Leadership in the Valley Update #4

We're about ten days out folks!  We recommend that sometime this coming week, you pack all you gear and go out for a 2-3 hour stroll just to check it out and make adjustments.  Pay particular attention to your boot-sock combination.  Take a rest from conditioning next weekend, and eat lots of good carbohydrates.

1700 on SUNDAY 13 MARCH:  We rendezvous at the Front Royal entrance to Skyline Drive . Transportation from USNA and from Camp Lejeune has been arranged and those participating will be notified of pick-up location.  Bring with you TWO bags -- one full pack or bag to load in the van with overnight gear, and one day pack to hike with which should never leave your sight.  Sunday evening we'll provide supper for you, and we'll then do an overview of the Civil War and settle in for a long winter's nap.


0600 on MONDAY 14 MARCH:  We break camp and head out to Front Royal for the first stand on our staff ride: The First Battle of Kernstown and the Battle for Front Royal.  From there we go to the trailhead and start hiking!  Here are the four staff ride stands:
In addition to these formal stands, there will be plenty of time to talk about stuff (leadership and fieldcraft) while on the trail.  We'll also have our integration campfire on Wednesday night 18 March at the South River Overloook campground.


We also recommend that you go through and read all the updates we've sent so far, in case you missed any of them.  


This email will be posted with the others on our e-mail archives page for your future reference.  Pay attention to the little things as you make final preparations.  How will you purify the water you draw from streams and carry in your water bottles?  Potable Aqua is one solution, but there are many others.  Consider bringing a small jar of Vaseline or a generic petroleum jelly with you -- lots of uses to help with chafing, chapped lips, etc.  Put everything in plastic bags to keep it dry.   Keep your food in a separate compartment from your gear.  Got a spare bootlace? Got a spoon?   Toilet paper?  Matches?  Like any other mission you'll be working on in the future as either a commissioned or a staff noncommissioned officer, you have to think this through and prepare.


We'll send out a weather report next week.  All the snow this year means it should be easier to find water!  

We look forward to hiking with each one of you!

J.D. Baker (OMNA)
Eric Carlson (OMNA)
USNA supported by OMNA International
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