capacity of sustainable CHDOs and CDCs to develop new and/or rehabbed affordable housing units targeted to low and moderate income households. 

For more information and to download the application Click Here

The submittal deadline is Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at 4:00 p.m.

Emily Savors
Columbus Foundation
An Interview with Emily Savors

In appreciation of her long tenure of leadership and support, the Collaborative would like to share a sincere thank you as Ms. Savors concludes her time on the Collaborative Board of Trustees. 

We recently sat down with Ms. Savors to talk about the Collaborative's history, changes she has seen in community development, and her advice for new CDCs.
New Board Member Highlight

Rita Parise
City of Columbus

Neighborhood CDC Spotlight

Engage CDC

The Collaborative is excited to work with new grantee, Engage Community Development Corporation, in their efforts to help revitalize the Central and South Central Hilltop neighborhood. 
Upcoming Events 

October 20, 2015
Indoor Air Quality: Bridging Health and Housing
Join the Ohio Healthy Homes Network for their Fall Forum on the topic of Indoor Air Quality in the auditorium of Columbus Public Health from 10 am to 2 pm.

October 30, 2015
Nutz & Boltz of IDAs
Training hosted by the Ohio CDC Association for organizations considering or developing an Individual Development Account (IDA) program. Training will be held at the Columbus Metropolitan Library, Whitehall Branch.

December 1-3, 2015
2015 Ohio Housing Conference: "Raising the Bar for Better Communities" 
Hosted by the Ohio Housing Finance Agency and Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing. The 17th annual Ohio Housing Conference will be held at the Greater Columbus Conference Center.

Collaborative Partners

Stay Connected

The Community Development Collaborative of Greater Columbus
110 N 17th Street
Columbus, Ohio 43203
Phone: (614) 228-6488 
Fax: (614) 228-6439