September 2014

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In This Issue:
Fall Recruiting
Cub Olympics
Fall Fest
Friends of Scouting (FOS)
Day Camp Update
Unit News
District Chairman's Minute
Dates to Remember:


9 - Roundtable

11 - Patriot Day

20 - Popcorn Pick up

27 & 28 - APEX Weekend



2 - Scout Night Union Soccer

4&5 - Wawa Sale

7 - District Meetings

10 - Fall OA Weekend

14 - Roundtable

18, 19, 26 - Fall Fest

25 - Cub Olympics

25 - Popcorn Return & Take Order Due



1 - Charter Turn-in Day

1&2 - Fall Fest

4 - Election Day & District Mtgs

8 - Popcorn Pick-Up

8 - Scouting for Food Bags OUT

8&9 - APEX Weekend

11 - Roundtable & Veteran's Day

15 - Scouting for Food Bags IN

27 - Thanksgiving Day Parade



1 - Popcorn Payment Due

6 - OA Brotherhood Blitz

9 - Roundtable / Holiday Party

13 - University of Scouting


Quick Links

Conestoga District Leadership


District Chair

Robert (Bob) Booth



District Commissioner

Joel Jeffries



Senior District Executive

Matthew Fernandes



Senior Quality Unit Executive

BettyAnn Atkinson




Advancement Chairman

(& Eagle Project Approval)



Eagle Board of Review

Robert Wetzel



Training Chairman

Jim Foster


Membership Chairman

Robert Moore


Webelos Crossover Champion

Barry Walsh


Merit Badge Chairman

Paul Dallatore


Family Friends of Scouting Chairman

Mark Crater



District Popcorn Kernal

Dave Zimmerman


District Camp Card "Coach"

Dave Zimmerman


Scouting for Food Chairman

Frank Dewan


District Dinner Chairman

Judy Neiman


District Camping Chair



Cub Activities Chair

John Rex


Day Camp Director

John Thomas


District Camporee Chairman

Jim Fitzgerald


District Cookoree Chariman

Michael DiStefano


Order of the Arrow Adviser

Jamie Flick



Assistant District Commissioners

John Rex

Dave Zimmerman


Assistant District Commissioner of Roundtables

Dave Zimmerman


 Roundtable Commissioners 

Cub Scout: Ed Vogel
Venturing: Angela Margavitch


Unit Commissioners

 Michael DiStefano

P54, T54


Jim Foster

P37, P503, T375


Jim Fitzgerald

P44, P355, P485, T43, T44


 Joel Jeffries

P92, P2206, C32 


Mike Mingey

P174, P757, T757


Josh Nay

C32, T355, C355


Steve Perrone

P240, P403, C512


John Seng

P375, T32


Todd Shaner



Barry Walsh

T227, T503


Dave Whalen

P111, T111


Mark Wilson



Dave Zimmerman

P339, T2



Welcome Back!


Tuesday, September 9th 



Drexel Hill United Methodist Church, 600 Burmont Rd, Drexel Hill, PA


Joint Session 7:30-8 pm 

Program announcements. 

This month's training topic is Charter Renewal.

Program Breakouts 8-9 pm

Program-specific discussions and presentations relevant to you.

 - Cub Scout

 - Boy Scout

 - Venturing

 - Order of the Arrow


Welcome our "new" Cub Roundtable Commissioner, Ed Vogel and new staff.  If you are interested in helping with Cub breakout sessions, let Ed or Dave Zimmerman know.



All Scout leaders and interested adults are welcome to attend Roundtable.  Every Unit should have at least one leader attend Roundtable.  It doesn't need to be the same representative every month, all are welcome.


Yours in Scouting, 


Dave Zimmerman

ADC for Roundtable

Fall Recruiting

Fall Recruiting Season is upon us.  


If you did not yet get your membership packets from the Kick-off, they will be available at Roundtable.


If you have a good relationship with your schools and will be doing your own Boy Talks, please let BettyAnn know the date and time.  If you are able to assist with Boy Talks this year, please let me know that too.  I am always willing to teach!


TROOPS & CREWS: You can recruit too!  We have flyers just for you, let us know when & where and we'll have them for you.


NEW PROCESS: All Flyers will take a week turnaround time to be printed.  If dates change, please let me know immediately!


Questions or details, contact BettyAnn Atkinson

Cub Olympics


Saturday, October 25th

Glenolden Elementary School


Don't miss out on the largest Conestoga District Cub Scout event of the year!


Fall Fest

Who: All Cub Scouts and their families

What: A fun-filled day in camp featuring 10 activity stations and includes lunch

Where: Musser Scout Reservation; 1125 Camp Road, Pennsburg, PA 18073

When: Fall Fest is a combination of 1-day events across three weekends. The dates are October 18, 19, 26 and Nov 1 & 2

Cost: $20 for Scouts and siblings, FREE for new Cub Scouts, $5 for Adults

Capacity: 288 Scouts and siblings per day


Activities include: BB range, archery, slingshots, apple chucking, pumpkin carving, relay races, cooking demo, nature, handicraft and much, much more!


Registration is open online and set to close the Monday prior to each event. 

Visit to register today!

