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The Ommani Jewel 

In This Issue
The Year for Transformation
Boris Matthews Red Book Workshop
Stephanie Delmore - Live Interview
Acupuncture Benefits
New Year Resolution or Express your Uniqueness?
Flu Shot Announcement
Dr. Kumar to Discontinue Insurance
No Bill Pay via MyChart

 Monthly Jewel

Write it in your heart that every day is the best day in the year. 

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson 

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Issue 44, January 2015

The Year for Transformation

Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D.


This is the year you have been waiting for! Many have prophesied what this year will represent and there have been many interpretations of transformation to describe it, both literal and symbolic. As I read these in the past year and reviewed the current state of society, I realized that we are on the threshold of profound transformation. Transforming ourselves and creating a 'course correction' for our lives and for society is a necessary responsibility that we all must have the courage to undertake.

Boris Matthews, PhD - Red Book Workshop

Boris Matthews, PhD, Jungian Analyst

Clear your calendar sign up today for this exciting 6-session workshop!

Deadline for the Red Book Workshop registration has been extended to January 20.

Session Dates: Wednesdays, beginning January 28 (2nd & 4th  Wednesday evening of month)  through April 8, 2015.  6:30-8:30PM.

Fee: Only $100 for all six sessions



Today, Jung's influence is so pervasive that it can easily be taken for granted as a basic building block of Western culture. If you've ever embraced or rolled your eyes at a New Age philosopher,  discussed whether you're an introvert or an extrovert, or wondered at the results of a Myers-Briggs test - then you've felt the influence of Carl Jung.


If art therapy has been beneficial to you or your children, or if you have studied in the crosscurrents of Eastern and Western culture, or attended Alcoholics Anonymous, or meditated as a form of recovery - then you've experienced the far reaching effects of Jung's work.


This workshop will lead you into an exploration of Jung's work and provide a framework for the examination of your own life.

Read more


(Readers Edition of The Red Book should be purchased for the class.  Available at and )


Stephanie Delmore, MA, LPC - Live Interview

radio tv  

Transitioning From Past to Present Thinking - Listen to this engaging radio interview by Chris Kann, host of Mind Body Spirit Living Radio, with our own Stephanie Delmore. 

Acupuncture Benefits

Aimee Brown, LAc

It's a new year and time to assess yourself and your health.  There are numerous conditions that acupuncture and Chinese medicine can benefit. Who would have guessed that acupuncture is beneficial for the treatment of headaches, stress, and a bevy of beauty concerns like acne and wrinkles.   In this link, please find an article summing up a handful of such conditions. (Don't be scared, the photo shows exaggerated acupuncture face life points.) Beauty Benefits of Acupuncture.


If you have questions or would like to schedule an appointment with our Chinese medicine practitioner Aimee Brown, MSOM, LAc, call us at 262-695-5311.


New Year Resolution or Express Your Uniqueness

Shelley Carpenter, PT, RYT, Reiki Master


I used to enjoy making lots of resolutions every year. I loved the feeling of a clean slate and chance to start fresh. However, the resolutions soon began to feel like another list of things I "should" do. They got added to the "to do" list and lost their joy. I suspect that may be the case with you. When I asked one of my yoga classes if anyone had made resolutions, they laughed. One student said "Mine is to

stay out of the hospital this year." Sounds like a worthy goal to me.


For the past 2 years I've decided to skip the list that focused on my flaws and things I needed to improve. I'm already very well aware of those! That doesn't mean that I don't want to be as healthy as possible, grow spiritually, strengthen my relationships, or have life dreams and goals.

Read the rest of this article

Flu Shot Announcement

ProHealth Care released a flu shot reminder to all people using MyChart.  Please be advised this reminder was not sent by The Ommani Center doctors.  If you wish to learn whether a flu shot is advisable for you - please contact your physician, Dr. Kumar or Dr. Kocourek, and ask if such vaccine is appropriate. Thank you.  


Dr. Kumar to Discontinue Insurance

Over recent years, in the current health care market, insurance reimbursement to primary care physicians has been decreasing at the same time expenses associated with running a practice are increasing. This situation makes it very difficult for primary care physicians to practice medicine and keep their offices open. Primary care physicians are leaving their practices or refusing to accept insurance in record number because of this unhealthy phenomenon.  


After much consideration, and to make it possible to keep her practice open, Dr. Kumar has decided to drop insurance coverage as of April, 2015. Doing so will permit her to continue offering the high quality of care patients expect with minimal financial impact.


This should not be a source of concern. We will make a complete Q & A information sheet available in our office, on our website, on our Facebook page, and in the February, 2015 newsletter. You will be able to file your office visit expenses with your insurance & HSA/FSA plans. Additionally, any lab work, diagnostic testing, or referrals ordered by Dr. Kumar will be eligible for coverage under your insurance plans. Please watch for our information sheet and, if you need additional clarity, call our office for assistance.


No Bill Pay via MyChart






Patients often sing our praises when they are here at the office. We sincerely appreciate your kind words and would love to make those comments available to others Please send testimonial comments about your favorite provider to: [email protected]. The testimonials will be posted on the provider's website page. Thank you. 

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