4 R Kids ECI Newsletter
Volume 4 - October 2012



The 4 R Kids Early Childhood Iowa Area will begin to update their early childhood community plan. A community needs assessment will be conducted in the four county area with the assistance of the Early Childhood Committees in each county. Additionally, other community assessments from community partners such as Head Start, Public Health and Decategorization will also be utilized. All assessments will be analyzed that will assist in updating the early childhood community plan.


A fiscal assessment of agencies is also a requirement. Required information is to be gathered that will include ages of children served, number of families served, estimated funding the agency receives, type of funding, and gaps the agency has identified. Please alert your agency's administrators that this will be coming.


The community needs assessment and the fiscal assessment will be conducted over the next six months with a final updated community plan by July 2013.


Debra Schrader, Executive Director 

FY2013 Legislative Agenda

The 4 R Kids Early Childhood Iowa Area Board has put together their "FY2013 Legislative Agenda" as well as "Questions to Consider" and "Why Should Iowa Invest in Early Childhood". All three documents are located at www.4rkids-eci.org.


The Board recommends the following for this legislative session:

  • Restore funding to the FY2008 funding levels;
  • Flexibility to meet the needs of our community;
  • Collaboration among state agencies to support a statewide comprehensive system.
       4 R Kids ECI Board Membership 
Volunteer opportunities are available for residents of Adair, Dallas, Madison, and Warren counties to serve on the local 4 R Kids Early Childhood Iowa Area Board.


There are currently two board positions open on the thirteen member board. Both positions are open to any citizen who shows care and compassion for early childhood activities and reside or work in Adair and Madison County. You may refer to state ECI State Tool LL for board membership requirements.


The 4 R Kids ECI Area Board is responsible for the early childhood funding that flows in to the four county area of Adair, Dallas, Madison, and Warren from the state of Iowa. Currently the funding supports home visitation, parent education, preschool scholarships, preschool health screenings, preschool professional development, preschool quality improvement, child care quality and service coordination. It is also the responsibility of the 4 R Kids ECI Area Board to encourage collaboration of all early childhood services in our area.


The 4 R Kids ECI Area Board meets 12 times a year on the third Thursday of the month rotating in Adair, Dallas, Madison and Warren County at 6:30 P.M. Board terms are for three years. Current information about the 4 R Kids ECI Area Board can be found at www.4rkids-eci.org.


For more information about volunteering to serve on the 4 R Kids ECI Area Board, contact Executive Director, Debra Schrader or 641-344-2250. Persons may also request a board membership application or you may apply online www.4rkids-eci.org. 

Child Care In America 

No one knows exactly how many children die in child care settings every year. A new Child Care Aware� of America research paper, Why Aren't We Outraged? Children Dying in Child Care Across America,found that child care licensing agencies in only 38 states require child fatalities in licensed child care settings be reported to the licensing agency.


Approximately two-thirds of infants in our country are in child care, and more than 30 percent of those children are in child care full time (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2004). These numbers indicate that less than 9 percent of SIDS deaths should occur in child care settings; however that number is closer to 20 percent.


More information about child care can be found here www.naccrra.org.

24/7 Child Care Referrals 

Iowa Child Care Resource & Referral has a new way for you to find child care in your area. Simply visit the website and select the area of the state you live in the drop down menu under "Free Referrals @ your fingertips" www.iowaccrr.org


Create an account and surf for a provider near you by entering all information you're looking for. Results include a map and a link to additional provider information.

Did You Know?

75% of Iowa children under the age of 6 have both parents in the workforce. Here is the County data.


77% Adair

72% Dallas

81% Madison

79% Warren


New Website 

The 4 R Kids ECI Area has a new website address




Why are school buses are yellow?


School buses in the United States have been painted yellow since 1939 when the vivid and visible color was selected at a New York conference that established nationwide school bus construction and safety standards.



4 R Kids ECI Area Board Meeting Dates

October 18, 2012

Greenfield City Hall in Greenfield


November 15, 2012

Farmers Merchant Bank in Winterset


December 13, 2012

Location TBD in Adel


January 17, 2013

Calvary Baptist Church Indianola


February 21, 2013

Location TBD in Greenfield


March 21, 2013

Farmers Merchant Bank in Winterset


Board meetings are at 6:30 P.M.

Debra Schrader, 4 R Kids Executive Director

4 R Kids Early Childhood Iowa Area Board

1011 Pear Avenue

Prescott, Iowa 50859



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4 R Kids Early Childhood Iowa Area Board Vision
"Every child beginning at birth will be healthy and successful"