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The Ommani Jewel 

In This Issue
No More Excuses: Redefining SELF-CARE as a Core Value
Cardiovascular Risk Assessment
The Brain that Changes Itself
Psychological Complexes & The Self
Spend a Lunch Hour Learning to Breathe
Nourish Yourself & Energize Your Life
Thoughts About the 2nd Edition of Becoming Real: Reclaiming Your Health in Midlife
Education at Ommani

 Monthly Jewel

Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.

~ H. Jackson Brown~

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Issue 37, June 2014

No More Excuses: Redefining SELF-CARE as a Core Value 

Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D.

During this past winter it was not uncommon to hear patients tell me that it was too cold to exercise. They promised when the weather improved they will exercise to restore their health. Upon the arrival of spring, their excuse is 'busyness', stress or hot weather. Their excuses contribute to their ill health. 


When it comes to healthy or clean eating, many patients tell me that their reason for not eating clean is their children's refusal to eat the foods that foster health. They justify their unhealthy choices and lack of self-care with excuses. We are ultimately responsible for our and our children's well-being. Our healthy or unhealthy choices imprint and mentor our children in how they will live and play a critical role in their health and illness.   

Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Testing Now Available

Research shows traditional cholesterol testing can miss half of patients at risk for cardiovascular events. A new group of blood tests, available through Health Diagnostic Labs, is being offered at Ommani. This simple testing is designed to identify inflammation and cardiac risk factors to better detect hidden cardiac risks, reverse disease and save lives. Learn more about the testing at



If this testing is of interest to you... READ MORE

The Brain That Changes Itself

Stephanie Delmore, MA, LPC

I just finished reading the most fascinating book by Norman Doidge, MD, called "The Brain That Changes Itself." The book is a collection of research and clinical examples of the ever-growing evidence of neuroplasticity; that our brains are ever changing. 


According to Doidge, "The discovery of neuroplasticity, that our thoughts can change the structure and function of our brains, even into old age, is the most important breakthrough in our understanding of the brain in four hundred years."  


 Read the rest of this article



Patients often sing our praises when they are here at the office. We sincerely appreciate your kind words and would love to make those comments available to others Please send testimonial comments about your favorite provider to: [email protected]. The testimonials will be posted on the provider's website page. Thank you. 

Psychological Complexes & The Self

Boris Matthews,  PhD, Jungian Analyst


 In this brief YouTube video Rose Holt, Jungian Psychoanalyst in St. Louis, talks about psychological complexes, and about the Self.  

Rose Holt presentation: An Overview of Jungian Psychology & its Value for Today
Rose Holt presentation: An Overview of Jungian Psychology & its Value for Today

Her full-length presentation covers the fundamental and lasting contributions of C.G.Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and collaborator of Sigmund Freud.   The lecture includes a discussion of the sources of Jung's work, the important of it for personal growth and the values to be gleaned from it for living in today's world.  To view the entire video or purchase the DVD please visit .


If this form of psychological work appeals to you, I can work with you to explore the depths of your Self.  Call me, Boris Matthews, at 608-217-5184 with questions or to schedule an appointment at Ommani click here.

Spend a Lunch Hour Learning to Breathe

June 17, 12-12:45PM FREE

Shelly Carpenter, PT, RYT, Reiki Master/Teacher



A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book ~Irish Proverb


Would you like some stress relief in the middle of your day? Would you like to be able to fall asleep more easily at night?  Join Shelley Carpenter, PT, RYT, Reiki Master/Teacher, on June 17th from 12-12:45PM for this FREE class.  She will briefly teach you about the anatomy associated with breathing, as well as how the breath affects the mind and body. 


You will then be led through a relaxing practice of several breathing techniques that bring calmness and clarity of mind, and move you out of the "fight-or-flight" stress response into a relaxation response.  Learn and practice specific techniques you will be able to use throughout your day, as well as techniques to calm the body and mind and naturally ease you into a good night's sleep.


You will be given written instructions that will allow you to practice easily at home.


Please call the Ommani Center to register: 262-695-5311 

Nourish Yourself & Energize Your Life - 6/26 Free Talk

What would your life be like with an abundance of energy and vitality?


What foods are best to eat to increase your energy?


Please join Holistic Health Coach Colleen Suess

for a free workshop on Thursday, June 26th,  6:00-7:00 p.m


Please rsvp - [email protected]

Thoughts About the Second Edition of Becoming Real: Reclaiming Your Health in Midlife

Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D.


Patients have been asking if I could outline the differences between the first and second editions of my book. I can best describe the 2nd edition as being a clearer read than the 1st with a more expanded framework that is applicable to both men and women in midlife.


I have added a powerful introduction, an index, as well as a section on thyroid function and have added more clinically relevant information that I synthesized (since the first edition was published), from my keen observations of midlife patterns in Four Body System in my patients.


I have also clarified the sections in the first edition that were unclear to my readers due to their multi-faceted complexity (per their feedback).


In short, with the introduction, the index and greater clarity, the 2nd edition is more user friendly and can be used as a guide and framework for the many decades that midlife encompasses.


In summary, Becoming Real: Reclaiming Your Health in Midlife is a clearer, more focused read which addresses the midlife process more than menopause for both men and women, though written from a woman's perspective with clarification about the menopausal process and guidance for navigating through it with ease. 

Education@Ommani 2014

There will be no talks in July/August, but please share your requests for topics you would like us to address beginning in September, 2014. Send your ideas/requests to [email protected].


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