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The Ommani Jewel 

In This Issue
Healing Stress
Dr. Kumar in the Media
Introduction to Craniosacral Therapy
EMDR Therapy
Yoga on Hiatus
Did You Know...?
Last Call for June 13th MBSR Class

 Monthly Jewel

In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act. 

~George Orwell~

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Issue 24, June 2013

Healing Stress

Kalpana (Rose) Kumar, M.D.


  • In the early 1900's, in the United States, the leading cause of death was from infectious and gastrointestinal diseases.  Cardiovascular disease was the fourth leading cause of death.
  • By the late 1900's, cardiovascular disease was the leading cause of death with cancer rising as the second leading cause of death.
  • The leading causes of death in our time are diseases of stress, related and chronic stress makes us vulnerable to developing them over time.
We hear so much about stress being the underlying factor in most of our illnesses of mind, body and emotions in today's world. The physiological link between stress and disease has been extensively studied and understood.  It is important to gain an understanding of this so that one can mitigate its effects on one's health.  

Dr. Kumar in the Media

radio tv  

May, 2013, Review of Dr. Kumar's book, Becoming Real 


4/22/13 - WebRadio, Interview with Mary Treacy O'Keefe, Hope, Healing & Wellbeing


April, 2013 - All Things Healing Website, Article/Posting, Midlife as a Gateway to Authenticity

Introduction to Craniosacral Therapy

Laura Levenhagen, RN, Reiki Master, CSTherapist

Here is a beautiful video published in April, 2013 by Hay House describing Craniosacral Therapy (CST).  The most basic tenant of CST is that the body/mind/spirit is self-healing.  The Craniosacral therapist facilitates that self-healing capacity by connecting with the inner wisdom of the body and following its treatment plan.  Balance can be restored through light touch techniques or imagery and dialogue.  

From My Hands and Heart by Kate MacKinnon
From My Hands and Heart by Kate MacKinnon

Laura Levenhagen, RN, Reiki Master Teacher is an advanced level Craniosacral Therapist trained through the Upledger Institute with 12 years' experience.  Call 262.695.5311 to schedule an appointment with her on Tuesday or Thursday.  

EMDR Therapy

Stephanie Delmore, MA, LPC


EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy can help clients release old memories and blockages in a unique way. In this linked article posted in Brain World, September, 2012, the originator of EMDR therapy, Francine Shapiro, PhD, explains how new research on this form of treatment is providing insight into how our brains process and store information.


How EMDR Therapy Opens a Window to the Brain 


Stephanie Delmore, MA, LPC.  To schedule a counseling appointment with Stephanie, contact us at 262.695.5311.  

Yoga on Hiatus

Shelley Carpenter, PT, RYT, Reiki Master

I will be taking a short break this summer to recover from a surgery.  In the meantime, if you'd like to practice "with me" feel free to click the link below for a free hour-long yoga class similar to the classes offered at the Ommani Center.  I have a gentle style, and always encourage my students to listen to their bodies.  Please do only what feels comfortable and use props or modify as needed.  I plan to return by July 8th if not sooner.  Check and as I will post dates and times of my next series of classes.  I hope you enjoy this practice, and will join us when we resume class!     


Beginner/Intermediate Yoga Lesson #1
Beginner/Intermediate Yoga Lesson #1


Shelley Carpenter, PT, RYT, Reiki Master

Did You Know....?

Boris Matthews, PhD, LCSW

Did you know that many psychotherapists have never been clients in psychotherapy? Did you know this matters?


Recently I was in a conversation with a public member of the American Board for Accreditation in Psychoanalysis ( ), of which I am a professional member. This is a very accomplished person who was surprised when he found out that psychotherapists have classroom training and supervision for doing psychotherapy, but many have never experienced psychotherapy or psychoanalysis as clients or patients. How could that be, he wondered. The answer is that not all psychotherapists have equally rigorous training.



Boris Matthews, PhD, LCSW is a nationally certified psychoanalyst (a.k.a. Jungian Analyst) at the Ommani Center for Integrative Medicine.  He also serves on the faculty of the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago, Illinois.  He has been in practice for over twenty years and has been offering his services at Ommani since 2005.  Contact him through the Ommani Center website: or at phone 608.217.5184.


Last Call for June 13th MBSR Class



Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

A new introductory workshop - June 13, 2013 - 6-8PM

Workshop Leader:  Jesse Foy, M.D., MBSR Teacher.

 Final roll call for the MBSR workshop being held Thursday evening at Ommani. Take advantage of the opportunity to learn and experience the scientifically documented health benefits of this special mindfulness practice. Read about the workshop and teacher. Read more.

  • Call now to reserve your place 262.695.5311   
  • Fee: $35   
  • Date: Thursday, June 13 6-8 PM

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