Monthly Jewel
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
~Winston Churchill
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Issue Seventeen, November 2012
Mindfulness Based Workshop for Wellness and Happiness
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Thursday, November 15, 10AM-12:30PM
Only two days away - Take Thursday morning off work - Enroll Now!
Cost is only $50 - Read more here
Call us at 262.695.5311 to register and pay.
It's the best thing you can do for yourself before the holiday crunch.
NO MORE EXCUSES: Redefining SELF-CARE as a Core Value
Kalpana (Rose) Kumar, M.D.
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During the winter it is not uncommon to hear patient's tell me it is too cold to exercise. They promise me when the weather improves they will exercise to restore their health. Upon the arrival of spring and summer, their excuse is 'busyness', stress or hot weather. Their excuses contribute to their ill health. When it comes to healthy or clean eating, many patients tell me their reason for not eating clean is their children's refusal to eat the foods that foster health. They justify their unhealthy choices and lack of self-care with excuses. We are ultimately responsible for our and our children's well-being. Our healthy or unhealthy choices imprint and mentor our children in how they will live and play a critical role in their future health and/or illness.

The Soul and Psychotherapy
Boris Matthews, Ph.D., Jungian Analyst
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Recently a younger colleague wrote me about the agency in which she had previously been practicing. I was not surprised by what she said because her experience was, unfortunately, typical of a lot of places that offer "psychotherapy." A couple of years ago, she wrote, she left a large therapy practice in part because of the rigid requirements driven by insurance company regulations. "I often felt apologetic about using the client's valuable therapy time to complete a form, label someone with a diagnosis . . . and introduce behavioral checklists that were often superficial at best and insulting at worst. If I dared to mention something like the nature of a client's dreams in a quarterly review . . . my chart would get kicked back for 'corrections.'" That environment did not foster transforming or even long-term results for my clients." That approach based on the sickness model, behavioral change, and pharmaceutical intervention has little to do with the soul or with ultimate healing.
Read the rest of this article...
Dr. Kumar to do regular blogging on PBS's website - Next Avenue
Next Avenue - Where Grown-ups Keep Growing
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America is in the midst of an age boom and with it, an amazing transition. In general, those over the age of 50 are expected to live longer than any previous generation. So the question of what to do with this next stage of life is foremost on the minds of persons in that age category.
Enter Next Avenue: a group of public television people and journalists who, for the most part, are experiencing the very same things you are. Like you, they see both challenges and opportunities and recognize that what everyone needs right about now is an abundance of reliable information that can help us figure out...what's next.

They aim to deliver that-in a way that's both smart and accessible. We are proud to announce that our own Dr. Kumar will be a regular blogger on Next Avenue. Her first blog is entitled "Midlife Crisis - or Power Surge?" Follow this link: Dr. Kumar's PBS Blog and you'll be connected right to the Next Avenue blog site. We encourage our patients to subscribe to Next Avenue's e-newsletter which will send weekly articles, blogs, slideshows and videos that address a wide range of financial, caregiving, health and lifestyle topics.
Be Kind to Yourself
Shelly Carpenter
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I often start our yoga classes by setting the intention to "be kind to ourselves". I feel that we need this reminder, not only in our yoga practice, but in our lives.

In our society, we tend to take an all-or-nothing approach. We often feel that something is not worthwhile unless we're pushing beyond our limits, "going for the gold", often resulting in harm to ourselves and others. Fatigue, burnout, illness, pain, strained relationships, and discontent are often the signs that we haven't been kind to ourselves.
Read the rest of this article...
Psychotherapist - Stephanie Delmore
Now accepting most insurance plans
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We're happy to announce, effective this month, Stephanie is accepting insurance reimbursement. Call our office to learn what Stephanie accepts and to set up your appointment.
Yoga Classes
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November Class Schedule:
- Tuesdays, 9 am: November 6th-27th, $44 for 4 week session. (next class is 3 weeks only: Dec 4-18, $33 for 3 weeks)
- Mondays, 6 pm: November 26th-December 17th, $44 for 4 week session.
To register for one of the classes, call the instructor, Shelley Carpenter, at 414.217.4185 or email her at
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