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The Ommani Jewel 

In This Issue
The Best Approach to Help Menopausal Symptoms and Reclaim Your Health
Integrative Medicine - Ideal for Psychotherapist
Gracefully Navigating Change
Health Depends on Physical/Psychological Balance
True Pain Relief - Acupuncture
Centering Prayer Workshop

 Monthly Jewel

Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone - we find it with another.  

~Thomas Merton~ 


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Issue 49,  June 2015

The Best Approach to Help Menopausal Symptoms and Reclaim Your Health

Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D.

So many of my patients, seek help through the treacherous territory of hormonal changes. Until now, hormonal changes began at about age 40 and progressed into the fifth decade of life with the promise of cessation of menses. For the past decade, I have been seeing women in their early thirties with menopausal symptoms. 

What is going on? 


Researchers have shown that with today's lifestyle, our cells are aging at warp speed. The degenerative processes in our bodies far exceed regeneration. Growth hormone levels are at an all-time low and for the first time in 3 decades, our life span may actually be shorter than that of our parents. As a matter of fact, it is predicted that American teenagers have about 30 to 40 years to live. They will be dead by midlife as their current cell age matches that of 40 to 50 year old. This is due to their lifestyle choices. 

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Integrative Medicine - Ideal for Psychotherapist

Stephanie Delmore, MA, LPC


Working in an Integrative Medicine Practice is really the "ideal" place to be a psychotherapist. I know a whole group of amazing, skilled, empathic practitioners who help support my clients in their path towards better mental health. I believe that sometimes our path towards better mental health needs to be supported with better physical health. Sometimes we need to consider doing work on an energetic level to be able to clear the path towards healing. I feel so grateful to be able to practice in a setting where I know and understand all that the Center has to offer. I can refer clients to practitioners who are going to provide support for the mental health goals that we've established. 

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Gracefully Navigating Change

Shelley Carpenter, PT, RYT, Reiki Master/Teacher

There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle. ---Albert Einstein


The yoga practices of linking movement and breath are very powerful elements that can open us up to the miracle of life.  There is also a set of philosophical guidelines in yoga that guides the practice and can be integrated into one's life. Santoshais one of these guiding principles. It has been described as a "peaceful state of happiness in which one rests without desires."


That sounds lovely until we try to understand how that applies personally to our lives. Does this mean that we are meant to drift through life in a state of bliss?  Not exactly. Resting without desires doesn't mean that we stay the same, avoiding growth or change. It does mean that we learn to become content in the present moment. As we take small or large steps toward our goals, we are fully present in the process, finding contentment in the here and now.

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Health Depends on 

Physical/Psychological Balance

David Johnson, Certified Classical Homeopath


  • Have you experienced intense or long-term stress, dating back to childhood or previous generations? 
  • Do you sense that health depends on physical and psychological balance? 
  • In spite of feeling stuck, do you also sense a strong potential for self-healing? 

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True Pain Relief Study - Acupuncture

Aimee Brown, LAc

A  study of the benefits of acupuncture, reported in the New York Times - one of the most rigorous and detailed analyses of this treatment modality - found that it can ease migraines, arthritis, and other forms of chronic pain.  Click the link for the complete article about this research supporting the efficacy of acupuncture when utilized for pain relief  - Acupuncture Provides True Pain Relief in Study


But, don't forget, acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can help for many other ailments.  Contact Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine practitioner, Aimee Brown, at the Ommani Center to hear what can be done for you!  Phone: 262-695-5311


Centering Prayer Workshop

The Ommani Center supports Rev. Schmatzhagen's mission in bringing inner peace and equanimity to the community. As a health care system, it remains neutral toward all spiritual/religious frameworks. 



"The invitation of Centering Prayer is to be still and consent to God's presence within and to allow God's action to unfold within. Centering prayer is a silent prayer method that fosters a spirit of unity, generosity, and love in our relationships, through an attitude of humility, listening, and service. 


The mystics from the world's greatest religions have pursued contemplative prayer as their highest goal on earth. It was considered the deepest spiritual and most transformative experience available to them. Centering prayer was designed by Contemplative Outreach as a modern day means of making that experience available to everyone." ~Rev. Dr. Lisa Schmatzhagen 


This introductory workshop, led by Rev. Dr. Lisa Schmatzhagen, is being planned for the Fall of 2015. 


More information can be found at or by calling Lisa at 262-569-1501. Watch our newsletter for updated information about the Introduction to Centering Prayer workshop that will be offered at Ommani this Fall. 


Lisa Schmatzhagen, DMin is a pastoral caregiver with a Christian ecumenical background. Lisa also offers compassionate spiritual companionship. "Be Still and Know that God is God" - Psalm 46:10 




Patients often sing our praises when they are here at the office. We sincerely appreciate your kind words and would love to make those comments available to others Please send testimonial comments about your favorite provider to: [email protected]. The testimonials will be posted on the provider's website page. Thank you. 

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