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SAVE A LIFEWriters In Treatment
WIT gets treatment for individuals who suffer from alcoholism, drug addiction or other self-destructive behaviors.
Publisher: Leonard Buschel send an email
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Get CEU's at the
REEL Recovery Film Festival - LOS ANGELES

Oct.18 - 24th, 2013
Monica 4-plex
1332 2nd Street
Santa Monica, CA 90401
People who use antidepressants may be at higher than average risk of getting type 2 diabetes. Read More 
Did Cocaine Give Linda Ronstadt Parkinson's?!
A medical expert says that heavy use of the drug dramatically increases the risk of developing the disease - and 67-year-old Linda has admitted that she once snorted cocaine regularly. Read More
Can a magic pill beat alcoholism 
A drug which may present a potential magic bullet for alcoholics was introduced in Scotland last week. Read More
My Goodness
Pre-K boy takes eight bags of cocaine to school
Philadelphia police are investigating a shocking drug case involving a preschooler who brought crack cocaine and cash to school to show it off to classmates. See Video
Former Heroin User Shares Inspiring Sobriety Journey
At a Delaware County High School, police took 81 bags of heroin from a student. At Triton High School in Runnemede, New Jersey heroin overdoses killed two. Read More
A heartfelt, and tangible account of real life is exactly what "Leaving The Rest: Gay Men On Alcoholism, Addiction And Recovery" offers up.  Read More
LA Times Loves Reel Recovery Film Festival 
The Reel Recovery Film Festival, which focuses on stories of addiction and recovery, kicks off its fifth edition Oct. 18 at the Laemmle's Monica 4-Plex. Read More
Those with a drinking problem should join Alcoholics Anonymous 
If you think you may need help controlling your drinking, Alcohol Anonymous can help you. Alcohol Anonymous is a free programme to help people who have a desire to stop drinking. Yours faithfully, Anthony Pantlitz. Read More

Celebrity Rehab's Bob Forrest Talks Recovery
Bob Forrest is best known for conducting group therapy sessions with the most unruly stars on Dr. Drew's Celebrity Rehab. Read More
Bauhaus singer Peter Murphy gets probation for Glendale crash
Bauhaus singer Peter Murphy was sentenced  to three years of probation and must complete 45 days of Narcotics Anonymous meetings for rear-ending a car in Glendale. Read More
Family Of Origin
How your parents can break your heart
The effects of childhood abuse and lack of parental affection can last a lifetime, taking a toll both emotionally and physically, reveals a new study. Read More
Rehab News
Lindsay Lohan Back In Rehab? LiLo Wants To Open Treatment Center
She has big plans to open up her very own rehab facility named after her. The recovering star allegedly is planning on using her experience to help others. Read More
Rehab center would threaten tranquility
McLean Hospital will only accept the wealthy. After all, they can pay $60,000 or more a month. Read More
Gil Kerlikowske, director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), announced $19.8 million in new Drug-Free Communities (DFC).  Read More
Eatery holds Walter White funeral, says money will go to substance abuse programs
Fans will have to pay to attend, with organizers saying proceeds will go to an endowment for substance abuse prevention programs. See Video
Modern Life
Deaths from Prescription Drugs Soar
Americans are abusing prescription painkillers, sedatives and stimulants at such an alarming rate that more die each year from these legal drugs than from heroin and cocaine combined. Read More
Heroin at the Jersey Shore: From rehab into relapse
When his mother went to wake him about 45 minutes later, his boyish face was purple and buried in the favorite pillow he had since he was 5. Read More
UB Physician to Lead Training Center for Addiction Medicine
Richard D. Blondell, MD will direct a new national center aimed at training physicians to address addiction through early intervention and prevention. Read More
In 1976, 52 prominent Americans publicly proclaimed their recovery from alcoholism as part of the National Council of Alcoholism's Operation Understanding. Read More
Bill W.
All 72 images in The Bill W. Collection are available on a to Lease-to-Buy basis. You may lease any of the photographs from 90 ninety days up to a year for your home, office, recovery clubhouse or treatment center. Read More
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