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WIT gets treatment for individuals who suffer from alcoholism, drug addiction or other self-destructive behaviors.
Publisher: Leonard Buschel send an email
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"Walking Dead" Ethics: Hypocrisy, Substance Abuse And Survival
The other tough ethical issue confronted in the episode involves alcoholism. Survivor Bob endangers the safety of the rest by falling off the wagon. Read More
National Institute on Drug Abuse Awards $9.75 million to SRI International to Test Safety of Meds for Treatment of Addiction
"It is important to know early on in the drug development process whether there is potential for a new drug, when taken in concert with a drug of abuse such as cocaine or morphine, to cause side effects from overdosing, including seizures or other problems."  Read More
Addiction & Death
Rash of drug overdose deaths alarms Florida emergency personnel 
A string of 13 overdoses caused at least eight deaths during a seven-day stretch ending Tuesday in Manatee County. Read More
No one brings dinner when your daughter is an addict.
At 19, she was arrested for drug possession, faced a judge, and was placed on a probation program. Before her hearings, we ate soup and grilled cheese in a restaurant near the courthouse. Read More
Chris Lawford shares lessons of addicts
" His latest book, "What Addicts Know: 10 Lessons From Recovery To Benefit Everyone," takes the concepts mainstream. Read More
The death of my alcoholic daughter 
" She was an optimistic drunk, a drunk with hopes and dreams, a drunk that was going to make it. She hoped someday to write a book about her recovery." Read More
Bill W.
All 72 images in The Bill W. Collection are available on a to Lease-to-Buy basis. You may lease any of the photographs from 90 ninety days up to a year for your home, office, recovery clubhouse or treatment center. Read More
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Karl Lagerfeld on Diets, Sobriety, and Becoming a 'Nicer Person'
KARL: I am very boring, but it has allowed me to survive better than other people. If you don't drink, you don't smoke, and you don't do drugs. I tell you, life is quite pleasant. Read More
Rehab News
CA Rehab clinics cut off for questionable billing still reaped federal funds
State authorities confirmed that one unit of the oversight department had known about the bribe since 2008, but it did not relay the information to Access to Recovery officials. Read More
Hazelden launches afternoon outpatient program for older adults  
Hazelden in Naples addiction treatment center will offer Outpatient Treatment programs featuring a specialized track for older adults facing chemical use, abuse or addiction. Read More
In The News   VIDEO
Rehab Patients Accused of Violating Teen with Plunger 
The district attorney's office says the disturbing assault happened at the Starlite Recovery Center in Center. See Video
Toronto Mayor admits crack cocaine use, won't share stash Video
"Probably in one of my drunken stupors, probably approximately about a year ago," he said about the cocaine use. See Video
Addiction: From genes to drugs
Images of addicts from shows such as "Breaking Bad"and movies such as "Requiem for a Dream" or "Trainspotting" -but less narcotic substances also cause social problems. Read More
Addiction awareness through life art
The students carried out their mission through live art exhibition, interactive games, flashmob performances, a mesmerising play and a combination of sing and dance performances in Malaysia.  Read More
ABC News' Elizabeth Vargas Checks Into Rehab  
"We are proud of the steps Elizabeth has taken and are pulling for her recovery," Jeff Schneider, VP of communications for ABC News. Read More
Triathlons help Sarah Hunter resist substance abuse
Hunter is an alcoholic who gave up drinking almost two years ago. fShe attends Alcohol Anonymous meetings and talks to a therapist. Read More 
Successful Italian drug rehab centre wants to go American
The representatives of San Patrignano in northern Italy came to Washington to give a presentation of their mission, principles and therapeutic program and to raise awareness of a model that is free and that work. Read More
Basketball legend Chris Herren: 'Beers and blunts' led to addiction
A former basketball star who lost everything to addiction encouraged local students on Monday to stay true to themselves and find the strength to be who they are without resorting to drugs and alcohol. Read More
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