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Celebrity in Trouble  VIDEO
Live video of Justin Bieber's court appearance  
The arrest came after a traffic stop for drag racing, with Bieber failing field sobriety test.  Reports also say that Bieber was charged with resisting arrest without violence for not taking his hands out of his pockets when ordered to and driving with an expired license. Read More
Past Issues
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Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

To Bruce Springsteen, Pete Seeger, the singer/songwriter/activist who died Monday at the age of 94, was "the father of American folk music.
Richard Burton talking about alcohol addiction
Don't miss this video.
Richard Burton on Dick Cavett
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Making A Difference  Feb. 28, - March 1, 2014
 6th Annual                                     It Happens to 
Boys Conference    with Jerry Moe-John Lee-Patrick Carns-Judy Crane-Allen Berger
February 28, March 1, 2014
 Pasadena Hilton Read More
1980's redo
Hairdresser bought cocaine for a party
A HAIRDRESSER who bought thousands of pounds worth of cocaine for a party he was hosting has been spared jail. Jethro Mansell went to London to get almost two ounces of the drug which he would have laid on for guests at the door. Read More
Experience, Strength and Hope Award 
5th Annual Experience, Strength and Hope Award show.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Skirball Cultural Center
Los Angeles, CA
Honoring Carrie White
Headliner Alonzo Bodden
Rosario Dawson on Growing Up With Crack and Heroin Addicts
(Article and photo by Dori Olds) When I attack Apple [Hudgens] in the church with a razor in my mouth, that's not something Ron made up. He was actually in that church and witnessed this girl who got attacked by her mom with a razor. I'd grown up with all of this, so June had to have deteriorated skin and distraught teeth because that's what happens after years of drug abuse. Read More
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Celebrity Sobriety
Arrest played big part in reformation of shock comedian Steve-O 
By 2011, the star of the Jackass TV series and spinoff movies was clean and sober after years of alcohol and drug abuse. And when the comedian tried to leave Calgary, he was arrested at the airport for an outstanding warrant. Apparently, unbeknownst to him, he had been charged back in 2004 with assaulting a fan with a weapon. Read More
Science Update
Drug Tweaks Epigenome to Erase Fear Memories
"It's remarkable," says Li-Huei Tsai, a neuroscientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who led the work. "If we inject a single dose of this drug it actually is sufficient to reactivate neuroplasticity." The drug works by changing the way DNA is expressed in the brain. Read More
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Audiobook Suggestion
Addiction & Recovery Audiobook from Award Winning Addictionologist
"From the Edge of the Cliff: Understanding the Two Phases of Recovery and Becoming the Person You're Meant To Be" by Colorado author Dr. Dawn V. Obrecht M.D. is scheduled to be released as an audiobook by producer and publisher, Brook Forest Voices, on February 1, 2014 with narration by Tara Saltzman. Read More
Discovery may pave way for cocaine addiction treatment
The research opens the door to a brand new direction for therapeutics to treat cocaine addiction. The National Institute of Drug Abuse reveal that nearly 1.4 million Americans meet criteria for dependence or abuse of cocaine. Read More
Music of Sobriety
Jason Isbell's songs go beyond his own emotions
Isbell insists that it's not an album about sobriety and marriage but rather an album made possible by sobriety and marriage.
But if you're going to be a writer for your whole life, you have to write about something other than yourself, because you don't have enough time to keep having new experiences. You'd end up describing yourself sitting at a desk, a mirror facing a mirror. Read More
Purdue Pharma's Oxycotin
Oxycotin - $17,000 deaths last year
Purdue Pharma's Oxycontin is the granddaddy of drugs that make money despite lethal side-effects. Along with other prescription opioids, it accounted for an astounding 17,000 deaths last year-four times that in 2003. "The increase [in use] has been fueled in part by doctors and pain advocacy organizations that receive money from drug companies and make misleading claims about the safety and effectiveness of opioids, including that addiction is rare." Read More
Deaths from prescription drug abuse skyrocketing in Pennsylvania
I think we're in a culture in which everything gets fixed - there is no level of uncomfortableness that we think we should have to endure," referring to the use of prescription narcotics for pain relief. "It's a quick way to alleviate discomfort. There's just an idea that we don't ever have to be uncomfortable, and I think that's a major reason drugs are a problem." Read More
Senior Citizens
The Growing Problem of Senior Substance Abuse
Representatives from the Mountainside Treatment Center in Canaan, Connecticut will take part in an important presentation regarding the growing problem of substance abuse in senior citizens. Read More
5th Experience Strength & Hope Award, Feb. 13.
