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The Ommani Jewel 

In This Issue
The Dark Side of Health Care
Fall Focus on Empowerment Classes
The Brain Speaks
Ommani Center Events
Gluten Free Eating
Are You Limited by "Blinders"

 Monthly Jewel

The best way to predict your future is to create it. 

~Abraham Lincoln~

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Issue 26, August 2013

The Dark Side of Health Care

Kalpana (Rose) Kumar, M.D.


Most people don't realize what it is like to maintain a private practice in today's health care climate. I applaud and honor any physician who has the courage and audacity to do so. As a private practitioner myself, I know and love the challenges of growing and maintaining a medical practice. I know what it takes to swim upstream and settle for a fraction of what employed physicians get paid. The trade-off they make is a large salary with little to no freedom to work from the soul. They work for a system that is heartless and expects them to meet quarterly projections. Many physicians feel trapped by the organizational limitations placed upon them, but have difficulty leaving to work independently. 

~Fall Focus on Empowerment~

Workshops & Classes


Birth Card Psychological Astrology- Advanced Applications, Lisa Schuetz, M.A., C.G.

**Excellent, amazing tool for discovering your authentic self and that offers guidance

Come learn about the esoteric and ancient science that combines astrology and numerology. We will take a deeper look at how to apply the knowledge and the guidance this system offers to us. Amazingly accurate. Linked flyer.

  • September 26, 2013 - Thursday
  • 6:00 - 7:30 PM
  • All attendees will be entered into a drawing for a free mini-reading ($75 value)
  • Register by calling 262.695.5311
  • Fee: $10 cash, $12 credit card

BECOMING REAL Empowerment Series, WomanSpirit Wellness & Coaching Club, facilitator: Anne Wondra, Soul and Wellness Coach.

**It's spirit-feeding, life-enriching, conversation and connection building - the only agenda is your desired personal growth, health and happiness.

Choose your date/time: 

  • Tuesdays 2-3:30 PM October 1 - December 10, 2013 or 
  • Thursdays 5-6:30 PM October 3 - December 12, 2013 
  • See website for fees, details and registration information. Pre-registration required to enroll. Sign-up today.

Happiness Journey, Facilitator: Michael Robichaud

**A new field of science is emerging built around making you - happier.   

Choose your date and time:  

  • Mondays 1-2:30PM October 7-28, 2013  or
  • Wednesdays 3-4:30PM October 2-23, 2013
  • See linked flyer for fees, details and registration information.  Preregistration required to enroll - sign up today.

Continuing Yoga Classes

Yoga for Healing, Shelly Carpenter, Pt, RYT


Four classes per month:  Monday evenings, 6 PM or  Tuesday mornings, 9 AM .  Attend all 4 or drop-in when you can!  Either pay by the calendar month: $11/class in advance ($44 or $55 depending on whether 4/5 weeks in month) if you pay for the entire month or attend when you can and pay $13 per class. 

The Brain Speaks

Laura Levenhagen, RN, RMT, CranioSacral Therapist


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to talk to different parts of your brain? That is what I had the joy of experiencing in February when I took the 4-day Upledger CranioSacral class "The Brain Speaks". Dr. John Upledger D.O., O.M.M., founder of CranioSacral therapy, originated this work while writing a book called "A Brain is Born". His intent was to help parents of brain-dysfunctioning children better understand the neurological language used by health care professionals when treating the dysfunctional child. As he researched literature on the brain he discovered multiple differing opinions on what each brain part did.  


Ommani Center Events - Coming Soon!

The Ommani Center brings people together who share many interests, philosophies and viewpoints about living a healthy, active lifestyle, and living as a life-long learner. We have received requests from patients about a desire to have more opportunities for education, personal growth and connecting with others who share like-minded views. In a response to this desire, we are offering and planning opportunities for all of the above!


Read more 

Gluten Free Eating

Aimee Brown, LAc, MSOM


With all the talk lately about gluten free eating and all of the questions that subsequently arise surrounding it, I was glad to happen upon this article about one of the lesser talked about gluten free plants, buckwheat.  Nutritious, versatile and easy to work with, I hope you find this article as interesting as I. GreenMedInfo - Buckwheat.


Aimee Brown, L.Ac, MSOM practices acupuncture at The Ommani Center. To schedule an appointment call - 262.695.5311

Are You Limited by "Blinders"

 Genevie L. Kocourek, M.D.

Have you ever watched a horse race? If you have, you may have noticed that each racehorse is fitted with "blinders." These are protective of the horse--they prevent the horse from becoming distracted or being "spooked" into a crazed run that can harm them. However, the blinders also prevent the horse from fully experiencing and learning from its surroundings. People can have "blinders" or "blindness" too. Even though we don't wear physical blinders around our eyes, we have other blinders. These can be physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual. 

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