Lafayette Leaflet Title  
Welcome to the Lafayette Leaflet, a monthly newsletter for the Lafayette District. In each edition there will be information on what activities, events, and meetings are going on in the district and the Cradle of Liberty Council.
All words in blue are hyperlinked and will take you to more information on that topic. For anything not hyperlinked, stay tuned to the next Lafayette Leaflet for more information!
August 1, 2015



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In This Issue:
Cub Scout Events
We Want You...
Ask The Expert
Eagle Scout Project Approvals
BSA Background Checks
Merit Badge College
First Aid Meet
100 Years of Memories
Youth with Disabilities
Scouting in Your Family
Your Unit Can be in the Leaf
Lafayette District Leadership


District Chair

Brenda Sheppard


District Commissioner

Ken Houseal


District Executive

Tesha Omeis



Click here for a full list of Lafayette District Leaders.

2015 Cub Scout Fall Events

By Tesha Omeis, District Executive


Don't miss out on these exciting Cub Scout Events at Musser Scout Reservation this Fall:

Webelos Woods Weekend: September 26-27


This weekend trip is the perfect activity to kick-off the Fall for current Bears and 4th-grade Webelos! Scouts will get to enjoy a weekend at camp that will prepare them to be Boy Scouts and feel more comfortable in the outdoors. Throughout the weekend Scouts will participate in different activities that work on the new adventure tracks! Give your Scouts a head-start with this fun event.


Fall Festival: October 17, 18, 24, 25, 31 and Nov 1 - Registration Live August 3!


The Fall Festival is a family-oriented day that is aimed to feel just like a day of summer camp! Cubs and their siblings will have the opportunity to go around in a rotation enjoying their camp favorites, such as BB Shooting, Nature, Handicrafts, Archery, 3-man slingshots, a cooking demo, Scout skills, and fun fall activities!





We Want You For Commissioner Service
Brenda Shepperd - District Committee Chair



Ask the Expert from 
Bryan on Scouting - Scouting Magazine


Ask the Expert: Do you need to travel in uniform to be covered by BSA insurance?

expertlogo1Scouting units, volunteer Scouters and chartered organizations are covered by the BSA's Comprehensive General Liability Insurance.

This insurance provides primary coverage for registered volunteers and excess coverage for nonregistered volunteers for claims arising out of an official Scouting activity. That includes allegations of negligent actions by third parties that result in personal injury or property damage claims.

While your automobile insurance is primary, the BSA's Comprehensive General Liability Insurance provides secondary or excess insurance.

Speaking of driving, it's pop quiz time! Which of the following registered Scouting volunteers is covered by BSA insurance as he or she drives a Scout unit to camp?

  • A: A Boy Scout leader, in full field uniform (unofficially known as "Class A"), driving Scouts to Philmont.
  • B: A Cub Scout leader, in T-shirt and Scout shorts ("Class B"), driving Scouts to day camp.
  • C: A Venturing leader, in T-shirt and jeans, driving Venturers to a weekend backpacking trip.
  • D: All of the above.

Find the answer and explanation below.

The answer: D, all of the above. Traveling in uniform is not a requirement for BSA insurance coverage. This speaks to a common misconception in some packs, troops, teams and crews about BSA insurance. (Read more about BSA insurance at this important link).

Consider this email I received from a Scouter named Kirk:

It seems to be a common thing to hear that Scouts must travel in field uniform for the unit to be covered by BSA insurance.

While I fully support Scouts traveling in uniform, I would like to see something in writing confirming or denying this. (I would think such a requirement would be mentioned on the tour permit.) The issue here is honesty. If it is a real requirement, then it should be published well. If it isn't, it should be put to rest.

- Kirk

The expert's response

I agree, Kirk. Let's put it to rest. I spoke with Mark Dama, who leads the BSA's Insurance and Risk Management team.

His response:

Wearing a uniform is not required to be covered by BSA insurance. The requirement is that the youth and adults be engaged in an official Scouting activity.

So there you have it. As long as you're engaged in an official Scouting activity, you're covered - in uniform or not.



