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The Ommani Jewel 

In This Issue
An EPIC Degree of Soul Loss
Fear to Admit Acupuncture Care
Psychology, Relationships, Healthy Living & More!
Education at Ommani

 Monthly Jewel

Freedom lies in being bold.

~ Robert Frost ~

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Issue 38, July 2014

An EPIC Degree of Soul Loss

Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D.

The practice of medicine has undergone yet another change. Over the past several years, it has gone electronic. Those of you who have experienced electronically recorded medicine have had to adapt to the profound change that this brought to the physician visit. Physicians, already stressed from adapting to the corporatization of medicine, now have to adapt to data entry during their time with their patients. I, for one, resisted this as long as I was able. I intuitively knew what this would do to the sacred essence of the physician-patient encounter. 



Last year, I was forced to succumb. I was not really given a choice. Implementing the electronic medical record (EMR) in my practice was not only extremely expensive for a primary care physician in private practice, it was extremely stressful for one who practices "patient centered" medicine. For a physician who relishes spending time with my patients, listening for clues in their stories to help them problem solve and heal, this was deeply intrusive. 


When I used paper charts...

Fear to Admit to Acupuncture Care

Aimee Brown, LAc

In my practice, I have encountered numerous people who are reluctant to tell their physicians they receive acupuncture treatments for the conditions from which they suffer.  When I ask them why, they say they don't want to offend their doctor or they feel uncomfortable, not wanting to be judged, or worse, ridiculed for seeking an alternate therapist. 


Others report their doctors will call acupuncture "voodoo" or "hocus- pocus".  I find this fact a bit frightening, almost as though the physicians are practicing "with blinders on;"  refusing to look outside of the box to help their patients find other therapies that might better suit their conditions.  An article such as the one below could prove a useful tool for those who wish to bring their doctor actual proof of the science behind this medicine.


Scientific Confirmation of Acupuncture Points & Chinese Medicine Validated  


Schedule an appointment with Aimee by calling our office at 262.695.5311.

Psychology, Relationships, Healthy Living 

and More!

Stephanie Delmore, MA, LPC

I love to read and learn about psychology, health, personal growth and more. I've created a Facebook page to share all the interesting things I find along the way in this journey of life. If you are a "seeker" too, "like" my Facebook page and I can share with you what I find along the way.


If you are interested in working with Stephanie on a mental health or personal growth issue, you may call Ommani at 262-695-5311 to schedule an appointment. Additional information about Stephanie's practice may be found at her practitioner page at or




  • The 2nd edition of Becoming Real is available for purchase @ Ommani Center bookstore page. Coming soon to Amazon and Kindle.
  • Yoga - Tuesday mornings and evening. Group Beginner/Intermediate Yoga classes offered on Tuesdays 9-10 AM and 6-7 PM. Contact Shelley Carpenter to register. $44/4 week session or $13/class to drop-in.
  • Available - blood testing to identify cardiac, inflammation and metabolic risk factors. Call 262.695.5311 for details and to schedule your appointment. All insurance plans accepted, including Medicare.

Education@Ommani 2014

There will be no talks in July/August, but please share your requests for topics you would like us to address beginning in September, 2014. Send your ideas/requests to [email protected].




Patients often sing our praises when they are here at the office. We sincerely appreciate your kind words and would love to make those comments available to others Please send testimonial comments about your favorite provider to: [email protected]. The testimonials will be posted on the provider's website page. Thank you. 

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