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WIT gets treatment for individuals who suffer from alcoholism, drug addiction or other self-destructive behaviors.
Publisher: Leonard Buschel send an email
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Drug poisoning is now the leading cause of injury death in the U.S
About 2.1 percent of Americans - or roughly 5 million people - have used prescription painkillers non-medically in the past month. Read More
Women and gambling addiction
In the book, Women and Problem Gamblers, the author concludes that addiction among women has its roots other than in the "buzz" which men experience.  Read More
Sons of Cocaine-Using Fathers May Resist Addiction to Drug
A father's cocaine use may make his sons less sensitive to the drug and thereby more likely to resist addictive behaviors.  Read More
How the Brain Gets Addicted to Gambling 
In the past, the psychiatric community generally regarded pathological gambling as more of a compulsion than an addiction. Read More
Man gets suspended prison term for stealing money from man he met in AA
Bank employees told police they noticed the elderly man had been making unusual withdrawals from his bank account. Read More
Most Teens Who Misuse Painkillers Aren't After a High 
They cared less about getting high than they did about easing their discomfort. Read More
Rehab News
Controversial Letter Targeting Rehab Opposition
The fight is getting dirty.  The battle to legally operate a drug rehab on Venus Drive hasn't been easy for Recovery Resources.  The neighbors say it doesn't belong here. See Video
In The News
Man pleads guilty in shooting death of AA sponsor
Huffman, 42, was arrested three days later in Casa Grande, Ariz. When police approached him, he raised his hands over his head before being ordered to. Read More
High substance abuse levels in LGB community
"The people we spoke to illustrated some of the social and emotional reasons why they use substances, such as isolation and depression." Read More
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90 in 90
SFPD sergeant must go to Alcoholics Anonymous
A San Francisco police sergeant will have to attend 90 Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and stay a month in a residential treatment program as part of his sentence for a DUI collision. Read More
Addiction & Health
Sugar named 'most addictive and dangerous substance' of our time
"Just like alcohol and tobacco, sugar is actually a drug," writes Van der Velpen
The use of sugar should be discouraged. And users should be made aware of the dangers."" Read More
Bill W.
All 72 images in The Bill W. Collection are available on a to Lease-to-Buy basis. You may lease any of the photographs from 90 ninety days up to a year for your home, office, recovery clubhouse or treatment center. Read More

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Law Enforcement
Drug driving: The great unknown risk on UK roads
Around one in 12 adults admit to taking illegal drugs, But if you're stopped after snorting cocaine and smoking a cannabis joint there's not much the police can do. See Video
Lawyer in NY Silk Road case: Feds have wrong man
A San Francisco man isn't the "Dread Pirate Roberts" who prosecutors say was the mastermind behind a secret website that brokered more than $1 billion in transactions for illegal drugs. Read More
Cocaine Dealer Admits To Shooting Suge Knight
A cooperating witness has told federal investigators that he shot rap mogul Suge Knight at a 2005 party hosted by Kanye West. Read More
Alcohilics Anonymous
Warm welcome awaits at Alcoholics Anonymous
The normally private organisation, Alcoholics Anonymous, is opening its doors to all interested parties for a glimpse at how AA works and how it can help. Read More
Profile VIDEO
2 ex-New Yorkers help those with addiction
How two local men are helping others with addiction with a unique social networking site that's become the focus of a documentary. See Video
Pain Pill Industry Articles (4)
Ardis Dee Hoven, M.D., president of the AMA rejects oversight of Pain Killers
Hydrocodone products are effective for pain relief. Restricting doctors' ability to prescribe them could have negative consequences. Read More
Not long ago, doctors in the U.S. prescribed narcotics mostly for short-term pain, like the kind that people experience after a surgery, or for pain related to cancer or to the end of life. Read More
Take the time to help stop prescription drug abuse
They lost their son, Mike, on Aug. 2, 2012. Unfortunately, deaths like his are not uncommon. Read More
FDA ignores medical experts, approves painkiller
The agency has approved an addictive new pill, ignoring the advice of some in the medical community. Read More
The searing pain of being the daughter of 'perfect' Olivia Newton-John
She became anorexic - until her early 20s - and spent $80 a day on cocaine, also downed a bottle of vodka a day to 'self medicate' - mixed with sedatives. Read More
Robbie Williams thinks wild child Miley Cyrus will 'end up in rehab
The 39-year-old, who has had two stints in rehab himself, admits being under the scrutiny of the showbiz spotlight can be hard for anyone. Read More
Trauma or Tequila?
Alcoholism or brain injury? Kerouac began to suspect that he had been misdiagnosed. Less than a year later, in a letter to Ginsberg, Corso, and Peter Orlovsky that was later published by biographer Ann Charter... Read More 
Kennedy Says Release of Parity Rule Is Only Part of the Battle
Patrick Kennedy, emphasized that "while the final rule may have been written, the final word on mental health is not yet written. Read More
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