 Scout Project Approvals
Ken Houseal - District Commissioner
For Boy Scouts that are seeking approval for their Eagle Scout Project Proposal.

Please contact Mr. George Pinchock at

Please include in your email: 

Your Name:
Your Scoutmasters Name

Your troop #

Your Email address and Your Scoutmasters Email address. 

Your Phone Number and a good time to call you. 


BSA Background Checks - Please Read! 
Commissioners Corner
Ken Houseal - District Commisioner

Hello Lafayette District Volunteer,

Thank you to all who have complied so far and obtained the mandated Background Checks and have uploaded them to the Council Database. Please be patient as this process seems to change weekly.

There are a few important issues you need to be aware of that were not included in previous emails.

1. Please do not send or take hard copies to the Council Office. Save your time and your gas. You MUST upload electronic copies to the designated link. This is the only way your records will be delivered to the staff that verifies your records, they can not receive paper!

For full information on preparing documents for uploading please click on this link, "Volunteer Memo 2015-07-14.pdf". If you have difficulty with this I'm certain there is someone in your Unit that can help you.

2. The only confirmation that your files successfully uploaded is a message on your computer screen that says, "Thank You". 

3. There will be reports sent to individual Unit Leaders from the Commissioner Staff so that the responsible Unit leaders know who has complied and who hasn't. 

4. If you upload scans of paperwork that you already have from your church, as a Volunteer in another organization or work in education, please note many of these are being held in limbo until the staff can verify that these specific "3rd party" doc is acceptable for BSA.

Thank you for your efforts and patience as we all comply with these requirements to protect our Youth.

Ken Houseal
Lafayette District Commissioner



Merit Badge College
Laurie Gibbons - District Merit Badge Dean

Merit Badge College is coming! Pending approval from the Spring-Ford School District, the date will be Saturday, January 30, 2016.

Now is the time for all the Merit Badge Counselors to start planning. The new PA state law is in effect, so all the counselors must have their background checks completed and uploaded in September to be rechartered. Look for an email from me soon. If you are interested in joining us, please contact me by email: All badge offerings will be considered if it is possible to do them at the school in January (Kayaking, Hiking, and shooting sports are definitely out of the question!) NEW COUNSELORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME - you can team teach with another adult if you'd prefer.

We also need additional adults that day to help check prerequisites, fill out blue cards, and be hallway monitors. Come help for a few hours! We always offer training for leaders throughout the day as well.

Watch the Lafayette Link for More Details. 



First Aid Meet
Tim Little - District Program Chair


This is a great opportunity for scouts to fine tune their first aid skills. Previous participants have said that it was a great chance to refresh their memory. The scenarios are created by Scouts for Scouts, and the make-up is realistic! It's a great way to spend a Saturday morning, close to home, and meet up with scouts from other troops.



100 years of Memories
Tim Little - Scoutmaster Troop 105

100 years of memories!


On Saturday, July 12, 2015, Troop 105 in Schwenksville, held an ice cream/cupcake/pretzel social to celebrate the 100thanniversary of the first charter for their unit. It was attended by nearly 150 people, current and former scouts and families. A slide show was presented with photos dating back to the very beginning. It was really interesting to see the faces of young boys who then went on to be soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines for our nation. Current leaders appeared in the slide show as youth members, and the young men in attendance enjoyed the memories as well. (If your troop Historian hasn't been active, we strongly encourage you to step it up... the photo gallery is priceless!)


Youth With Disabilities Alternate Requirements.
From Scouting Magazine. 




BSA alternative requirements ensure youth with disabilities get the most out of Scouting

expertlogo1Special needs or disabilities shouldn't stop a young person from joining Scouting and thriving in our life-changing program.

Fortunately, they don't.

BSA alternative requirements benefit Scouts or Venturers with a wide range of documented disabilities, including those that are physical and/or cognitive. These modified requirements allow a registered member to remain in Cub Scouts beyond age 11, in Boy Scouts beyond age 17 and in Venturing or Sea Scouts beyond age 20.

