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Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Inspired by Assessment 
James Bond: 'shaken, not stirred' due to alcohol-induced tremor?
Presuming survival despite the high risk nature of his profession, we anticipate that James Bond's life expectancy would be significantly reduced," they say.

"In fact, the author Ian Fleming died aged 56 of heart disease after a life notable for alcohol and tobacco excess. We suspect that Bond's life expectancy would be similarRead More

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Inspired by Obama
Obama to Commute Sentences for 8 in Crack Cocaine Cases
It would be the first time retroactive relief was provided to a group of inmates who most likely would have received significantly shorter terms if they had been sentenced under current drug laws, sentencing rules and charging policies.." Read More
Inspired by Lawmakers
Local commissioners plough �700,000 into talking therapies
A commissioning group has announced a �700,000 investment in primary care talking therapies in Belfast, in an attempt to cut the number of patients relying on medication." Read More
Inspired by Satire  SEE VIDEO
AA Destroying The Social Lives Of Thousands Of Once-Fun Americans 
In The Know panelists discuss how Alcoholics Anonymous wreaks havoc on the friendships of Americans by turning the 'life of the party' into a sanctimonious bore. See Video
Inspired by Fathers
Talking to your tween about substance abuse
Believe it or not, it is never too soon to speak with your children regarding alcohol or drug use. Read More

Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2013/12/08/4531520/talk-to-your-tween-about-substance.html#storylink=cpRead More
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Inspired by Prevention
Early Intervention May Ward Off Need for Substance Abuse Treatment 
The Good Behavior Game was introduced in the first and second grades, and students were followed for 15 years. The effects on high school graduation rates... Read More
Inspired by Iyanla Vanzant    VIDEO
Iyanla Vanzant Helps A Crystal Meth Addict
Spiritual life coach Iyanla Vanzant traveled to Chicago to help a 28-year-old crystal meth addict named Shannon, whose drug abuse has led to three overdoses and high-risk sex that threatens his future. ." See Video
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Inspired by Eddy Thacher
Edwin T. "Ebby" Thacher: Key figure in creation of Alcoholics Anonymous 
He turned his lifelong struggle with alcoholism into a source of inspiration in the founding ofAlcoholics Anonymous, a worldwide voluntary fellowship of men and women who meet to help each other achieve and maintain sobriety "one day at a time." Read More
Inspired by Sobriety
Alcohol recovery helping man appreciate his life
"Now I love being able to spend Christmas Day with my family and not having to apologise for my behaviour and ruining Christmas for my family and friends." Read More
Inspired by Troopers
Tthe troopers and Ross managed to keep the man alive until EMS crews arrived. Read More
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of the new classic 
documentary, BILL W. (2012)
Donate to                                  Writers In Treatment/              REEL Recovery Film Festival,
501(c)(3) nonprofit (min. $50)
Bill W. tells the story of William G. Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, a man included in TIME Magazine's "100 Persons of the 20th Century."
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About Us
SAVE A LIFEWriters In Treatment
501 (c)(3) nonprofit
WIT gets treatment for individuals who suffer from alcoholism, drug addiction or other self-destructive behaviors.

Publisher: Leonard Buschel
Experience, Strength and Hope Award 
5th Annual Experience, Strength and Hope Award show.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Skirball Cultural Center
Los Angeles, CA
Honoring Carrie White
Headliner Alonzo Bodden
Inspired by Books
No More Vodka In My Orange Juice
Inspired by Simon Pegg
Simon Pegg Credits Sobriety With Creativity Boost
"I've got to do all or nothing. It can't just be a glass of wine with dinner. I'd wanna (sic) go out and get beered up (drunk) again. And I'm happy to be saved from that." Read More
Inspired by Alternative Sentencing
Americans Against Legalizing Hard Drugs, though Against Jailing People For Using Them?
At the same time, though, few respondents to the latest poll said that they think jail time is an appropriate sentence for first-time drug offenders. For example, 13 percent said that heroin possession by a first-time offender should be punished by a fine or no punishment at all. Read More
Inspired by Bradley Cooper
Bradley Cooper admits early career doubt and drug addiction
Life wasn't always so good for 39-year-old actor Bradley Cooper, as he opens up in an honest interview with GQ about his past addictions, and how during the beginning of his career he wanted to 'kill himself. Read More
5th Experience Strength & Hope Award, Feb. 13.
Inspired by Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous to help cops at sobriety check points
Whenever a traffic offender tests positive for alcohol, the AA volunteers will invite him and his family to be a member of the organization. Read More 
Inspired by Recovery
After rehab, 24-year-old thankful for every day
"I can tell you I'm grateful for everything in my life, from a cup of coffee to the shoes on my feet. Everything." Read More
Inspired by Stacy Keach
Stacy Keach: Getting arrested for cocaine possession was the 'best thing that ever happened to me' 
What were you thinking taking two cans of shaving cream with you for a 24 hour trip?! (One can was filled with cocaine.) Read More
Inspired by Palm Beach 
Substance Abuse Coalition works to curb underage drinking 
Palm Beach County has passed an ordinance requiring all alcohol vendors to display signs stating the legal age to buy alcohol, the consequences of buying for or selling to anyone younger than 21 and a number to call to report anyone who does. Read More
Inspired by Private Citizen
Angel of Lower Wacker Drive
Angelo is the rare person who seeks street people out - not as a member of any church group or social service agency but as a private citizen who feels compelled to assist the less fortunate. Read More
Inspired by County Sheriff
Heroin overdoses prompt push for sheriff's deputies to carry antidote 
The antidote is called Narcan. Hennepin County Sheriff is urging the creation of new laws that would allow deputies to administer Narcan, which can quickly reverse the effects of an overdose, bringing a person from unconscious to complaining in just minutes. Read More
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