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The Ommani Jewel 

In This Issue
The Ommani Center - A New Healthcare Model
Dr. Kumar - New Blog
Where Are We When There's Nothing at the Center?
Boost Immune System
New in November
Thanks to our Patients

 Monthly Jewel

"Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you, when you start imprinting your intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence." 

~Barbara Marciniak~

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Issue 28, October 2013

The Ommani Center - A New Healthcare Model

Kalpana (Rose) Kumar, M.D.

Rachel Remen M.D. is a physician and mentor who inspired me 23 years ago. An article about her current work,

Medicine's Search for Meaning was recently published in The New York Times. It made me reflect on where I started as a young physician, and where I have arrived today as a physician who holds a vision of a healed health care system in my heart. I was a fledgling 3rd year resident in Internal Medicine at Stanford when I attended the talk that Rachel gave on 'patient-centered' medicine. I sat on the steps in the auditorium, listened to her and wept. My heart has remained open wide since that day at Stanford and I have pursued a path of LOVE and DEVOTION for my patients and it has been my hope for health care ever since. 

  Read the rest of this article 

Dr. Kumar - New Blog

We are pleased to announce Dr. Kumar's new blog, Medicine On The Edge. This is an exciting new expansion of her community and patient outreach.  We invite all our friends and patients to become regular readers at this new venue  

Where Are We When There's Nothing at the Center?

Boris Matthews, Ph.D.

An important new book by New York Jungian analyst, Sherry Salman, addresses the question of the "empty center".  The center - psychologically and spiritually - has been the most important image since time immemorial. Historically we see the totem pole around which the village is built.  We see the Medieval European cities oriented around the cathedral.  Ask people today what is most important in their life and you will get an answer: relationship, family, immigration reform, the environment, etc.  Yet some of the same people will also tell you, if you press them, they have a gnawing sense that something is lacking.  Their "dream of totality", of wholeness, isn't quite complete.  Something is missing.

Read the rest of this article 

Boost Immune System

Aimee Brown, L.Ac, MSOM

As we approach the drastic seasonal changes of summer becoming fall, soon racing into winter, it is a good time to do a "self-health check."  Most people have heard of the importance of adding in extra vitamins C and D or Echinacea, but it is always helpful to have a few more immune boosting tools in the line-up, especially for those who regularly experience colds, flus and allergies.  Here is a link to one TCM practitioner's guide to cold and flu time preparations: How to Boost Immune System with TCM.

New in November

Shelley Carpenter

Shelley Carpenter, Physical Therapist, Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master/Teacher will be offering Reiki healing sessions and Therapeutic Yoga sessions at the Ommani Center.


I am extremely grateful to be part of the team at the Ommani Center because I strongly believe in the type of healing on all levels that is facilitated here.   I love empowering individuals to live healthy, joyful, authentic lives.  As a practicing PT for over 20 years, I am passionate about integrative medicine.  Incorporating my PT knowledge with the profound healing energy and wisdom of Reiki and yoga, I have been blessed to assist many on their healing journeys. 


Reiki is a hands-on energy healing technique for stress reduction and relaxation.  It promotes the body's self-healing ability and provides a sense of peace and well-being in mind, body and spirit. Please see the Reiki page on the website for more information.


If you currently have, or are recovering from an injury, illness or chronic condition you may benefit from some individual  yoga instruction, including development of a home practice designed for your specific needs. 


I continue to offer ongoing group  yoga classes.  You are welcome to join any time.


The Ommani Center will be ready to begin accepting new Reiki appointments beginning October 25, with appointments being scheduled November 5 and thereafter. If have questions or would like to set up an appointment call The Ommani Center at 262.695.5311 or I'd be happy to talk with you. Please call Shelley at 414-217-4185 or email: [email protected].

Thanks to our Patients - Electronic Medical Record Conversion

We at The Ommani Center are continuing to move forward with the challenge of converting all of our patient records to electronic records (EMR).  This is a Herculean task.

As we work on perfecting our knowledge and protocols we want to send our heartfelt appreciation to all of our patients who have been patient and good humored as we wade through the new processes associated with the EMR. Your generosity of spirit is very much appreciated by the entire staff.


Thank you.


In response to patient requests for education, personal growth and the opportunity to connect with like-minded people we are pleased to offer educational events hosted by our practitioners and doctors. The first event was held last night and led by David Johnson, our homeopath.  The enthusiastic group of attendees learned a lot about homeopathy and its home applications.


Read more to learn about the November and future workshops.  Enrollment is limited - you do not need to be a patient at Ommani, but you must register to attend.  Secure your spot by calling 262.695.5311.

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