Health Warning
Carcinogenic sodas served at rehab facilities VIDEO
"We are concerned about both the levels of 4-MeI we found in many of the soft drinks tested and the variations observed among brands, especially given the widespread consumption of these types of beverages," said Dr. Urvashi Rangan,  toxicologist, in a statement. Read More
Courage and Integrity VIDEO
Elizabeth Vargas: 'I Am an Alcoholic,' Says ABC News Anchor VIDEO
"I am. I am an alcoholic," Vargas told "GMA" co-anchor George Stephanopoulos in interview that was taped Thursday and aired for the first time today. "It took me a long time to admit that to myself. It took me a long time to admit it to my family, but I am. "I started thinking 'Well, you know, I'll only drink, you know, on weekends," she said, laughing. "I'll only drink, you know, two glasses of wine a night. I won't drink on nights before I have to get up and do 'Good Morning America.' But those deals never work." Read More
Rehab Business
The Big Business Of Celebrity Rehab
Forbes: Hollywood promotion of addiction treatment could serve to normalize, possibly even glamorize, the idea of living to excess, and maybe excuse the reckless behavior that often lands celebrities in rehab in the first place. Rehab can be used as a mea culpa, for the famous and the non-famous: a way to make amends or smooth over a situation. Read More
The Biggest Killer
More Addictive Cigarettes
It is equally shocking to learn now that some of today's cigarettes may be more addictive than those smoked in past years, most likely because the manufacturers are designing them to deliver more nicotine to the lungs to induce and sustain addiction. That devious tactic requires a strong response by regulators. Read More
Deadly batch of heroin blamed for rash of deaths
The Pittsburgh area may be facing a public health crisis following a large increase in heroin overdoses in the last week. Allegheny County Medical Examiner Karl Williams believes the deaths can be linked to a batch of heroin being trafficked in Theraflu packages that is tainted with the powerful narcotic fentanyl. Read More
Irony of the week
Car Crashes Into Substance Abuse Class
The vehicle drove through the Riverbend Communications sign at before going through the side of the building. The car crashed into a room that was full of people taking a substance abuse class mandated by their probation and paroll. Read More
Mental Illness in America VIDEO
Senator recounts mentally ill son attacking him
In an emotional recollection of his mentally-ill son attacking him with a knife, Virginia State Sen. Creigh Deeds painfully illustrates the shortage of psychiatric beds for mentally ill youth in the U.S. The young man, Gus, committed suicide shortly after attacking his father when he was discharged from a hospital emergency room because there no psychiatric facilities that could admit him at the time. See Videoe
Recovery and Politics do Mix
Boston Mayor Marty Walsh gets better treatment 
It was widely reported during the mayoral campaign that Walsh still attends meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous almost 20 years after quitting. "I don't really care who knows I'm an alcoholic, because if it helps somebody else knowing that I'm an alcoholic, then they'll ask me for help if they need it. Read More
About Us
SAVE A LIFEWriters In Treatment
501 (c)(3) nonprofit
WIT gets treatment for individuals who suffer from alcoholism, drug addiction or other self-destructive behaviors.

Publisher: Leonard Buschel
Family of Origin
Prescription drugs lead to growing problem of infant addiction
A 2012 study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association found newborns addicted to painkillers tripled in just 10 years. The study indicated 3.4 out of every 1,000 babies born suffered from withdrawals associated with narcotic pain medications. Read More
Commentary VIDEO
Laurie Dhue on Struggling with Addiction and Trace Adkins   VIDEO
Dhue said that while she hasn't relapsed in the seven years since she became sober, she knows that it could happen "at any time" because "addiction is a very tricky disease" that tells you, "you don't have a disease; you can drink like a normal person. See Video
Is The Teen Brain More Vulnerable To Addiction?
His new book Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain (Tarcher, 2014), aims to help both adolescents and adults understand the transformations of the teenage brain. In a telephone interview, he spoke to The Fix about adolescence, drug use and the dangers of addiction: Read More
Fifty Shades of Grey library copies test positive for cocaine 
Each of the most-borrowed volumes underwent bacteria and toxicology tests, and the findings revealed that library books should come with due dates and rubber gloves. Read More
Science Studies
Cocaine can attach itself to user's sperm
On the other hand, men who drink excessively tend to father children with lower birth weights. Mothers who consume cocaine can cause severe disabilities in their children. You can read more about the study here. Or, you can just take our word for it that regardless of the effects it has on sperm, doing cocaine is a bad idea. Read More
Mediation from Center for Healthy Sex
"Ultimately spiritual awareness unfolds when you're flexible, when you're spontaneous, when you're detached, when you're easy on yourself and easy on others."  
~ Deepak Chopra
Anxiety and ego can be the enemy of healthy sexual experiences, since the tendency of the mind to judge and compare.MORE 
New Dangers
How many toxins in electronic cigarettes 
E-cigarettes seem to offer the best opportunity in generations to end our fatal affair with the conventional cigarette - yet there are some big problems. I found that concerns about the regulation and quality of these devices can be traced all the way back to China, which is where the vast majority are made. Read More
Dr. Drew: Substance abuse likely behind Bieber's problems
IDr. Drew Pinsky, host of "Dr. Drew on Call" on the HLN network, says Bieber's mixing of marijuana, alcohol and prescription medications makes him very concerned, more so than Bieber's previous high jinks like throwing eggs at a neighbor's home or legal fights with a body guard. Read More
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Courtroom Drama
Ex-Cowboy convicted of DUI manslaughter in teammate's death
Former Dallas Cowboys NFL football player Josh Brent, right, stands with Dallas Cowboys linebacker Sean Lee in court after closing arguments in his intoxication manslaughter trial Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2014, in Dallas. Read More
Science Studies
Alcohol Consumption And Cars: Unsafe At Any Level
Even "minimally buzzed" drinkers and drivers are more often to blame for fatal car crashes than the sober drivers they collide with, reports a University of California. Read More
Dr. Tian Dayton and the $100 million
Pulling Mental Health Out of the Shadows
IVice President Biden announced that $100 million will soon be available to increase access to mental health services and improve mental health care and facilities. "The fact that less than half of children and adults with diagnosable mental health problems receive the treatment they need is unacceptable. Read More
Law EnforcementsY
Justin Bieber 'DUI and drag racing charges DROPPED'
Bieber will not face DUI or drag racing charges - it has been revealed.
In a dramatic U-turn over the shamed pop star's charges, 19-year-old Bieber will answer one misdemeanor charge of resisting arrest without violence. Read More