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The Ommani Jewel 

In This Issue
A Collective New Year's Resolution
A Creative Way to Direct the Therapeutic Process
Congratulations Dr. Kumar!
Spiraling Toward Deeper Levels of Joy and Creativity
Notice Regarding Progesterone Cream
Prescription Refills
Inclement Weather
 Monthly Jewel
Where love rules, there is no will to power, and where power predominates, love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other.   
~ Carl Jung

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Issue 56, January 2016

A Collective New Year's Resolution
Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D.
After another year of patient care - listening to life stories, bearing witness, helping suffering, and offering empowerment, I leave 2015 with the feeling that we all need to make a conscious effort to connect more with each other. The vast majority of my patients feel alone, separated from others in their joys and their sorrows. Our nuclear culture is no longer working. Most of us feel isolated in our life's journey and afraid to express our feelings. We are conditioned to swallow our sadness and joy for fear that no one will want to bear witness. We are living in a kind of 'solitary confinement' of our own making. 

A Creative Way to Direct the Therapeutic Process
Boris Matthews, PhD, LCSW

Isn't it time to pay more attention to your story and create a better balance between adaptations to your inner world and your outer world?

I asked the above question in my December newsletter article entitled, Adaptation & Potentials. There I wrote that we have to adapt to the world into which we are born, and we have to adapt to what we essentially are. To do this optimally we need to understand our innate and essential "story." (To reread my December article click here) This month I will continue exploring the idea of story and adaptation. I will do so by discussing an often neglected, but very creative resource: the natal horoscope or astrological birth chart. Yes, astrology - for some the gold standard of superstition and for others a gold mine of insight and understanding. 


We are pleased to announce and congratulate Dr. Kumar on her success in passing the Maintenance Of Certification exam (MOC) for the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM). She received her notification of success on New Year's Eve - what a wonderful way to bring in the new year! 

Congratulations Dr. Kumar!

Spiraling Toward Deeper Levels of Joy and Creativity through Chakra Work
Shelley Carpenter, PT, RYT, Reiki Master

You may have noticed I haven't written many newsletter articles in late 2015. I just couldn't "get inspired" to write, and felt it wouldn't be authentic if I did. When I write, I strive to speak truly from my heart. At times, I get very clear Divine messages or messages from my soul about what I feel compelled to say. This fall I honored my internal guidance that told me I needed to conserve my energy, to go inward, and let go of some things I felt I "should" do. After this recent phase of deeper self-care, introspection and release, I've emerged feeling calm, centered, joyful, and especially creative. I feel inspired to express my unique perspective and personality, contributing to the greater good. I am excited to see what I will create with this newly rediscovered and rejuvenated part of myself. 

Notice For Patients Purchasing Progesterone Cream at Ommani
Historically, Dr. Kumar has had Uriel Pharmacy in East Troy compound a special progesterone cream product for Ommani patients that we've sold from our office in an effort to provide the highest quality ingredients at a reasonable price.

Uriel Pharmacy has notified us that the FDA has placed all pharmacies under new compounding rules and physicians can no longer receive bulk supplies of the compounded progesterone products.

Hence, once our current supply of progesterone cream is sold our doctors will be providing patients with individually written prescriptions and you will be able to purchase your product directly from the pharmacy.

We will use the following pharmacy for these prescriptions:
Value Care Pharmacy 501 S. Grand Ave Waukesha, WI 53186

Value Care is independently owned and operated. It will offer patients the ability to have their prescriptions mailed for a nominal fee. We are happy to report we have negotiated a special pricing arrangement for Ommani patients that should result in a cost savings.

Please direct any questions to our staff at 262.695.5311.

Prescription Refills

Beginning this month, for the protection of our patients & accuracy of their medical records, we are implementing a new protocol around prescription refills.  Please do not call our office to request a prescription refill.  Call your pharmacy and ask the pharmacy to send the prescription refill request to us electronically or via fax (our fax number is 262.695.9744).  Doing so will result in more efficient/timely handling of your prescription refill request. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Sarah Philipp, CNH

Happy New Year!! With the New Year comes a lot of cleansing and detoxing. One majorly important factor when it comes to cleansing is FIBER. It can create the difference between a successful cleanse and an unsafe cleanse. If you are stirring up and letting loose the toxins in your system, but not pooping them out, they will be reabsorbed by the body. This can be potentially dangerous - not to mention a waste of time and money on your cleansing efforts. Fiber is also very important for bile secretion and digestive health. Both of which enhance liver function, and the liver is detox headquarters. 

Inclement Weather

It's that time of year when we begin to consider choices in the event of inclement weather.  The Ommani Center will close when weather threatens the travel safety of our patients and staff.  We announce those closings on our website and on our voice mail system.  The most immediate way to learn about any closing is to visit the Storm Team 4 television station, website, or mobile app.  See the attached flyer for download information.  We will contact all patients to reschedule appointments that have to be canceled because of the Center's closing due to bad weather.



Patients often sing our praises when they are here at the office. We sincerely appreciate your kind words and would love to make those comments available to others Please send testimonial comments about your favorite provider to: [email protected]. The testimonials will be posted on the provider's website page. Thank you. 

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