Young men with certain documented disabilities may earn Boy Scout ranks, including Eagle Scout, even after they turn 18. They use requirements that challenge them in a specially tailored way. The requirements must be approved by the council advancement committee and should be as challenging for the Scout with special needs as the ones they replace.

I bring this up because of an email I received from Stewart, a new Scout leader in the Trapper Trails Council. Virtually every Scouting unit at one time or another will have the opportunity to serve youth with special needs, so Stewart's question affects us all. He writes:

Dear Bryan,

I am not sure where else to turn so here you go. I am a new Scout leader and just received into my troop a young man with a developmental disability. I am in the process of working with his mom and dad to come up with some alternative requirements, not just through First Class, but all the way through Eagle. As I do not want to reinvent the wheel, I have done some looking for others who have been in this boat to see what was done and how so we can duplicate it as much as our unique situation allows.

But I'm coming up blank. Any suggestions you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

Trapper Trails Council

The expert's response

I turned to Mike Lo Vecchio of the BSA's content management team. He writes:

Scouts with disabilities may, if qualified, be registered beyond the age of eligibility (coded with a disability code in ScoutNET). In the Guide to Advancement, Section, topics and, lists the possible criteria and procedures to register a Scout beyond the age of eligibility. Topics through explain the policy and process for applying for alternative requirements for Tenderfoot through First Class. Topic is the policy and procedures for Scouts working on Star, Life, and Eagle to apply for alternative merit badges to the Eagle required ones.

This unit leader should contact his district and council advancement chairs and advisor to get more guidance and assistance.

Resources available

In addition to the Guide to Advancement linked above, Lo Vecchio also points to these resources:

  • A PowerPoint presentation with embedded presenter's notes available here (link downloads .ppt file) - good for giving a presentation to other parents and leaders
  • Printable presenter's notes available here (link is a PDF) - good for reviewing the material on your own

These are among the topics covered in the PowerPoint:

  • How to document a disability and qualify for alternative requirements
  • How to register beyond the age of eligibility
  • Cub Scout and Boy Scout rank advancement
  • Alternative merit badge requirements
  • Creating an Individual Scout Achievement Plan, which is a roadmap for parents and leaders
  • Several scenarios to help you understand the process

Together we can make sure every Scout and Venturer gets a life-changing experience from his or her time in Scouting.

Photo: Troop 1634 Scout Archer Hadley, from Austin, Texas, smiles after a morning swim at the 2010 National Scout Jamboree. Photo by Mark Duncan



Scouting In Your Family

From The Family Focus Blog via The Scoutingwire. 


July 14, 2015

New skills, character building, social development, family bonding, mind-challenging fun. Most parents agree they want to give their children the opportunity to cultivate all of these as they grow up. And the Boy Scouts of America covers it all for its current members. But is the program right for your son?

Instead of us explaining why it undoubtedly is, we'll let the true expert (a Cub Scout mom) give you the scoop.


Scouting has a great effect on Scarlet's son and her entire family. Could it do the same for yours?

Mom blogger Scarlet Paolicchi shares on her Family Focus Blog how her son's experience in the Scouting program runs the gamut in youth development, not only bettering her son but also her whole family. In fact, as aptly put in her blog's name, the post focuses on what Boy Scouts of America offers her whole gang.

Scarlet explains, "As a family, we all enjoy that Boy Scouts encourages us to get out and do fun activities as a family (even sisters get to join the fun) like camping, exploring caves, and learning new skills such as archery."

Read more about what keeps Scarlet's family engaged in the program and how adding a Scout to your family is a good thing for every member. Check it out on her blog here.


Around the Campfire


Tesha Omeis 

our District executive 

on becoming a member of 

the order of the Arrow.

Your Pack, Troop, Post or Crew can be seen to in the Lafayette Leaf!

Tom Shaw - Leaf Editior

Would you like to see your Pack, Troop or Crew in this space!

Our publication does not take a summer vacation!. 

Send us photos from your Camping Experience. Cookout or Family Event. 
Your Eagle Courts of Honor, and your Service Projects to us for publication. 


Email your pictures, articles, blurbs etc. to  
for publication.