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The Ommani Jewel 

In This Issue
The Power of Personal Choice in Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease
Boris Matthews Red Book Workshop
Effectiveness of Simple Breathing Techniques
Root Vegetables
What do Yin and Blood have to do With Insomnia?
Flu Shot Announcement
Holiday Closing & Rx Refills
No Bill Pay via MyChart

 Monthly Jewel

"Where there is love, there is life."

   ~Mahatma Gandhi

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Issue 43, December 2014

The Power of Personal Choice in Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease

Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D.


Heart disease is the nation's number one killer, causing more deaths than all cancers combined. Women account for 

51% of all cardiac deaths per year in the U.S. It is the leading cause of death in women age 20 and greater. The fastest growing users of prescription drugs for heart disease are men and women, ages 29 to 44. Among women, there is no improvement in mortality. In fact, the mortality rate has been rising over the past ten years. Typically men are taken more seriously when they present with chest pain to a physician or emergency room, increasing their chances of survival from a heart attack. 

The primary risk factors for heart disease are:

    • hypertension 
    • diabetes 
    • obesity 
    • cigarette smoking 
    • elevated cholesterol 
    • inactivity 
    • depression 
    • heredity 
    • age over 50 

Boris Matthews, PhD - Workshop

Boris Matthews, PhD, Jungian Analyst

In January, a special Six-Session workshop is being offered in which we will take up the study of Carl G. Jung's incredible 16 year journey of self-exploration, the Red Book.



Review of this work helps us all focus on the tremendously important issues of meaning and meaninglessness, the Spirit of the Times, the Spirit  of the Depths, and where we are in our lives today and tomorrow. Read more...


DATE: Group will meet on second and fourth Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00PM - Beginning January 28, 2015   (1/28; 2/11; 2/25; 3/11; 3/25; 4/8/2015)


WHERE: The Ommani Center   1166 Quail Court, Suite 210, Pewaukee, WI  53072


FEE: $100 for all six sessions; payable to The Ommani Center. Credit card, check or cash accepted


ENROLL BY: January 15, 2015.  Register / Pay by calling Ommani at 262.695.5311     


General questions about the class should be directed to 

Dr. Matthews, call  608.217.5184


For more information go to: Boris Matthews Red Book 


(Readers Edition of The Red Book should be purchased for the class.  Available at and )


The Effectiveness of Simple Breathing Techniques

Genevie L. Kocourek, M.D.

How often do you find yourself in a stressful situation and suddenly feel that you cannot get a deep breath? Your breathing becomes shallow as you brace for the situation at hand. But, the longer you continue to breathe shallowly, the more anxious you will become-it's simply physiology and physics at work. 




Recently, I had the opportunity to undergo a routine screening procedure and was reminded how effective breathing techniques can be for calming ourselves. While I waited in the staging room in my hospital gown, I found myself becoming anxious. A nurse came in to check my blood pressure. It was considerably higher than it has ever been before (157/102). I was shocked at how high it was just from the stress of waiting. I told the nurse, "My blood pressure is never that high! Please come back in a few minutes and check it again." During her absence, I employed Option 1 below for 12 cycles. When she came to recheck my blood pressure, I was much calmer and my reading was 110/72, an amazing response to my breathe work. 

Read the rest of this article...

Root Vegetables

Sarah Philipp, CHN

"Winter provides us with the perfect opportunity to stay in and cook delicious food. Root vegetables, such as beets, are in season and abundant with nutrients. 


Beets are one of the best foods for cleansing the liver, helpful for treating varicose veins, constipation, as well as very high in precious iron. 

Read the rest of this article & Recipe...


What do Yin and Blood Have to do With Insomnia?

Aimee Brown, LAc

Many clients referred to me by Dr Kumar will say "Dr wants you to fix my yin...whatever that is..." 


So, what is this yin stuff and what does it do? First let's start by defining yin, which, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, cannot be defined without knowing yang. 

Read the rest of this article...

Flu Shot Announcement

ProHealth Care released a flu shot reminder to all people using MyChart.  Please be advised this reminder was not sent by The Ommani Center doctors.  If you wish to learn whether a flu shot is advisable for you - please contact your physician, Dr. Kumar or Dr. Kocourek, and ask if such vaccine is appropriate. Thank you.  


Holiday Closing & Rx Refills

Please be proactive when considering your prescription needs during the holidays.  If your Rx will renew during the holiday - make sure your pharmacy orders it no later than Monday, December 22 to assure receipt prior to our holiday closing.We cannot promise your prescription will be renewed prior to our closure on December 24 if we receive the request after 12/22.  


We are closed: 

  • Wednesday through Sunday, December 24-18
  • Wednesday afternoon, December 31
  • Thursday, January 1st.

Wishing everyone a very happy and blessed holiday season!


No Bill Pay via MyChart






Patients often sing our praises when they are here at the office. We sincerely appreciate your kind words and would love to make those comments available to others Please send testimonial comments about your favorite provider to: [email protected]. The testimonials will be posted on the provider's website page. Thank you. 

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