Friends of Scouting (FOS)


The 2013-2014 Conestoga FOS was a success!  


We raised $36k or 95% of our goal to keep scouting strong in Conestoga District!  The $36k is both our family and community fund raising drives. 

Please keep FOS in mind when developing your unit calendars for 2014-2015.  The Conestoga District FOS chairman for 2014-2015 is Mark Crater.  You can reach Mark at or see him at Roundtable 

Day Camp Update

Hello Parents of Scouts, Adult Volunteers and Youth Volunteers,


With help from Prime Minister Noelle, attached are the activities your young knights worked at our day camp. Like with all scouting activities, review and repetition is key to learning. I hope you are enjoying the rest of your summer and looking forward to the new school year. Good luck with your recruiting and pass the word about the scouting adventure.


Day Camp Advancement Achieved


Yours in Scouting,

John G Thomas

Day Camp Director for Conestoga District

Hold on to your hats, we're getting ready for Day Camp 2015 in the WILD WILD WEST!!



All leaders on 2015 Cradle of Liberty Council charters must be position-specific trained, along with having current Youth Protection Training. 


This includes all Scoutmasters and assistant Scoutmasters, Cubmasters and assistant Cubmasters, den leaders and assistant den leaders, Venturing crew advisers and assistant advisers, committee chairs, and committee members.


New leaders (never register in the BSA) have 30 days after registering to be fully trained for their position.  Leaders changing positions must complete training before registering for their new position.  


Charter paperwork is due to be turned in COMPLETED on November 1st.  This is the biggest hold-up in completing charter paperwork each year.Please make sure all leaders are fully trained before then.
  • All assistant Scoutmasters and assistant Venturing crew advisers must complete their basic training or they will not be registered in that position. Assistant Scoutmasters and assistant Venturing crew advisers age 21 and older can register and function as a member of the troop or crew committee if they choose to not complete their classroom-style leader training.
  • All Cub Scout leader training and committee training for both troops and packs is available online at
  • Venturing committee training is expected to be available from BSA National in spring of 2014 and will be mandatory for crew committee members at that time.

By dedicating a few minutes of your time to complete these trainings, we are helping to ensure a quality program for all of the youth we serve through Scouting.


Unit News
Pack 44 is holding an Ice Cream Fundraiser on Monday, September 15th from 5-10pm at Richman's Ice Cream - 323 Lincoln Avenue, Prospect Park, PA

Flyer attached


Troop 32 is  hosting a Flea Market and Treat Sale on Saturday September 27 from 8am -2pm at Drexel Hill United Methodist Church. A space is only $25 and you keep the money you make.  If you don't want a table, come out and shop! To reserve a spot please contact Petra at 610-713-5751  or  Facebook Event
(There will be some items for Cub Leaders as the Atkinson family makes room for the newest addition!)

Troop 512 is pleased to announce that Daniel Larson and Carson Shaner graduated 
from National Youth Leadership Training in August.  Both are Life Scouts and 14 years old. Carson begins his position as SPL of 512 this fall, while Daniel will serve as an ASPL. To foster youth leadership, 512 provides scholarships to send deserving Scouts to NYLT.


Dave Yingling, a Life Scout and past NYLT graduate, begins his term as Class President at Springfield High School this fall.


Greg Dawson completed his Eagle project at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge this past weekend. Many members of the troop were there to lend their help on a hot, humid day.


Submit your unit news too!

District Chairman's Minute

Hello Conestoga,


School is back in session now, and it's time to say "Welcome back!" to another year of Scouting fun and adventure. Whether your Scouts spent part of the summer with King John in the royal shire at Smedley Park Cub Scout Day Camp; or if they were jumping into the Bushkill from the cliffs at Fossil Rock and splashing in the waterfalls at Cool Dip, both at Resica Falls, I hope they had tons of fun and have memories to last a lifetime.


September and October can be a little hectic as we get back into the swing of school, work, sports, music, and Scouting. Our first Roundtable of the year will be on September 9
at Drexel Hill United Methodist Church. Please invite any new leaders or parents so they can learn more about what's going on, and find out that they don't have to re-invent the wheel.   

Roundtable is a meeting for parents and leaders involved in the Scouting program in all 41 units in our District...everyone is welcome. The meeting starts out with a general session for all, and then there are breakouts for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing, and the Order of the Arrow. District Roundtable happens every second Tuesday of the month starting at 7:30PM. It would be great to have every unit represented. 


This September and October, there's lots to do... many units will host welcome back nights for their existing Scouts and open houses to recruit new families into Scouting. There are also opportunities for leader training, and there are several Council or District events coming up.

Here are some of the highlights for the next few weeks of the calendar:

September 20 - popcorn pick up day and first day of popcorn selling season

October 3-5 - Retreat for Catholic Scouts at Camp Hart

October 10-12 - Order of the Arrow Fall Fellowship at Musser Scout reservation

Oct 18, 19, 26, Nov 1, 2 - Cub Scout Fall Fest days at Musser Scout reservation

Oct 25 - Conestoga District Cub Olympics at Glenolden Elementary school 


To find out more about these activities, come join us at Roundtable, or ask your Unit Commissioner.


Yours in Scouting,

Bob Booth