Wish List for the Season
District Representative
Alternate DR
D14 Coordinators
Alateen Safety (DAPP)
2015 Day In Al-Anon
Literature Depot
Meeting List
Public Outreach
Spanish Liaison
Speaker Meeting
Lending Library
Telephone Hotline

H A P P Y    H O L I D A Y S
2 0 1 4
Welcome to the District 14 Newsletter, created & distributed by Al-Anon members.
Editor's Note:
Happy Holidays, District 14! I would like to thank everyone who has previously contributed their shares on experience, strength, and hope to this newsletter. I look forward to the next three years serving as your District Newsletter Coordinator and hope that more stories will reach these pages for all our members to read.
please write
Even the simplest tale or smallest moment of serenity shared with another member may be exactly just what a person needs to read. Please help us continue to spread the message of hope to our District fellowship & beyond by submitting your shares, thoughts, reflections, "heard at a meeting" lines, etc. to
In Service,
Michelle - District Newsletter Coordinator
NEWS: District 14 & Beyond
District 14 Monthly Business Meeting
All members welcome!
When: First Wednesday of the month, 7 - 7:25 pm Tradition Study, 7:30 pm Business Meeting.
Where: Lesher Auditorium, John Muir Medical Center, Concord Campus, 2540 East St., Concord.
News from the Business Meeting
Last meeting held on Dec 3, 2014 ~ Next on Jan 7, 2015
  • Welcome, new District 14 Officers & Coordinators! Panel positions continued to be filled at our last District 14 Business Meeting. Congratulations & thank you to those who stood to give service for this next 3-year panel! Without members volunteering to give service at the district level in our area, our Al-Anon family group would not thrive with such support, events, resources, and tremendous fellowship. A hearty thank you as well to those who dedicated their service to the panel these past few years!
  • Positions still need to be filled! Each position is a wonderful opportunity to give your service at the district level. You do not need prior experience to serve! Other members can give you more information & guidance if you are interested. All you need is to be willing!
    • Open District Coordinator Positions:
      • volunteering
      • Alateen Safety (DAPP - District Alateen Process Person)
      • Public Outreach
      • Spanish Liaison
      • Speaker Meeting
      • Telephone Hotline
    • Alternate Coordinators
      • All except for Institutions
  •  Important *Notice* The Literature Depot will be closing on Wednesday, December 17th @ 2 pm. Please place orders in advance (preferably at least four days prior) so that they can be filled & picked up before then!
  • The Wednesday 7pm Walnut Creek meeting needs your help! It is at risk of closing and would affect the corresponding Alateen meeting. Please help spread the word!
    • 7:00P Wednesday WALNUT CREEK #65490
      Book Study Group, 60 minutes
      Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universal Church, 55 Eckley Ln, Owl Room
      Also has Alateen (Sequoia Room)
Monthly Speaker Meetings
Contact Sandy H. @ 925-642-9909 to volunteer your group!
With the transition of our district panel next month, we are in need of groups to host in the 1st quarter of 2015. Smaller groups can join forces to host together. There are detailed guidelines to aide you in the process if this is new to your group!
Group Donations to the District
Send to District AFG, P.O. Box 416, Concord, CA 94522-0416.


Please DO NOT FORGET to label your donation with your Group Name, Meeting Day & Time, and AFG number. Thank you for all your support!
Donations to the NCWSA
Send to NCWSA Treasurer, P.O. Box 728, Vacaville, CA 95696-0728.
Donation form  A-25 is available on the NCWSA website "Forms" page.


Birthday Donations: Some members choose to send WSO Donations on their Al-Anon birthday. Birthday Donation envelopes are available by ordering from WSO.
Upcoming Events
4th Saturday of Each Month @ 6:30 - 9pm
Kaiser Walnut Creek, 1515 Newell Ave, 3rd Floor, Oak Rm
(Medical Office Building parking at Newell)
Fellowship, Refreshments, Birthday chips, Donation drawing, Literature, Tape Library. Meeting recorded.
D26 Holiday Marathon Meetings
Good Shepherd Episcopal Church
Parish Hall @ 9th & Hearst, Berkeley
Four meetings each on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year's Eve from 1pm to 5pm. Meetings start on the hour, every hour. See Event Flyer
New Year's Potluck & Speaker Meeting
Thu, Jan 1st, 2015 @ Kaiser Richmond
Al-Anon art workshop. Clothing exchange all afternoon. AA and Al-Anon speakers. Potluck and live music. Bring an instrument or your voice and join in!

