June 2016, Issue 61
The Monthly Jewel
It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense.  It would be a description without meaning - as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure.
~Albert Einstein

What Really Matters?
Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D.
The spiral of grief is well known to all humans who have experienced loss. In our culture we are not allowed to grieve freely or completely.  We pathologize grief, calling it depression and the medical system supports that view by numbing us through the use of prescription pharmaceuticals. We are expected to resume our "business as usual" lives as quickly as possible.  But our lives are never the same after a loved one dies.  Dr. Kumar's article addresses this most important life experience - the death of a loved one - with grace and sensitivity encouraging us to cultivate a presence and hold space for each other as we search for and embrace what really matters.

Favorite Things Part 2 
Managing Nature
Genevie L. Kocourek, M.D.

Part Two of Dr. Kocourek's favorite things series includes extremely helpful information about some of those "natural" summer (often weekend) experiences that leave us struggling with physical symptoms that need care, but the Center isn't open and you really don't know what to do.  Especially educational is her information about suspected tick bites and the possibility of contracting lyme disease.     Read on...

Guidance on the Journey
Boris Matthews, PhD

Did you know your dreams can provide insight & guidance for your conscious day-to-day activities?  Boris writes that guidance from others is not our only resource for support - our dreams show us vividly what we do not see with waking eyes.  Making an effort to understand dreams can prove beneficial when trying to resolve problems and self-regulate, as we navigate our waking world. He gives specific examples of situations where dreams offered dreamers information they could then use to complete and correct their conscious view and understanding.  He reminds us we've all probably had dreams that years later are recalled and sensed as being important, whether or not we rationally understood the dream image.  It's worth spending time and try to grasp a dream's message.  Read on...
My Chart
Ommani Administration

When you go into your MyChart record, do you often feel overwhelmed by the available information and confused as to what it all means?  Don't despair, you're not alone.  This communication vehicle is amazing in what it so easily offers us about our health status.  But, too often patients will try to interpret what they find, google what they don't understand, and spin themselves into a frenzy attempting to make sense of the information.  Although it's great to look at your data, guard against diagnosing yourself.  Send your doctor a message for clarification or set up an appointment to discuss your concerns. Although the information in MyChart is available to non-medical personal (the patient), it is expressed in medical terms that are to be understood in relationship to the specific patient and her/his complete medical situation.  The person best able to make sense of that complete picture, is your doctor.  Be sure to call on the doctor to explain anything you don't understand.  Read our tips on how to best use My Chart

Thank You and Happy Father's Day

We'd like to agree with a comment from T.D. Jakes (American pastor) and congratulate all the men out there who are working diligently to be good fathers whether they are biological fathers, stepfathers, or just spiritual fathers.

Share the Ommani Vision

Do you have family and friends you would love to share the Ommani mission with or perhaps there is someone who is new to the idea of integrative health? Forward our newsletter to them and encourage them to sign up to receive it monthly. Thank you in advance for your referral! 

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