New Year 2014  Message from

Molly Greacen, Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist, Dipl Ac, CH

Getting good sleep - a new approach
Wholistic self treatment for morning sickness
Doing a cleanse for the New Year 

January 2014              

pink flowers

Happy New Year!!!


Welcome to a brand spanking new year, full of possibility and creativity. To help nurture ourselves during winter, we can do things in our homes to inspire us, such as having fresh flowers, cleaning out clutter, and making space for something new in the coming year.  As we go through this cold and often dark winter, seeds lie dormant as life slows down,  that will later manifest as new beginnings, ideas, exciting projects, new relationships.


What is more important than good sleep? Using herbal sleep aids really can help get your sleep back on track. This is addition to good sleep habits. What if this is not enough?

I am using products in my practice that help regulate adrenal imbalances, specifically excess cortisol, that keep your nervous system on high alert.

Some of these include Sleep Thru by Gaia Herbs, Cortisol Manager by Metagenics, Adpatocrine and Seriphos by Apex Energetics.  Doing a saliva test to assess adrenal health can give useful information. Please read the article on this by Tori Hudson, N.D.


I am including an aritcle on wholistic self care for pregnant women with morning sickness. 

 If you find yourself feeling tired, getting sick a lot, weak immune system, depressed, irritable, anxious, suffering from allergies or headaches,  PMS, and menstrual disorders, it might be a good time for an acupuncture tuneup and doing a short cleanse.
We can help our body cleanse by doing a detox program with a protein supplement designed to support your body.
See the coupon at the bottom for a special on detox
products,  as well as a $50 special on an acupuncture visit to plan your winter detox.

The Role of Cortisol in Sleep

by Tori Hudson, ND and Bradley Bush, ND

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis interacts with sleep in multiple ways. This article reviews the effects of the HPA axis on sleep and the converse. The hormones secreted by the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary that interact with the adrenal cortex are discussed, with implications on sleep disturbances and insomnia. A review of the stages of sleep and sleep architecture is given, and particular attention is paid to the role of cortisol.
click on this link to read more:


By Molly Greacen, Lic Ac


Nausea during pregnancy or morning sickness affects 50-80% of women. For many women, this occurs throughout the day and even into the night. Most women experience it beginning between week 5 and 6, gradually diminishing until week 12 to 16. Elevated hormonal levels of hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) secreted by the placenta and/or progesterone secreted by the ovaries have been understood to be the cause.


In traditional Chinese Medicine, there are a variety of patterns causing this, and all include what is called "strong upward rebellious energy of the stomach." Acupuncture helps by strengthening the energetic function of the stomach, and correcting underlying disharmonies, such as "liver qi stagnation and deficient spleen Qi with dampness."


The following dietary advice is recommended to reduce the energetic workload of the digestive system.

In This Issue
Getting good sleep
self care for monring sickness
half off coupon


Molly offers a free 15 minute consultation by phone or in person.
 Feel free to contact her at:

Molly Greacen,
 Lic Ac ,Dipl Ac, CH

3625 Conifer Court,
 Boulder, CO 80304


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  • Hydrate! It is very important not to get dehydrated. Becoming even slightly dehydrated will make the nausea worse. Dry lips, feeling thirsty and reduced urine output are signs that your fluid intake is inadequate. If your urine output decreases to only 1 x a day, you need to let your doctor or midwife know. If you are having difficulty drinking fluids, concentrate on having small amounts frequently. Try soups (potato soup can be useful as it is bland), or warm teas like ginger or peppermint. If burping makes you feel better, carbonated drink may help settle the stomach. It is recommended to drink 8 to 12 glasses of water a day, so do what you can!
  • Have small regular snacks, to keep your blood sugar stable. Eat a small snack every 1 � hour to 2 hours, before the empty, hungry feeling sets in. It could be a few almonds, � a sandwich or piece of fruit, etc. It is a delicate balance, as overeating will intensify the nausea. Avoid sweets or juices which will quickly elevate your blood sugar, instead consuming slower releasing carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, whole grains and potatoes. A high protein snack before bed (like nuts or yogurt) and a carbohydrate based snack like crackers or toast upon waking might work well.
  •  Ideally, pregnant women should consume 75 to 100 grams of protein daily. Listen to your body and find foods that work well for you. Warm drinks and soups help if you are cold and tired. Rest if you can during the time of day when you feel the worst.

Some things that have helped women include:

  • Chamomile, fennel, anise, peppermint, red raspberry or ginger tea (can add honey), ginger ale, mineral water with lemon, potato soup, umeboshi plum tea (1/2 tsp of the paste in boiling water, can add honey).
  • Foods: Almonds, baby rice cereal, non gluten crackers, dried fruit (especially apricots and raisins), egg sandwiches, grapefruit, non gluten pasta/noodles, peaches, pears, potato, yoghurt, baked vegetables, cooked and raw fruit, well-cooked grains, broths and gravies, ginger candy or peppermints, nourishing beef or chicken stew with root vegetables. Make your food choices all organic and non-gluten if possible.

Take prenatal vitamins after lunch or dinner with food.

Citrus and Pinellia Combination (also known as curing pills) is helpful, and you can take one capsule with each meal. Another way to take it is by making a tea, and sipping it throughout the day.

Rainbow Light brand has a morning sickness combination with B6 and herbs. Sea sickness bracelets can be purchased at your health food store, and worn on your wrist to put pressure on an acupuncture pt called Pericardium 6. Pressure can also be applied frequently to this point and to Kidney 27.  Walking helps, so get out for a little exercise every day. 

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Special offer on detox product - Ultraclear Plus Powder, plus booklet, for 10 or 28 day detox diet.  
$50 special on acupuncture session to go along with your detox program.
Offer Expires: April 2014