See D26 Holiday Meetings Flyer

Day in Al-Anon 2015
Saturday, February 7th @ 8am - 3pm
St. Andrew's Celebration Center
1601 Mary Drive, Pleasant Hill CA
"Al-Together: A Celebration of Recovery."
Registration & breakfast at 8 am. Main event begins at 9 am. Come for a day of fun & fellowship as we celebrate recovery! This year's Al-Together theme will keep us all together in one big room for workshops, fellowship activities, speakers, our potluck lunch, raffle drawings, a silent auction, and more! Suggested donation is $10 in advance/online or $15 at the door. No one will be turned away for inability to donate. Alakids & Alateens are free & will have their very own agenda & activities! Call Lisa @ (925) 609-9365 for info.
Go to for agenda and to pre-register.
D9 A Winter Day in Al-Anon
Saturday, Jan 24th @ 11 - 3:30pm
Discovery Hills Church
4270 Shingle Springs Dr, Shingle Springs
"Solutions that lead to Serenity"
Join us for a day of recovery with fun & fellowship! Silent auction & raffle items. Potluck lunch: bring your favorite soup, bread, or dessert to share. Babysitting provided. $7 donation at the door. 
NCWSA 2015 Convention
Fri, April 17th thru Sun, April 19th
Doubletree Hotel Modesto
1150 9th St, Modesto CA

"Color My World with Recovery"

Save the date! Convention registration & hotel registration to follow soon. Lots of help will be needed during the event & YOU can volunteer to help! Call the coordinators to offer your help.

2015 International AA Convention
Thu, July 2 - Sun, July 5 in Atlanta, GA

"80 Years - Happy, Joyous and Free." 
Al-Anon & Alateen meetings, workshops at Marriott Marquis. AA meetings, panels, & workshops at Georgia World Congress Center, Georgia Dome, etc.

See Event Page

See Registration Brochure

Neighboring District Speaker Mtgs
See each district website for details
District 6 - Solano & Beyond: On last Friday of month @ 7pm, Vacaville.
District 16 - Tri-Valley area:  On 2nd Saturday of month, Pleasanton.

District 26 - Hercules to Berkeley: 1st Saturday @ 6:30pm, Richmond. (Trial) 3rd Friday @ 7pm, Berkeley. 

NCWSA Events Calendar
The NCWSA calendar lists Al-Anon and Alateen events occurring throughout Northern California, including AA events with Al-Anon participation. National and international events are also listed.

Service Corner
District 14 Service Positions
Contact Carla G. or Marilyn H. for more information on serving for District 14!
Open District Coordinator positions are shown on the D14 Coordinators list in the sidebar. This is the last month of the current three-year panel. The new panel will take over as of January 1st!
Alternate District Coordinators assist the Coordinator and represent that position at District 14 Business Meetings when needed. It is a great way to serve and learn a new position. If you are interested in providing service in your recovery, please review the Guidelines for the positions to see what is right for you. Then attend a business meeting to stand for the position. 
Other Service Opportunities
Day in Al-Anon 2015
Saturday, February 7th @ 8 am to 3 pm
St. Andrew's Celebration Center, Pleasant Hill CA
Our 9th annual District 14 Day in Al-Anon is less than a couple of months away! Much help is still needed with preparing for the day and during the event itself. You can volunteer as much or as little time as you desire, in whichever way you might hear your Higher Power calling! Our next Planning Meeting will be held on Sunday, December 28th @ 3 pm at Peet's Coffee, 5458 Ygnacio Valley Rd #10 (on the corner of Clayton Rd) in Concord. You can also get more information by contacting our 2014 DIA Chair - Lisa @ (925) 609-9365.
2015 NCWSA Convention
Color My World With Recovery
Doubletree Hotel Modesto, 1150 9th Street, Modesto CA
Friday, April 17th thru Sunday, April 19th
Lots of help will be needed during the event and YOU can volunteer to help! Below are the Coordinators to call to offer your help.
  • Donation Draw - Marie N. (209) 579-7747
  • Greeters / Newcomers - April M. (209) 993-1872
  • Hospitality - Lin E. (209) 484-0748
  • Registration - Michelle S. (209) 595-7554


Alateen Corner
Become an Alateen Sponsor
For more info and/or applications, contact Alateen Coordinator Marilyn G. at 925-759-1452 or Alateen Safety Coordinator Kristine B. at 925-407-6053.
Pre-Alateen & Alateen Meetings

There are programs of help for young people who believe their lives have been influenced by someone else's drinking. Different meetings are available for different age groups: Pre-alateen for children ages 6 - 13 and Alateen for ages 12 - 20. See the District 14 Meeting List (bottom right corner) to see Pre-Alateen and Alateen Meetings currently available in our area.

Alateen Talk

Alateen Talk is the WSO Alateen quarterly publication. Alateen members from all over the world share their experience, strength, and hope. Their sharings relate to their personal lives, how their Alateen group is functioning, and ways in which they carry the Alateen message to young people who are still suffering from someone else's drinking.

