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The Ommani Jewel 

In This Issue
Midlife as a Gateway to Authenticity
Dr. Kumar in the Media
Shame and Our Sense of Self
Acupuncture for Stroke Care
Workshops & Classes

 Monthly Jewel

"Storms make trees take deeper roots."

~ Anonymous~

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Issue 22, April 2013

Midlife as a Gateway to Authenticity

Kalpana (Rose) Kumar, M.D.


Are you a midlife woman who doesn't understand what is happening to your body and mind?


Have you told your doctor how you're feeling and were you dismissed with medications or hormone replacement therapy?


Do you feel overwhelmed by the volume of information available about managing midlife and peri- menopause?


I am not only a practicing internist, but a midlife woman. I have been helping midlife women for over two decades with their menopausal symptoms and have gained significant personal insight about how little support is currently available for us. 

Dr. Kumar in the Media

Shame and Our Sense of Self

Stephanie Delmore, MA, LPC

Below you'll find a link to a 2012 TED talk given by Brene Borwn, PhD, LMSW. She has spent the past decade studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness and shame.  She gave an earlier TED talk in 2010 that "went viral" with over 8 million views, where she first talked about her research on shame and how it affects our sense of self and our relationships.  The 2012 talk is a follow up to her research in which she talks about vulnerability and its importance, if we want to live a life she describes as "whole-hearted."


The primary talk included on the link below is entitled Listening to Shame, given in March, 2012. The original 2010 talk, entitled The Power of Vulnerability, is also available on this link. I highly recommend these talks for everyone interested in their sense of self and relationship.  

  Listening to Shame


Stephanie Delmore, MA, LPC.  To schedule a counseling appointment with Stephanie, contact us at 262.695.5311.  

Ask Ommani



Can acupuncture be helpful for stroke patients?

Answered by Aimee Brown, LAc, MSOM: 

Many patients don't realize it, but acupuncture can benefit a stroke patient in many ways.

  • Immediate benefit to provide calming and soothing of nerves due to stress of the condition
  • Beginning with underlying  cause of the stroke, acupuncture can augment that aspect of patient's constitution to prevent recurrence
  • Bolster patient's system to a more strengthened state
  • Residual stroke symptoms may be improved or transformed
Timing can be of the essence.   I have seen a person five years post-stroke begin treatment with tremendous benefit.  This occurred during my training at Midwest College.  When she began her treatment, I am told she arrived in a wheel chair. By the time my training began, she was using a walker and was soon able to ambulate with a cane shortly thereafter.  Her care consisted of two weekly visits over a period of approximately 2 years. I believe this frequency was necessary, especially since it had been 5 years since the occurrence. 


If you have an interest in the benefits of acupuncture in situations of stroke, take a look at the attached links from the Huffington Post and Acupuncture Today.


Huffington Post

Acupuncture Today


Aimee Brown, LAc, MSOM.  To schedule an acupuncture appointment with Aimee, contact us at 262.695.5311.  

Sign-up for Workshops & Classes at Ommani


Birth Card Psychological Astrology -
Lisa Schuetz, M.A., C.G.
*Excellent Tool for Discovering Your Authentic Self
Come learn about the esoteric and ancient science that combines astrology and numerology. Amazingly accurate, offering insight into your authentic self.
  • April 25, 2013 - Thursday
  • 6:00 - 7:30
  • Fee: $10
  • All attendees will be entered into a drawing for a free mini-reading consultation combining Birth Card Astrology & Handwriting Analysis
  • Register by calling 262.695.5311

Read more


Awakening the Heart - New Mindfulness-Based WorkshopJesse Foy, M.S.

This workshop provides an opportunity to reflect on our heart's deeper sense of truth & authenticity which is essential to living a fulfilling and meaningful life.

  • June 13 - Thursday
  • 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
  • Fee: $65 (includes practice CD and handouts) 
  • Register by calling 262.695.5311 

Ongoing Yoga Classes - Shelley Carpenter

Ongoing Yoga Classes. Join yoga on Monday evenings at 6PM or Tuesday mornings at 9AM. $44/month or $13/class.


[email protected]

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