
The Collaborative Newsletter

Fall 2014
In This Issue
Grant Opportunity
Board Member Spotlight
Young Professionals in Community Development
Upcoming Events

2015 Operational Support and Housing Production Grant

The Community Development Collaborative recently released the 2015 application for funding. Grants will be awarded to increase the programmatic and organizational capacity of sustainable CHDOs and CDCs to develop new, improved and/or modified affordable housing units targeted to low and moderate income households. Funds may be used to support operational expenses, capacity building activities and technical needs, but are not intended to fund direct construction activities.


For more information, contact





Click here to download the application.


 New Board Member Spotlight

Grady Williams
Nationwide Bank 


Young Professionals in Community Development 


On August 27, 2014, the Collaborative hosted  a neighborhood walking tour in the historic King-Lincoln district for the Young Professionals in Community Development. The group toured a combination of new housing, private business development, public infrastructure investments, and long time neighborhood institutional anchors. Tour stops included  the Lincoln Theatre,  the King Arts Complex, and the newly constructed Long St. cultural wall.    


Upcoming Events     

 2014 Fall Quarterly Meeting

On October 29-30, the Ohio Conference of Community Development is holding its fall quarterly meeting at the Holiday Inn Downtown Capital Square. Planned activities will include panel discussions, presentations on technology and citizen engagement, and a tour of downtown Columbus. RSVP by October 22nd.  
Read more..


16th Annual Ohio Housing Conference

Join the Ohio Housing Finance Agency and Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing on November 4-6 for the 16th annual Ohio Housing Conference, "United for Ohio's Communities". Be a part of this premier housing conference and celebrate the impact our common mission of providing decent affordable housing has had on our residents, communities and economy. Network with more than 1,600 industry peers as you attend over 50 industry-related sessions and workshops focused on educating and inspiring you to continue your good work. We hope you will join us and share your experiences and successes as you take away value-added insights and knowledge.  Read more.. 

2014 Collaborative Funders

Contact Info
The Community Development Collaborative of Greater Columbus
110 N 17th Street
Columbus, Ohio 43203
Phone: (614) 228-6488
Fax: (614) 228-6439