Monthly Jewel
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. ~Mahatma Gandhi
The Ommani Center
(262) 695-5311
1166 Quail Court
Suite 210
Pewaukee, WI 53072
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Healing Violence This Holiday Season
Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D.
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"You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do
makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." Jane Goodall
It is confusing to know what to do in the face of so much violence in the world. Many of my patients have felt hopeless and helpless by the events in Paris and Beirut. They have felt sad and traumatized by these events and have asked me what they can do to mitigate violence and ease the pain in the world.
I have thought about this issue for years. I am a second generation survivor of a holocaust. It is one that not many know or talk about. My grandparents were casualties of the India-Pakistan partition. They were killed barbarically in a train on its way from Pakistan to India. My mother was also in that train. She escaped with her life, but also with deep soul scars that will never be erased. Violence leaves imprints in the psyche that transcend generations. They add to the collective suffering in the world. Trauma memories are transmitted down the generations through DNA. They cause PTSD, anxiety, and depression generations down the line from the victims of trauma. I have experienced these symptoms since I was a child.
Upcoming Holiday Closures
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Here is The Ommani Holiday schedule. Please be sure to plan for your prescription and supplement refills at least a week in advance of the closure.
- Christmas Holiday - 12/24-12/27/15
- New Year Holiday - Noon 12/31/15-01/03/16
Adaptation & Potentials
Boris Matthews, PhD, LCSW
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Have you ever noticed that you seem to be keeping up with the demands of life but feeling worse and worse? That something important is missing? Have you ever wondered if there is something wrong with this picture? If your answer to both questions is "Yes," then read on. (If your answer is "No," please write me a note and tell me how you do it.)
In this article, I will address adaptation, our "essential nature," and the (often unconscious) story or narrative that informs our life.
What do I mean by "adaptation?" When I use the word "adaptation" I mean something like "the best possible fit" between you and whatever you need to deal with. The best possible fit may be something of a compromise between your ideal and reality, not resigned compliance or rough-shod insistence on having your own way. Optimal fit is a balancing act. It's that critical point between what the situation demands, what you can deal with, and what you need to attend to "in yourself and for yourself." So one aspect of adaptation is to the world into which you were born and now live. The other aspect of adaptation is to your essential nature. Frequently the demands of our world and the demands of our essential nature come into conflict.
Inclement Weather
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It's that time of year when we begin to consider choices in the event of inclement weather. The Ommani Center will close when weather threatens the travel safety of our patients and staff. We announce those closings on our website and on our voice mail system. The most immediate way to learn about any closing is to visit the Storm Team 4 television station, website, or mobile app. See the attached flyer for download information. We will contact all patients to reschedule appointments that have to be canceled because of the Center's closing due to bad weather.
Santosh Yoga Workshop
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Do something for yourself this holiday season and attend the Self-Care Workshops being presented at Sanosh Yoga, December 14, 16 & 17. Dr. Kumar will be presenting on Wednesday, December 16, 6-8pm. Her talk entitled, Reverse Fatigue - Many ways to strengthen the immune system, is designed to help you engage in lifestyle habits that will boost the immune system and eliminate fatigue. Restorative yoga postures will also be demonstrated.
Super Better
Stephanie Delmore, MA, LPC
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I heard a fascinating interview recently with Jane McGonigal, a video game designer, I would like to share.
About 5 years ago Jane suffered a concussion that did not heal properly and she began experiencing severe anxiety and depression which led to a month long period of intense suicidal thoughts. At one point she thought to herself "I am either going to kill myself or I'm going to turn this into a game." The game she created is now a website and app that anyone can play for free, called Superbetter ( The game has you identify obstacles and work to overcome them by thinking about yourself as if you were a superhero in a game. If this sounds silly, think again; results from a randomized controlled study conducted by The University of Pennsylvania found that Playing Superbetter for 30 days improves mood, reduces symptoms of anxiety & depression, and increases belief in the ability to successfully achieve goals.
I encourage everyone to take a look at this interview and play Superbetter. Enjoy.
Stephanie Delmore, MA, LPC is a psychotherapist at The Ommani Center. Stephanie works with clients to make the changes in themselves and their lives in order to live the life they desire. To make an appointment with Stephanie, call The Ommani Center at 262-695-5311.
Holiday Purchasing
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Don't forget The Ommani Center and consider a gift of good health for your loved ones.
- See attached flyers and take advantage of Massage & Nutrition Specials
- Use Gift Certificates to give complementary services (gift certificates may not be used for retail purchases)
- Buy our amazing Sunbeam aromatherapy and soy candles. These are beautiful and produced in a completely eco-friendly & green facility
- Becoming Real - Reclaiming Your Health in Midlife by Dr. Rose Kumar is a must-give book for any midlife person on your holiday list. We also carry other health-conscious titles by other authors, as recommended by our doctors
- So many healthy items to buy: raw, local honey in beautiful glass bottles, Bach Rescue Remedy, Himalayan rock salt tea light holders, supplements, oils, creams, lip balms, and more.
Call our office at 262.695.5311 or stop in and ask for assistance.
Chronic Conditions Take a Holiday? - NOT
Sarah Philipp, CNH
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"Not to be a Scrooge, but auto-immune, fatigue, food intolerances, and insulin resistance don't take a holiday, so do the best you can this holiday to stick to nutrient dense and low sugar foods, and you will thank yourself come 2016!!
Keeping that blood sugar steady by eating healthy fats, clean protein, less processed, nutrient dense foods... and watch the sugar... will keep your mood steady, thyroid happy, and insulin in check this holiday season.
This doesn't mean you can't treat yourself. Just let "damage reduction" be the mantra. Don't go to ANY parties unfed, or without bringing a nutrient dense dish for yourself, if you think one won't be available.
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Patients often sing our praises when they are here at the office. We sincerely appreciate your kind words and would love to make those comments available to others Please send testimonial comments about your favorite provider to: The testimonials will be posted on the provider's website page. Thank you.
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