Go to Alateen Talk page 

alateen express
Alateen Express
The Alateen Express is the official newsletter for Alateen groups of the NCWSA of AFG, Inc. It contains information about Alateen that may be helpful to Al-Anon/Alateen groups. All members of Alateen and their sponsors are urged to contribute information about group news, fundraisers and other special events. Articles present members' personal views & experiences.
Read More
Institutions & Public Outreach Corner
Any Al-Anon or Alateen member can volunteer!
Institutions Service brings the Al-Anon presence to the institutions in our community while separating the Al-Anon philosophy from that of the treatment centers. Our Al-Anon/Alateen members reach out to families of alcoholics who are residents/outpatients of hospitals or treatment centers or are inmates of correctional & other residential facilities.
Public Outreach
public outreach
Volunteers  speak on Al-Anon to members of the community (at medical facilities, health fairs, schools, etc.). We are also considering holding a workshop to teach members how to do public outreach speaking.
Reflections from The Forum

Al-Anon's Monthly Magazine


  Subscribe to The Forum and receive your own monthly
 "Meeting in Your Pocket" for only $11 per year.

The Forum contains many personal stories of inspiration, some of which are made available each month online by authorization of Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Click here to see the current month's featured shares in full.
Al-Anon: the best thing I've done for myself
After living with alcoholism for the first 25 years of my marriage, I found myself dealing with our teenage son's drinking. My husband had stopped drinking, yet our lives were full of chaos, more and more each day. Fortunately, a court-ordered counselor for our son recognized the need my husband had for A.A. but, more importantly, the need I had for Al-Anon. It was the best thing I've ever done for myself--one of the toughest and most rewarding.
A mother practices 'loving detachment'
Being the parent of two children with addiction issues is heart wrenching. Knowing where to turn for help can be daunting. However, since becoming involved with Al-Anon, my life has become more manageable, my relationships with my children and my spouse are improving, and I'm happier!
I've been stuck in the hallway for far too long
Walking down the hallway of the building where I worked many years ago, I still clearly remember the feelings of desperation and helplessness swirling in my deepest being as I tried to cope with the effects of living with alcoholism. Just to survive emotionally was a losing struggle. I had lost my sense of self and could find no reason to experience joy. I felt I was in a pit with no way to climb out. My job was the only place where I found order, stability, and any sense of being valued.



Used with permission from The Forum, December 2014.

Bienvenidos a Al-Anon y Alateen


Recuperaci�n. Unidad. Servicio.

Los amigos y familiares de los bebedores problema encuentran comprensi�n y apoyo en las reuniones de Al-Anon.
  • El sitio web para el Distrito 14 
  • Fortaleza y esperanza para los amigos y familiares de bebedores problema... Aqu�
  • C�mo localizar una reunion: Si la bebida de otra persona le preocupa, el asistir a las reuniones de los Grupos de Familia Al-Anon o Alateen le puede ayudar.
  • D�a en Al-Anon 2015 "Al-Together" ser� el 7 de febrero, 2015. �Necesitamos el Coordinador enlace para grupos en Espa�ol! Para Planear Nuestro D�a


�C�mo puedo ayudarle a mi bebedor problema a que deje de beber? 

No existe f�rmula m�gica que le permita a usted ayudarle a alguien a que deje--ni a que disminuya--la bebida. El alcoholismo es un problema complejo en el que existen muchos asuntos que se relacionan. Sin embargo, Al-Anon le puede ayudar a que aprenda la forma de enfrentar las dificultades de la bebida de otra persona . . .    


C�mo me ayuda Al-Anon. 

En Al-Anon, los miembros no orientan ni les dan consejos a otros miembros. En su lugar, comparten sus experiencias e historias personales, e invitan a otros miembros a "quedarse con lo que les agrada y desechar el resto"--es decir, a determinar por s� mismos qu� experiencias podr�an aplicar a sus propias vidas . . . 


Newsletter Closing
Contribute to this Newsletter
Send your contribution* by email with "Contribution" in the subject line.
writer cartoonAll Al-Anon & Alateen members are welcome to contribute to this newsletter: something heard at a meeting, work on one of the Steps or Traditions, a thought while reading CAL (Conference Approved Literature), a share or short story about your experience, strength, and hope.

*Submissions may be edited for length/grammar & in keeping with the 12 Traditions. Authors will be notified of any changes. Publications will be made at the discretion of the editor as space permits.

Newsletter Archives
Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism
No matter what relationship you have with an alcoholic, whether they are still drinking or not, all who have been affected by someone else's drinking can find solutions that lead to serenity in the Al-Anon/Alateen fellowship. For more...
Closing Reflection
In times of despair, loneliness can creep in easily. It is easy to forget that I am never alone. But I am reminded that my Higher Power is always there. Just a prayer away.

Wishing you & yours Happy Holidays,
Michelle - District 14 Newsletter Coordinator
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