The grandfather of structural mechanics Isaac Newton said, "Truth is ever to be found in the simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things." Another great designer, Leonardo da Vinci, said, "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication". We believe in and have been applying simplicity in the structural design of our projects for many years.
Selecting the simplest structural system for a project is the first and most important step, which is not an easy task. Even a seasoned engineer can be derailed by the constantly changing codes and other non-structural and political influences. For instance, the choice to use concrete versus steel may not always be based on what's best for the project. Navigating through multiple system choices to select the simplest and maintaining simplicity throughout design and construction requires a strong belief in this principle. To apply it, knowledge, experience and tenacity are also essential.
Simplicity of design and documentation adds great value that may not be obvious to everyone. Reduced, if not entirely eliminated, errors, delays, frustrations and cost over-runs are some of the great benefits of keeping things simple. Simplicity, however, does not mean compromising architectural or structural integrity. The opposite is true; in addition to enhancing the design and construction, simplicity also improves quality and performance. It makes projects more economical and their execution run smoothly.
Simplifying the complicated by finding the perfect balance between comprehensiveness and ease of use requires hard work. It is, however, the kind of work we enjoy the most.
Best Regards,