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The Ommani Jewel 

In This Issue
Lifestyle Medicine
OB/GYN Joins Ommani
Astrology and Self Awareness
Free Class - Young Living Oils
Curried Cauliflower

 Monthly Jewel

I am not what happened to me. I am who I choose to become.  

~ Carl Jung ~

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Issue 47, April 2015

Lifestyle Medicine

Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D.



Spring is in the air and we are all looking forward to being outdoors, leaving our hibernated indoor bodies and getting back in shape again. Many of my patients are on a 6 month-on/6 month-off exercise regimen. They lose sight of the importance of exercise during the cold winter months and eat more comfort foods. The majority of them put on at least 10 extra pounds that they spend the summer trying to lose. The result is they have difficulty taking weight off and, by fall, are frustrated with the impending winter and the threat of weight gain.

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OB/GYN Joins Ommani

We are pleased to welcome a new doctor to our Center! Anthony Hoang, M.D. joined The Ommani Center in March. 


He specializes and is board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Areas of expertise include complete OB & GYN care, as well as advanced laparoscopy, minimally invasive surgery, infertility evaluation, pelvic pain, urogynecology, and more. 


Dr. Hoang is a graduate of Northeastern Ohio University College of Medicine and completed his residency at St. Elizabeth Hospital Med Center in Ohio & the University of Texas Medical Branch in Texas. He comes to us from Froedtert/Medical College of Wisconsin. Prior to working with Froedtert he was an independent doctor; after 6 years of working as a hospital, staff physician he decided his true calling was to return to private practice. He has been in practice for 18 years. 


He accepts and is an in-network provider for most individual and employer sponsored health insurance plans. Like the rest of our physicians, he does not accept Medicare or Medicaid. 


Schedule all appointments with Dr. Hoang by calling our office at 262.695.5311. We are happy to have him join our team of talented physicians and practitioners.


Astrology and Self Awareness

Boris Matthews, PhD, Jungian Analyst


This dynamic, free talk is being offered tomorrow evening, Wednesday, April 15, 2015, 6-7PM. 


What Boris has to say about one's birth chart - The birth chart (natal horoscope) is, so to speak, a map of the individual psyche. The positions of the planets and their interrelationships reveal the energies you can work with in your life. You can unfold strategies to develop areas of flexibility and creativity. Understanding your natal chart helps you grasp the best "story" that your life can be.


Enrollment is still open, we encourage you to sign-up now!  Call 262.695.5311. 


 Free Class - Learn about Young Living Oils



Essential Oils Can Enhance Your Life  - Enroll in this complimentary class - Thursday, May 14th 6:30-7:30PM.   

You'll Learn:

  • How to use essential oils as part of your daily life.
  • Effects on the body and mind, and how to improve the wellness of both using essential oils.
  • How to replace household and medicinal products containing harmful chemicals with safe Young Living products.

Class conducted by Colleen Suess, Holistic Health Coach.  Seating is limited.  Preregister with Colleen at 414.687.3617 or [email protected].


Sarah Philipp, Nutrition Consultant



Hi, Sarah Philipp here - I'm back from our Costa Rica yoga and nutrition retreat.  It went so well we're going to do it again next year!  See my website for details about the 2016 trip, 


I'd like to share one of our favorite recipes.  It is great option for a quick dinner.  I also love this recipe with eggs in the morning or on greens with avocado for lunch.  Enjoy it in good health!    


A few notes about cauliflower:

  • Great for supporting the body's detox system.  Spring is detox season!
  • Contains a broad spectrum of antioxidants.
  • Versatile! Can be pureed like potatoes or made to resemble rice when pulsed in a food processor.
  • Full of fiber!
  • Part of the anti-inflammatory cruciferous family of vegetables.

Click here to download recipe!



I can help you create a sustainable dietary plan that is customized to your bio-individuality, schedule, lifestyle, budget, palate, and anything else that plays a role or hinders you from reaching your food goals.  Call and schedule an appointment with me at 262.695.5311. 



Patients often sing our praises when they are here at the office. We sincerely appreciate your kind words and would love to make those comments available to others Please send testimonial comments about your favorite provider to: [email protected]. The testimonials will be posted on the provider's website page. Thank you. 

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