July 2016, Issue 62
The Monthly Jewel
Faith dares the soul to go farther than it can see.  
~William Clarke

The Importance of Recognizing our True Nature

Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D.
Are you a tiger living as a goat? Read an Indian folk tale about life as a tiger or goat, and learn how Dr. Kumar reveals the pitfalls of understanding and living from our adapted versus true, authentic nature. Read more...

Acupuncture Treats Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue

Aimee Brown L.Ac, MSOM

Can your fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue or related issues be helped by acupuncture? Read more...

Getting & Giving

Boris Matthews, PhD

Giving to and receiving from one another 
are gestures of emotional "currency". Does working to know yourself help you to appreciate that currency?  Read more...

Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology and How You Can Heal - A Book Review

A book review by Stephanie Delmore MA, LPC

Do you know your ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) score? Take the test! Understanding your ACE score can help you deal with adult health care issues. 

Favorite Things Part 3 
Frequently Used Medical Terms

Genevie L. Kocourek, M.D.

Understanding a suffix or prefix can go a long way to help you understand the language of your doctor. Learn some language techniques to decipher medical terminology. Read more...

Ommani Welcomes 
A New Health Coach

We are pleased to announce the addition of a new practitioner to our complementary family, Maryanne Riege, Certified Holistic Health Coach.  

A complementary care modality that wasn't around a decade ago, health coaching is sometimes referred to as wellness coaching. It is a process that helps the client develop their inner wisdom, identify their values, and transform their values into action. It is also incredibly useful when a patient is trying to follow through on physician healthcare recommendations that may be new or challenging.  Often times a person can be completely confused or intimidated when attempting to adopt a recommended lifestyle or dietary change for the treatment of a medical condition. The Health Coach can help you look at your current lifestyle and evaluate how to make the changes work in a way that's not overwhelming, but very doable.

The health coaching model is a process that includes establishing a rapport with the health coach, education, building strong communication strategies, creating a personal wellness vision, setting goals to reach that vision, and including other physician or provider recommendations with which you may be working.

Studies are now developing with respect to the efficacy of health coaching. There is research showing that health coaching is effective in improving health issues such as: obesity/weight loss, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, and smoking cessation.

Maryanne will help you learn new tools and practices for optimal health. She begins with an hour long consultation that will set the framework for your work together. She thinks beginning with a detox program is the preferred way to jump-start your transformation and will provide you with regular daily support as you adjust your lifestyle choices.  If you feel you want to try health coaching, but just aren't sure it's right for you - call our office and have a brief, no-fee conversation with Maryanne to learn about the benefits. Read her bio...

Share the Ommani Vision

Do you have family and friends you would love to share the Ommani mission with or perhaps there is someone who is new to the idea of integrative health? Forward our newsletter to them and encourage them to sign up to receive it monthly. Thank you in advance for your referral! 

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