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The Ommani Jewel 

In This Issue
Natural Menopause for Women
Top 10 Reasons to Try Acupuncture
Dr. Kumar Keeps Insurance
Individual Therapeutic Yoga Sessions
Saturday Morning Workshop - Renew You!
Medicating Women's Feelings
Astrology and Self Awareness
Website Under Construction

 Monthly Jewel

Anything but the truth is a waste of time. 

~ Rose Kumar, M.D.~ 

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Issue 46, March 2015

Natural Menopause for Women

Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D.

In the decades I have worked with women in midlife, I have come to a much deeper understanding of the sacred process of women's cycles, and the powerful transition women make in their forties and fifties that has the potential to deeply heal unhealed aspects of their bodies and their lives. 


Carl Jung said that the window between the unconscious and conscious is thin during adolescence and in midlife. We get a second chance in midlife to reinvent ourselves from the inside out. The process is transformational and with precise guidance from those who have traversed this sacred territory one can orient themselves at all levels of body, mind, and Soul as one explores who they truly are and what they are here to contribute...

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Top 10 Reasons to Try Acupuncture

Aimee Brown, LAc

Often when people learn I am an acupuncturist they will ask, "What Can Acupuncture Do For Me?" There's so much to say about the benefits of acupuncture.  Take a look at this link from Acupuncture Media Works.  It does a wonderful job of giving some easy to understand and good explanations of the Top 10 Reasons to Try Acupuncture.


Schedule an acupuncture appointment by calling our office at 262.695.5311. Aimee is a Wisconsin licensed acupuncturist and has a Master of Science in Oriental Medicine.



Dr. Kumar Keeps Insurance for Existing Patients

Dr. Kumar has reconsidered her decision and has decided to continue accepting existing insurance plans that are active within the patient medical record as of April 1, 2015.

  • What does this mean for current patients?
  • There will be no immediate change. 
  • Dr. Kumar will continue as an in-network provider for established patients. 
  • In the event you change your insurance carrier after April 1, 2015, Dr. Kumar will become an out-of-network provider at that time.


 Be Stroft!

Shelley Carpenter, PT, RYT, Reiki Master

This month, out of the blue the word stroft has come to mind so many times in both my personal life and my practice. Do you remember the old Charmin commercials?  "It's strong and soft.  It's stroft!"  


It's been my personal experience and seems to be the experience of so many of us (is it because we're midwesterners?) that we are pretty good at "being strong" and getting through things.  What is challenging is allowing ourselves to experience the softness at the same time.  We are afraid to feel or express our emotions, afraid we will fall apart, let others down or appear weak.  In fact, the opposite is true: it takes great courage to be vulnerable, to feel and to fully experience both the pain and joy in life and to fully connect with others in our relationships...

Read more


Saturday Morning Workshop - March 21 - Renew You!

Stephanie Delmore, MA, LPC 

Here's some info on the upcoming group being held on Saturday, March 21.  If you or anyone you know is interested - sign up now!  Enrollment is limited and the registration deadline is March 17.  (You don't need to be an Ommani patient to attend.)

Renew You!

Are you looking to make changes in your life? If so, come to this Spring workshop designed to help you stimulate your personal, renewal process!

Stephanie Delmore, MA, LPC, Psychotherapist at The Ommani Center, will host a half day workshop on Saturday, March 21 called Renew You. The workshop will run from 9:00AM - 12:00PM. Fee: $50


You will attend with others who want to create change:

  • The day begins with an assessment process to identify where you are in life, versus where you'd like to be.
  • Then you'll learn about the psychology of change and how to best create sustained change.
  • Visioning exercising will help you identify where you want to be, and build short term and long term goals along your path.
  • The day ends with the creation of a personal "vision board;" an outward, visual manifestation of what you desire.

Be prepared to let the creative juices flow, and dream of the future and possibilities Spring brings!


Stephanie Delmore, MA, LPC Education@Ommani


Medicating Womens' Feelings 

Stephanie Delmore, MA, LPC 

I absolutely believe there is a place for medication in mental health care, but I also strongly believe with the author of this attached link that for many women, the medical system is pathologizing their emotional experience, especially during perimenopause. When this happens, most women come away feeling like something is "wrong" with them - versus an understanding that it's normal to feel emotional, especially at midlife! The emotions that surface at midlife are a signal that there may be "unfinished business" from an earlier time that needs to be addressed.  Take the time to read Medicating Women's Feelings from the New York Times.  It's well worth the read.


Stephanie Delmore, MA, LPC is accepting new patients. To schedule an appointment, call us at 262.695.5311. 


Astrology and Self Awareness

Boris Matthews, PhD, Jungian Analyst


One of the great gifts to self-awareness is knowing that there are periods in life when we can expect to feel more stressed. Astrology identifies these periods and some of the typical stresses and challenges we will face. 

Join Boris Matthews for this informative session on Astrology and Self-Awareness - April 15,  6-7PM  Free

Enrollment is limited, call 262.695.5311 to register.



Notice: Website Under Construction


The Ommani Center is in the process of having a new website design and is currently under construction, with a temporary site being put up shortly. Please call our office if you need anything. 262.695.5311




Patients often sing our praises when they are here at the office. We sincerely appreciate your kind words and would love to make those comments available to others Please send testimonial comments about your favorite provider to: [email protected]. The testimonials will be posted on the provider's website page. Thank you. 

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