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The Ommani Jewel 

In This Issue
Women and Heart Disease
Chinese Medicine in the 21st Century
The Individual Language of Homeopathy
Creating a Life Worth Living
Body Wisdom
2nd Edition of "Becoming Real"
Education at Ommani
Education at Ommani

 Monthly Jewel

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. 

~ J. Krishnamurti~

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Issue 36, May 2014

Women and Heart Disease

Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D.

When asked what a well-educated woman considers her greatest health hazard, 9 out of 10 times her answer will be breast cancer.


Heart disease is actually the nation's number one killer, causing more deaths than all cancers combined. Women account for 51 % of all cardiac deaths per year in the U.S. It is the leading cause of death in women age 20 and greater. The fastest growing users of prescription drugs for heart disease are men and women, ages 29 to 44. Among women, however, there is no improvement in mortality. In fact, their mortality rate has been rising over the past ten years. 

Chinese Medicine in the 21st Century

Aimee Brown, Lac, MSOM

Traditional Chinese Medicine has been practiced for thousands of years and contains five branches of healing.  While most of us know of the benefits of acupuncture, we don't realize that acupuncture is one branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  And, we don't often hear about another branch - Chinese herbal medicine.  The Cleveland Clinic has taken a ground-breaking step and introduced Chinese herbal medicine as a routinely available system of care. Osher Center for Integrative Medicine at Northwestern University and North Shore University Health System, affiliated with the University of Chicago, both include Chinese herbal medicine among their offerings.  Take a look at this linked, April, 2014, article from the Wall Street Journal; it describes what the Cleveland Clinic is doing.  


Our acupuncturist, Aimee Brown, has a Master of Science in Oriental Medicine and is trained in the use of Chinese herbs.  Call our office at 262.695.5311 to schedule an appointment with her.

The Individual Language of Homeopathy

David A. Johnson, Certified Classical Homeopath

In this thought-provoking YouTube video, world-renowned homeopath, Rajan Sankaran, MD, discusses homeopathy and self-healing. He points out the need for individualization of care with each and every homeopathic client, as well as need for the client's own self-reflection and desire to make a change. In most states of dis-ease, the client speaks a "language" pointing to a broader state of distress, and in the homeopathic consultation, the client and homeopath work together to understand this broader experience. Nature, in turn, has very, very specific answers for the different dilemmas we find ourselves in, and homeopathic remedies are matched with these dilemmas. In concert with our own desire for healing, the ultimate aim for a remedy is self-healing on all levels of being, such that we're free to pursue 'the higher purposes of our existence'.

What is Homeopathy?
What is Homeopathy?

Schedule your appointment with David Johnson, Certified Classical Homeopath by calling our office 262.695.5311

Creating a Life Worth Living

Boris Matthews, Jungian Analyst

Author and Jungian Analyst, James Hollis PhD is one of the most prolific Jungian analysts in the country. View the attached link in which he discusses finding your own individual path. If we indeed want to create a life worth living, we have to do our inner work -- something we sometimes forget in a shallow, fast-paced culture which seldom challenges us & spoon-feeds us comforting junk food instead of genuine nourishment. Find out what Hollis can teach us about creating a life and finding our path, a pragmatic guide to individuation-the creation of a meaningful life worthy of its soul.   


Here, at the Ommani Center, Jungian psychoanalyst, Boris Matthews is available to accompany you on your journey of creating a life worth living.  Call 608.217.5184 to schedule an appointment or talk to Boris about the process; click here.  

Body Wisdom

Shelly Carpenter, PT, RYT, Reiki Master/Teacher

When we experience pain or other health issues it is easy to feel like a victim. Another option is to look for the lessons as we consciously explore possible causes and contributing factors. 


What message is your body trying to give you? Do you pay attention and honor those messages, ignore and push through, or just give up? 

Read the rest of this article

2nd Edition of Becoming Real

We are excited to announce the second edition of Dr. Kumar's book, Becoming Real - Reclaiming Your Health In Midlife, is currently at the printer and will be available for purchase the end of May.  


Tell your friends, spread the word, a belated Mother's Day gift...don't wait to purchase this new, updated, edition. We are accepting advance orders now. Call our office at 262.695.5311 or use the bookstore page of our website to purchase. 

Education@Ommani 2014

"Common Ailments & Associated Nutrient Deficiencies" Presented by Dr. Gen Kocourek, M.D.

  • Wednesday, May 21, 2014, 6-7 PM
We still have space available at this informative talk that will help you understand the nutrient deficiencies associated with everyday ailments.  For example, did you know that high blood pressure could be partially the result of potassium, magnesium, or Vitamin D deficiencies, or that depression might be the result of copper & zinc imbalances? 

"Breath to Relieve Stress" Presented by Shelley Carpenter, PT, RYT, Reidi Master.

  • Tuesday, June 17, 12-12:45 PM
Don't miss this talk! have fund spending your lunch-hour practicing easy and simple breathing techniques you can use to relieve stress throughout your day or to help you fall asleep at night.


Both of these talks are free of charge. You don't need to be a patient at Ommani to attend, just call 262.695.5311 and register. Don't miss out - call now.

Click here, Education @ Ommani. There will be no talks in the summer months July/August, but we would be very happy to hear from our patients and friends about topics they would like us to discuss beginning in September 2014. Send an email to [email protected] with your ideas or requests.  

Happy Mother's Day

~Sending all our mothers warm and loving wishes~


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