WCTN Telemedicine Network Monthly Newsletter
WesleyCare Telemedicine Network
November 2014 Newsletter
Wesley Medical Center
In This Issue
WesleyCare Telemedicine Network Expands to Provide Acute Neurological Services
NeuroInterventional Trials' Results to be Released Soon
The Many Benefits of Telemedicine [Infographic]


WESLEYCare Telemedicine Network Expands to

Provide Acute Neurological Services

Wesley Medical Center  |  November 17, 2014

WICHITA - Wesley Medical Center's WESLEYCare Telemedicine Network (WCTN) has expanded its services to include the diagnosis and treatment of patients exhibiting symptoms of acute neurological conditions. The WCTN is an innovative system that uses technology to bring the best of stroke, and now acute neurology care, to hospitals throughout Kansas.


"Patients coming to the ER with head injuries, vision problems and numbness, among a multitude of other conditions may indicate a neurologically focused emergency," said Dr. Calvin Olmstead, MD, stroke medical director for Wesley Medical Center. "Our program lets these patients be seen more rapidly and have the focused attention of a medical team dealing only with neurological conditions."


The WCTN uses a mobile "robot," which has a motion-directed monitor, high-resolution cameras and a microphone. Within minutes, the local physician and patient can be communicating with an experienced neurologist who can view the patient's symptoms and discuss them with all involved. Medical data, including imaging scans, can also be transmitted. The local clinical team and neurologist can then develop a treatment plan for patients in need of this specialized care.


Telemedicine consults are available for any acute neurological condition present within 48 hours of patients being admitted.    These consults can very quickly determine if the patient is able to receive care where they are, or if a transfer to Wesley is required. 


"Our goal is keep as many patients in their home community as possible. But in the event treatment necessitates transfer to Wesley, patients have access to our full staff of neuroscience experts and services," Dr. Olmstead said.




NeuroInterventional Trials' Results to be Released Soon
Gwen Dooley, MSN, NP, Practice Manager, Radiology Imaging Associates Neurovascular


There have been exciting developments in the NeuroInterventional world. We are anxiously awaiting the release of two groundbreaking new trials - The MR CLEAN (Multicenter Randomized Clinical trial of Endovascular treatment for Acute ischemic stroke in the Netherlands) and ESCAPE (Endovascular Treatment for Small Core and Proximal Occlusion Ischemic Stroke) trials. Both promise to add new light on the use of interventional therapy in the treatment of acute stroke.


We look forward to sharing the results of these trials as they are made available. 




The Many Benefits of Telemedicine





WesleyCare Telemedicine NetworkMegan Canter

Director of Telemedicine

HCA Continental Division

4900 S Monaco Street, Suite 380

Denver, CO 80237-3487
303-788-2568 (ofc)

303-717-9995 (cell)






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