June Bug Banner
Board of Directors
2013-14 BOD
In the unlikely event
That you did not grasp the significance of the banner.
June Bugs, a generic term for large, ugly, noisy bugs that appear in the south at the start of summer. Since I miss those bugs I am headed to Florida to visit a few.
We had three of our American Advertising Awards entries win at the National Level. The announcement was just made at the National AAF Convention in Boca Raton, FL.

Student Gold went to Kinsey White, from MSU-Bozeman for the Official Guide to Express.

Student Silver went to Richard Lane, also from MSU - Bozeman for his Big Brothers and Sisters Guerrilla campaign.

Professional Silver went to Brickhouse Creative from Bozeman for their Bozeman Reel Company Photo Campaign.

Here ia virtual RockStar award for each of you!

Content created by:
Red Socks  
That guy with red socks. 
Corporate Sponsorships Available
Opportunities = Success

The Ad Club Board of Directors, with assistance from Julie Levine and Max Smith, has developed and approved a new Corporate Sponsorship Package. It was important to the board to insure a solid return on investment for our corporate partners. We would like to make the sponsor packages available to member organizations prior to offering it to outside corporations.  Our events, lunches, education and marketing initiatives take a lot of time, volunteerism and money!  We have come up with a plan that will keep Ad Club moving forward and help you promote your business as well.


Please review the Corporate Sponsorship Package described below and let John know if your company would be interested in becoming an Ad Club sponsor.  There are lots of opportunities available that we hope you'll take advantage of, because when you and your business succeed, so does Team Ad Club.


Thanks & have a great summer!

Julie McCamley


Great Falls Advertising Federation

Sponsorship Programs


Ad Club/AAF - Great Falls is an award winning organization dedicated to further effective advertising, marketing and public relations.


Ad Club Core Values:

  1. Foster higher standards of practice in advertising.
  2. Further educate members in the business of producing, buying and selling advertising and allied subjects.
  3. Encourage the use of good advertising.
  4. Encourage legislation beneficial to the advertising industry.
  5. Inform the public regarding the importance of advertising.
  6. Engage in civic projects for the good of the Great Falls area.


Why Sponsor?


Your organization will receive exposure to a targeted audience of industry professionals as well as the local community.  Your company will be showcased and recognized throughout the year, strengthening your presence in the marketplace and identifying you as an industry leader.  Your sponsorship will also provide for various educational opportunities for local youth & adults. 


The following outlines a sponsorship opportunity that will provide you strong benefits and exposure at all of the Ad Club events for a full year.  In addition, smaller sponsorships are available at individual events.



  • Events that will be included in your sponsorship are: 
    • American Advertising Awards - annual advertising awards in February.
    • Colors of Fall Art Show - annual three-day art show in October.
    • Celebrity Celebration - annual event, date varies based upon availability of celebrity.
    • Business And Marketing workshops - bi-annual workshops for high school students, one in spring and one in fall.
    • Marketing Bootcamp - All day seminar presented for non-profits in late spring. Designed to maximize their marketing budgets.
Event Banner  

AAF - Great Falls Sponsor

These exclusive sponsorships are available for an investment of $3,500.  We are happy to bill your sponsorship all at once, quarterly, or monthly.  The following outlines the details of what your investment will provide your organization:


  • Company logo to be included in all programs, posters, tickets, or other print material, and if applicable websites.
  • Banner (to be provided by sponsor) to be hung at each event in a prominent location.
  • Two complimentary tickets to each of the events outlined above. Celebrity Celebration will include admission to "meet and greet", provided the celebrity agrees to do a meet and greet.



  • A page on www.gfaf.com will highlight each of our sponsors.  The page will include company logo, contact information and a link to the business website. 
  • Major sponsor logos will be included in each Ad Club "Advents" newsletter, which is electronically distributed to all Ad Club members twice per month.
  • Company logo will be included in electronic presentations that will display before and after each Ad Club lunch meeting, highlighting all major sponsors.
  • Sponsor has the option to host an Ad Club lunch.  The Ad Club will work with you to develop a mutually agreeable presence at the meeting which may include a display area, information on tables, etc.
  • One (1) paid Ad Club membership with full privileges. 

Download this information in a PDF here.

There are other individual sponsorships also available. Download the complete list here.



You say it's your birthday...

Julie Levine
Croxford's Funeral Home
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