Issue Twenty, February 2013
Redefining Love in Midlife
Kalpana (Rose) Kumar, M.D.
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It seems natural to write an article on love in February as we have an opportunity to reflect on this topic this month. We need to begin understanding the difference between healthy and unhealthy love. Healthy love does not involve compromise. We maintain our sovereignty and truth when we are in a relationship that is based on healthy love. Many of us have been conditioned to compromise ourselves in the name of love. We were taught to subdue our inner wisdom which warns us when we compromise our needs in relationships. It is not uncommon for us to put aside our inner longings and behave in ways that are expected of us by society. A relationship that is based on a dynamic like this is unhealthy. Healthy love always coexists with our truth. Compromising our truth is unhealthy. It results in codependency.
Sign-up for Workshops & Classes at Ommani
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Awakening the Heart - New Mindfulness-Based Workshop - Jesse Foy, M.S.
This workshop provides an opportunity to reflect on our heart's deeper sense of truth & authenticity which is essential to living a fulfilling and meaningful life.
- March 21, 2013 - Thursday
- 9:30 AM - 12 Noon
- Fee: $65 (includes practice CD and handouts)
- Register by calling the Ommani Center
- Limited Enrollment - Register Today!
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Marilyn Menefee - Refresh, Rearrange and Redo
A home should reflect your mind, body and spirit. Help your home reveal your authentic self. A workshop offered by Marilyn Meneffee of Details Design Studio.
- February 19th, 5:30-7:00pm
- Fee $15
- Only a few spaces left. Register by calling The Ommani.
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Ongoing Yoga Classes
Beginner/Intermediate Classes are ongoing at The Ommani Center on Mondays at 6 pm and Tuesdays at 9 am.
You are welcome to join any time.
- Sign up for the entire calendar month - $44 for 4 classes
- Drop-ins welcome - $13 per class
Shelley Carpenter, Physical Therapist, Registered Yoga Teacher, teaches these ongoing hour-long classes.
Shelley has been a PT for over 20 years, and has a safe, gentle approach.
Thoughts on Depression
Stephanie Delmore, MA, LPC
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Through my years of clinical practice, my understanding of depression has evolved. The symptoms of depression can look very different in different people, and the contributing factors or "causes" are varied as well. In some people depression looks like someone who cannot get out of bed or is tearful most of the day. In others, depression presents in that the person appears unusually irritable or quick to anger. My experience is that depression most often comes from one of three factors: a physiological/hormonal imbalance; a response to a specific life event; or negative/dysfunctional thought patterns.
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Ommani Center Celebrates 12th Anniversary
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February 19, 2013 is the Ommani Center's 12th Anniversary!

The Ommani Center was born from an intention to create a health care model whose context for health is deeper than just the physical. How one lives and relates to life has a significant influence on one's health. Inclusive of modern technological advances and high standard-of-care traditional medicine, we are an integrative health care model that is sustainable, cost effective and promotes real health care. We hold this vision of Ommani sacred as we continue to facilitate true health and meaning for our patients and the world.
Our Celebration includes our sincere and heartfelt appreciation to all of you who are a part of our community.
Thank you for your dedicated and faithful support.
Ommani Phone System
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Please help us serve you better. When we are busy our phone system will direct your call to voice message. We respectfully request that you leave a message and do not place multiple, repetitive calls to our office. We can serve you better if you leave a message. We check voice mail messages every 30-45 minutes and return calls as soon as we are able.
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