News & Upcoming Events from the Florida Skin Divers Association


The officers & club representatives of the Florida Skin Divers Association (FSDA) would like to thank you for your support of the FSDA and to let you know we have lots of exciting events planned for 2016.

The FSDA board of representatives are working on details for the 2016 State Freediving Championships, 2016 West Coast Council (WCC), 2016 Lionfish Calcutta, 2016 Southern Open, 2016 Guy Harvey Lionfish Safari and the FSDA photography and videography tournaments.

FSDA website updates are in progress for the 2016 events and you can find some of the dates for the above listed tournaments on the events page. Complete details are not yet available for all events but will be coming soon. Check out our website (please keep in mind, it's a work in progress).

The developers and representatives of Shark Shield need your help! They are designing the next generation of their shark deterrent system and would like to solicit your valuable feedback and product development suggestions.

Whether you are an occasional or avid diver, freediver or on SCUBA, current Shark Shield users and non-users alike, Shark Shield would like your help in the design of the next generation shark deterrent system.

Shark Shield will be hosting a focus group, open to FSDA members only, to solicit your valuable feedback and product design suggestions.

Date:         Thursday, March 3rd, 2016
Time:         7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Location:    Aquatic Obsessions               
                 6193 Central Ave.
                 St. Petersburg, Fl.

Pizza and beverages will be provided, plus Shark Shield will be giving away a free Shark Shield Freedom 7 the night of the event!

Only 40 spots available for the event so please email to reserve your spot.

Shark Shield is the world's only scientifically proven and independently tested electrical shark deterrent and they need your help to make it better!

Call to Action

The organization "Our Florida Reefs" has proposed a Recommended Management Action "RMA Action N-59 Ban Spearfishing on SCUBA" for the South Florida counties of Miami /Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Martin. Here's a quick summary from their website:

You can read the complete document at N-59 Full Document

Currently, this action is only aimed at South Florida, but if this  is allowed to pass, is Florida's Gulf Coast next? Denny O'Hern, FSDA 2016 President and Executive Director of the Fishing Rights Alliance (FRA) is in Miami today (2/18) to speak at the the public hearings and voice the FSDA's opposition to "RMA N-59". DEMA (Dive Equipment and Marketing Association) also strongly opposes this ban as well as representatives from the Fish and Wildlife Commission.

This action is being proposed without scientific data to support such a ban.  Although the Recommended Management Action  (RMA) cites many publications to support its proposal for banning spearfishing on SCUBA, the RMA lacks sound, scientific evidence to show that spearfishing while on SCUBA is detrimental to the South Florida reef system.  Specifically, the RMA states that, "The relative number of fish taken by spear versus angling is unknown, as is the total magnitude of fish taken by spear.  It is a cryptic fishery." Any ban on spearfishing must also include similar restrictions on commercial and recreational fishing.  Florida already has many fishing regulations in place which regulate seasonality as well as size and quantity limits, which appropriately impact all forms of fishing; commercial fishing, recreational fishing and spearfishing.  Absent is any data that specifically points to spearfishing as having a greater impact on supposedly "highly targeted species".

How can you help? Simply click the links below and sign the petition. You may also make comments. If making comments, state whether or not you visit South Florida to fish/dive (economic impact to their community), whether your business is fishing / dive related (you build / work on boats, dive shop, marina, or other related industry). Please keep your comments "G" rated.

2015 Annual FSDA Banquet
& Casino Night

The Florida Skin Divers Association annual banquet was held on January 30, 2015, at the Magnuson Hotel, in St. Petersburg, Fl.

Winners of the 2015 West Coast Council Spearfishing Series and winners of the 2015 FSDA  Photographer & Videographer of the Year  were recognized and awarded their trophies. The recipient of the Norm Wyman / Poppa Taylor award was also  announced. It was a fun-filled evening with good food, casino fun and friends.
WCC 2015 big fish winners: (L to R) Matt Brueckner, Scott Morris, Tom Morris, Save Shelton, Charlie Barnes
2015 WCC 1st - 5th Place Overall Spearfishing Points (L to R)
Mike Miller (5th), Matt Brueckner (4th), Melody Engle (3rd), Charlie Barnes (1st Place), Heidi Thoricht (2nd)
1st Place Club - Suncoast Seals

1st Place Video - Open Waters Robert Zoble w/ Photo Chair Heidi Thoricht
1st Place U/W Photo - SLR Mike Miller             1st Place U/W Photo Open - Heidi Thoricht

And a very special congratulations to Heidi Thoricht on being named the 2015 recipient of the Norm Wyman / Poppa Taylor Award. Heidi is President of the Sea Bunnies and has dedicated many hours to the FSDA as the photo / video chair, photographing FSDA events, lending a hand to organize FSDA events and promoting the sport of SCUBA in her community. Thank you for your dedication Heidi!
Last year's recipient, Bill Van Deman, presents Heidi with the Norm Wyman / Poppa Taylor Award
2016 FSDA Officers, Club Representatives and Chair Persons
(L to R)
Denny O'Hern - President, Bill Van Deman - Secretary, Teresa Hattaway - Vice President, Scott Morris - Seals and WCC Chair, Melody Engle - Sea Bunnies and Southern Open Chair, Heidi Thoricht - Photo & Video Chair, Matt Brueckner - Freedive Chair, Sonia Smith - Rowdies and Ocean Pals, Courtland Hunt - Super Series Chair and Suncoast Underwater Club Rep, Jim Brennan - Super Series Chair, Bill Hardman - Treasurer
A big thank you to our sponsors for their donations to or raffle.
JBL Spearguns, Hammerhead Spearguns, Tikanis Resturant, Aristakat Charters, Tanks-A-Lot Dive Charters, Cressi, Big Blue Lights, Jim's Dive Shop, Patti Bacun, Melody Engle and all of the FSDA clubs for the liquor prize!

Check out more photos from the evening on the FSDA's Facebook Page
2016 Interbay Spearfishing Challenge

The 2016 Interbay Spearfishing Challenge was held on February 6, 2016. Despite the cold, rainy and dreary conditions over 40 hearty souls competed to determine the best spearfisher in Tampa Bay.

Winners from today's Interbay Spearfishing Tournament.
-(L to R) Bryan Lee Anderson, Matthew Manzier, Ritchie Zacker, Nicole Burko, Milo Talokonnikoff, Armando Suarez and Deivy Fernandez.

Reigning Interbay Champion
Ritchie Zacker
Top Junior:
Matthew Manzier
Top Female:
Nicole Burko
Big Fish:
Bryan Anderson - 54.95 lb black drum
King Claw:
Ritchie Zacker

1st Place: Ritchie Zacker
2nd Place: Milo Talokonnikoff
3rd Place: Deivy Fernandez
4th Place: Bryan Anderson
5th Place: Armando Suarez

A special congratulations to Bryan Anderson for taking a new FSDA state record 54.95 lb Black Drum at Saturday's FSDA Interbay Championships
For more photos of the day, please visit the FSDA's Facebook Event Page 2016 FSDA Interbay Challenge

Stay Connected

Don't miss out on the fun!
Be sure to like us on Facebook - Florida Skin Divers Association
and follow us on Instagram - floirdaskindiversassociation
Use #floridaskindiversassociation to tag any of your FSDA, diving, spearfishing and club event photos so they can show up on our Instagram!
Florida Skin Divers Association