This week, I did something that I have wanted to do for some time- I toured a structural steel fabrication shop. I know some of you may be thinking, "what a nerd," but I seized the opportunity and was very impressed.
I was able to witness the fabrication of one the most fascinating steel structures engineered by our firm so far. The elegant tower will be located at a music festival site. This 37-acre open air site on the Las Vegas Strip is currently under construction, and it will be the location for a festival that will feature some of the biggest names in music, attracting about 80,000 fans over two weekends this summer. This exposed steel tall tower will facilitate an amusement ride flying high above the crowd during performances. We will name and feature the project in more detail, including naming the project team members, in the next two to three months in Structural Moments, so stay tuned!
Now, let's get back to my shop visit.
Surprisingly, the shop is located right here in Las Vegas, not really known for more than the entertainment industry. As soon as I stepped into the shop, I was struck with awe at the sight of the impressive steel elements that form the structure, the smell and sound of welding and grinding, and the hustle and bustle of the iron workers as I watched it coming together. The overall tower shape geometry and restrictions on the choice of member sections and connections make this structure especially challenging to design and fabricate.
To see what began as an idea drawn as a pretty picture go on to be engineered, then permitted, then detailed, then fabricated, then shipped to site and finally built is immensely gratifying. My visit gave me a renewed sense of appreciation for the steel detailers and iron workers and their impressive work.
I never cease to be amazed by the process of bringing projects to life and by the talented people like you who make it possible. To be a part of it and among you is what keeps me going every day.
Best Regards,