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The Ommani Jewel 

In This Issue
The Path to Empowerment
Leaving Effective Phone Messages for Your Doctor or Practitioner
Massage Special
Science in Homeopathy
Restoring the Body
Nutritionist to Join Ommani
Education at Ommani
Group Yoga Classes

 Monthly Jewel

To mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.   

~ Henri Bergson~

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Issue 41, October 2014

The Path to Empowerment

Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D.

Have you ever heard people say "Life is unfair"? It's a phrase that can easily become a part of our script. Indeed it is the script of many people today. The script comes from many years of conditioned thinking and from the part of us that may feel victimized. If we have been wronged, treated unfairly or dominated as children, we may carry this script with us throughout our life and play it out unconsciously. Since the 'law of attraction' is always operating in our lives, we materialize what we believe, which includes the scripts we play in our head from moment to moment. 

Leaving Effective Phone Messages for Your Doctor or Practitioner

Genevie Kocourek, M.D.

Imagine that you've awakened with a very sore throat. You've been around family members that have had Strep throat, and you want to see someone today. You call and leave a message, but after several hours, no one has returned your call. What has happened? Is the clinic simply very busy or were you forgotten? 


At The Ommani Center, your calls are very important to us and we work hard to respond to your messages in a timely manner. Here are some recommendations to assist you in leaving a clear message, making it easier for us to serve you well. 

Massage Special

Sue Cirillo, LMT

October brings beautiful fall colors and cooler temperatures.  Fall is the time of year when I ready my hot stones for those interested in a massage using comfortably heated volcanic/basalt stones. The heated basalt stones become one with my hand and the warmth of the stones penetrates deep into the muscle tissue, efficiently reducing tension and stiffness without the need for excessive pressure. 


Hot stone massage is a wonderfully relaxing massage experience that warms you to your core.  In addition to a variety of therapeutic massage techniques, I'll be offering hot stone massage throughout the colder months.  To be eligible for the $5 off special you need to have your massage before November 11th.  Be sure to mention the special when you call to schedule. Call now at 262.695.5311.

Science in Homeopathy

David A. Johnson, Certified Classical Homeopath

In this excellent YouTube interview, homeopathic practitioner and educator, Mo Morrish, describes his experience as a homeopath and his vision for homeopathy in integrative medicine. 

Mo Morrish
Mo Morrish

Are you experiencing problems that haven't improved with conventional medicine? In most cases, the question isn't whether homeopathy can help with a particular problem (it can), but whether the approach is right for you. You can make a no-obligation inquiry call to the Ommani Center and ask David Johnson, Certified Classical Homeopath, to describe the homeopathic approach to resolving your chronic disease. Then you decide whether homeopathy is a fit for you. Call at 262.695.5311.


David has been in full time practice for the past eighteen years, and teaches at the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy. Prior to his certification as a Classical Homeopath, he taught clinical medicine as a Physician Assistant and worked in conventional medicine settings for twelve years. 

Restoring the Body

Stephanie Delmore, MA, LPC

I am a fan of the radio program, On Being. Here is an awesome interview from On Being, entitled Restoring the Body: Yoga, EMDR, and Treating Trauma!  Preeminent researcher, Bessel van den Kolk, talks about healing from trauma, including why EMDR is often more effective than traditional "talk" therapy.  In addition to EMDR, he talks about the benefits of yoga and cranio-sacral therapy. All these therapies  are offered at The Ommani Center.


Stephanie Delmore MA, LPC is a certified EMDR therapist who practices at The Ommani Center. To schedule an appointment, call Ommani at 262.695.5311; for more information about Stephanie, visit, or

Nutritionist to Join Ommani 

Practitioner Group


We are pleased to announce that Sarah Philipp, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, will be joining our practice this November. Sarah can help you find this happy place of eating foods you enjoy, feeling satisfied, and being forever liberated from diets and deprivation. She also specializes in nutrition to help control anxiety and depression, as well as digestive disorders   Sarah says, "Holistic nutrition utilizes food in its most natural and unprocessed form.  Instead of dwelling on counting calories and fearing fat, clients are taught how to choose and prepare the foods that will help them meet their health goals; thus creating a happy, healthy lifestyle that is abundant with delicious and nutritious food, flexibility, and freedom from denial and discipline."   


Sound like an approach you want to take to get your food-lifestyle in order?  Call our office at 262.695.5311 and schedule an appointment. Sarah will be offering personal appointments, as well as phone or Skype sessions. 

Education@Ommani 2014


Thursday, October 23,  6-7PM - Shelley Carpenter, PT, RYT, Reiki Master presents "What is Life Energy & How Does it Affect My Health?"

Learn about the body's energy system and the specific emotional and physical problems that often result from blocked energy.  Learn practical ways to restore healthy energy flow and vitality through breathing techniques, energy meditation, and yoga poses that correspond to each of the chakras.  You will leave equipped with written information to guide these self-healing practices.   Free.


Thursday, November 19,  6-7PM - Kalpana (Rose) Kumar, M.D. presents  "Reclaiming our Health in Midlife, Naturally - a Wealth of Insight." Free.

Review the full monthly schedule for 2014-15 year talks. You do not need to be a patient to attend; bring your friends and family members.  Most talks are free, but we request preregistration.  Call now (262.695.5311) to register in advance for each/all the talks you wish to attend.   Space is limited - don't delay.

Group Yoga Classes

Ongoing Group Beginner/Intermediate Yoga classes are always offered on Tuesdays 9-10 AM and 6-7 PM. Contact Shelley Carpenter to register at 414.217.4185 or email her at  [email protected].  $44/4 week session or $13/class to drop-in.



Patients often sing our praises when they are here at the office. We sincerely appreciate your kind words and would love to make those comments available to others Please send testimonial comments about your favorite provider to: [email protected]. The testimonials will be posted on the provider's website page. Thank you. 

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