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A New You!!  Welcome 2015!!
a new you
It's 2015!  New Year - New You! is the slogan we see everywhere.

Now that the holidays are over, there is a natural tendency to make a clean fresh start on a new year.  We have supplied some great articles here to help you get started in making this the best year yet!  Happy 2015!

SageMinder Team
Unpaid family caregivers provide the vast majority of healthcare services for seniors in the US at an estimated value of $375 billion dollars a year. Caregivers often do this service out of love for a parent or other relative and do not consider the potential costs to themselves in time and treasure. While this is noble, it may be time to consider finding ways to get reimbursed for these costs. The first hidden cost is time itself.  This is time you are not improving your own earning potential either because you have reduced hours at work, quit your job, or are simply not getting promoted because you are less available and focused on work.
woman taking good care of herself

Does this sound like you?  You had a long day caring for others and you go home to sit on the couch, watch tv, eat some chips, and fall into bed exhausted a little late.  Then, you wake up bright and early to start it all over again with a quick jolt of coffee and some sweet breakfast. You may be experiencing caregiver burnout or stress.  Caregivers are at an increased risk of heart disease, high cholesterol, stress-related anxiety disorders, depression, and decreased immune function.


In life, we are given a set of situations, gifts, challenges, and tasks.  Just like in cards, we have to decide how to play what we are dealt. We may get a seemingly "good" or "bad" hand - depending on your viewpoint. But, also just like cards, we have strategic choices to make our lives the best they can possibly be.  I learned once in a psychology class that we have sort of three "personalities."

In This Issue:
Want to Get Paid?
Self-Care Tips
Playing Your Cards Well
NEW! Daily LIVE Check-In Calls!
Need More Energy?

Still Affordable starting at $29.95


Lori Paterno, M.Ed., Sage Life Technologies, LLC

So, the holiday bustle is over. Whew! I'm sure each of you has already met all the goals on your resolution list (okay - I'm joking here!) and you are back in the grind. Only, now, the bleak winter is settling in and there are no elves, tinsel, or songs of merriment to keep you going.


For many people who have traveled over the holidays, gained a few pounds, forgot to exercise, or entertained large families, January can be the month you feel the exhaustion from your "holiday break."


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